
Eden's Generation

**WARNING SPOILERS FOR THE FIRST FEW CHAPTERS** In the Aozora Galaxy exists 3 Planets that are constantly at war with each other. Planet Dynatos where it's inhabitants have a large amount of mana and a sturdy body but are behind in technology, then there is Planet Exynia where it's inhabitants have little to no mana but they are super intelligent and are much more technology advanced, and last but not least are Planet Avari where human resides, where human doesn't possess as much mana as the people of Dynatos and doesn't have as much intelligence as the people of Exynia, but humans have the potential to surpass them. After an intense battle, that caused the death of Rayden's best friend, he felt that life is now meaningless. Ray have become depressed and keep thinking that he should have died instead of his best friend. Until one day he decided to end it all, but he only wants to die while fighting, so he secretly take a mission that is too strong for him alone. But even that won't kill him. Feeling that he's out of option, he decided to die with his own hand, but before he could do that, he saw a child injured with his dead mother in the middle of the snowfield. Will Ray found meaning in life once more? Will that child be the key to curing Ray? *It's both sci fi and fantasy* *Just a head up, I'm trying to make this story continue down the lineage like Jojo's Bizzare Adventure* *Also this is my first time ever writing a story so I'm sorry if there are mistakes*

RelRel · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Three Worlds

"In our Aozora Galaxy there exist 3 planets that are occasionally at war with each other.

The first one is Planet Exynia, where it's inhabitants have weak bodies and a small amount of mana, but they manage to overcome their weakness with their intelligence.

The inhabitants of Planet Exynia are called The Voran, their characteristics are that they have a pale white skin, blue hair, a technologically advanced bodysuit armor that made them powerful, and because of their weak bodies, the majority of the Voran are skinny"

Then there is Planet Dynatos, where in contradictory to The Voran, it's inhabitants have a great amount of mana and sturdy bodies but they're not considered the smartest as they are still several centuries behind in term of technological development in comparison to ours and The Vorans.

There are 2 main races in Dynatos, the first one is the Four-armed folks also known as the Quadran, and the second one is the half dragon half men folks also known as the Drakon.

The Quadrans characteristics are that they have 4 arms, a reddish tan brown colored skin, white hair, yellow eyes, 2 Horns poking out of the side of their head above their slightly pointy ears, and because of their sturdy body, the majority of both the Quadran and the Drakon have bodies with tight muscles and with the height of 2 meters on average.

And speaking of The Drakons, their characteristics are that they have a similar skin tone to us, their hair are the same color as their element; for example if their elements are water then their hair is going to be a shade of blue, then they also have a slightly pointy ears, a large scaley dragon tail coming out of their lower back, small wings that hides in their clothes and enlarge when in used, two horns coming out of their forehead bending up and to the back, and that they can transform into a fully-fledged dragon for their trump card.

And then last but not least, our home planet, Avari where our human race resides. In comparison we may not be as advanced as the Vorans nor are we as strong as the Quadrans and the Drakons, but with the combine power of our intelligence that far surpasses the inhabitants of Dynatos and our magic power that far surpasses the Vorans, we manage to pose a threat in this never-ending war. They fear us humans, because we have the potential to surpasses both of them in their own specialty. But do not get this over your head, because currently right now if we did an all out war against them, we'll lose. Also to note, this may be just my personal opinion, but we must not discriminate against them, they also lives life just like us, they also have families and friends."

"And that concludes my lesson for now, does anyone have a question?" said by what it seemed to be a professor to a class of students.

Then a boy student raises his hand "Is it really true that us human can stand a chance against them?"

The professor smiles "Yes that's right, if we nurtured the next generation correctly and unleash their potentials, we can win this war."

Then another student asks the professor "Then Professor Luke, how far is this so called "Next generation" that you speak of? Do you think that our generation in the future can be the one to win this war and take control of Exynia and Dynatos?"

Professor Luke slightly frown and sighs "Hmmm, yes if you study and train seriously, your generation can be the one who'll stop the war. But also remember what I said a moment ago! We must not discriminate against them, while yes I do want to stop this war, I do not want us human to take control and rule their planets in tyranny! I want this war to stop in a peaceful way, I want a future where all of the races can live together in harmony without hatred."

The students are bewildered, then one student speaks "Is that even a possibility at this point?"

Professor Luke sighs then look outside the window at the sky "Maybe, maybe not, I hope it is possible, but I don't know what the future holds for us."

The students continue to murmurs at Professor Luke's statement just now

"I guess that's enough for today, no homework for today" Professor Luke says as he packs up his belonging to leave the class.

The professor just now is Professor Luke Aslan, he is a professor at Ezra Academy, one of the many schools of magic in Avari. He is a lean young man in his mid-twenties, with yellow eyes, and a quite long dark red hair tied in a ponytail. He has two jobs as a professor and as an mercenary.

While Avari is quite technologically advanced, there are still a big part of Avari that is still dangerous and filled with monsters. And that is where the mercenary comes into play, they slay said monster and protect the peaceful area from any monster outbreak. Other than slaying monsters in the wild, mercenaries also conquers dungeon filled with monster and also participate in the war. While there also exist knights, many prefers being a mercenary as they are a lot more free. All 3 planets suffer this same fate and also have their own sets of mercenaries.

~at night~

Luke is sitting on his bed at home with a sour look still thinking of that one student question "Is it really not possible? Am I stupid for thinking that we can come to an agreement with the other races?"

"I used to think that it's fine that if people don't believe that it's possible, but after so long, just hearing people say that it's impossible is really making me feel that it really is just some farfetched dream."

*knock* *knock*


Then Elora Aslan, his wife comes in the room

Elora Aslan is a beautiful lady with a light brown skin with a long straight bright red hair and green eyes. They met when they're in high school and after many ups and downs they married at the age of 23 and are now looking forward to their first baby"

"Darling, why the sour look?"

"it's just that I've been beginning to think that maybe a peaceful way to stop the war is impossible."

"Oh darling, look at me! Believe in yourself, and if you find it hard to do, then believe in me your beloved wife who believes in you!" Elora nags.

"Also, you'll disappoint your clan member if you start talking like that in front of them"

Luke chuckles "Yeah, you're right Elora, I'm sorry for ever doubting myself"

"Good, I forgive you. Oh right! Dinner is ready"

Luke smiles as he sees his wife hurriedly getting out of the room to go to the dining room

Then suddenly Luke's phone rings

"Oh, hey Ray! What's up?"

"Well, you sound awfully happy" Ray snort to Luke through the phone

"Yeah, after all my beautiful wife has just comforted me" Luke grins


"Oh right, you're single again aren't you" Luke mocks his friend

"Oh, shut up, I just haven't found the right one yet" Ray retorts back

"Uggh never mind, I've got something to tell you" Ray switched becoming serious

"What is it?"

"Meet me in the adventurer guild tomorrow, we got assigned an SS-Rank mission"

Luke becomes serious "Okay, I'll meet you tomorrow"

Ok so forgive me if there are some error as this is my first time ever writing a story, also feel free to crticize it

also follow my twitter @Rel_is_taken

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