
Edelweiss the Sword Empress

A male agent who always gets a mission to disguise himself as a girl because of his very feminine appearance with the codename "White" dies in a plane crash. He wakes up with the body of a 10-year-old girl, he never expected that in his life to become a real woman, he quickly adapts to his new body because his job is always disguised as a girl and decides that his new identity is "Edelweiss".

Harushia · Fantasía
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8 Chs


After arriving and entering Alfrea's office, Alfrea uses magic to isolate the sound in the room to prevent people from eavesdropping.

"So, what happened to you Roy?" (Alfrea)

"My family and I were ambushed by bandits blocking Grafton's main route and were injured, as you can see, I was able to escape from them, I didn't think that they would block the mountain route as well" (Roy)

"So, they also blocked the mountain route, they don't allow anyone to get away from Grafton eh" (Alfrea)

"When my family and I were running away, we were attacked by a pack of wolves, we are still lucky to be alive right now thanks to Edelweiss being near our location" (Roy)

Roy explained to Alfrea and looked at Edelweiss and Alfrea followed looking at Edelweiss. Alfrea looked confused because no matter how she looked at her, Edelweiss only looked like an ordinary noble daughter. Roy who saw the flustered Alfrea told Alfrea while smiling wryly.

"Don't be fooled by her meek appearance, even though she looks like that her abilities are the real deal, I don't know if she's serious already or not, but I can guarantee her strength is more than B rank adventurer" (Roy)

Alfrea was surprised to hear Roy's statement. As for Edelweiss herself, she just tilted her head as if she didn't understand anything and acted as if she was an innocent girl.

"Also, regarding bandits, it might surprise you Alfrea"(Roy)

Alfrea turned her attention to Roy Back.

"Surprise me?" (Alfrea)


Roy nodded his head and spoke.

"The identity of the bandits is the adventurers who left Grafton 1 month ago, well maybe not all but the one who attacked me was one of them" (Roy)

Hearing that Alfrea was just silent because she was too shocked when she heard the harsh reality, Roy continued.

"Alfrea, you already suspect the mayor, right? The mayor and the bandits must be working together, there's nothing wrong with that" (Roy)

Alfrea was annoyed. She couldn't do anything because she didn't have any strong evidence until now, and even though she knew the identity of the bandit, it still didn't change anything if she didn't have evidence of the mayor's involvement in this case.

Seeing Alfrea expression like that Edelweiss started to speak.

"You know because Uncle Roy is back maybe the news about him back is already known by them, and they will try to get rid of Uncle Roy soon maybe tonight?" (Edelweiss)

"Aha because I managed to escape and brought information about them, the mayor was afraid that his conspiracy plan would be exposed and wanted to get rid of me as soon as possible eh" (Roy)


Edelweiss nodded

"So that's how it is..." (Alfrea)

"We don't need to make plans that are too complicated just a simple one, even if we want to make a complicate one, we don't have that much time anyway" (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss continued.

"We can use the person who will assassinate Uncle Roy and his family later as evidence of the mayor and his conspirator's involvement in this conspiracy" (Edelweiss)

"Hmm that's right" (Alfrea)

"Let me take care of the assassins and the bandits out there" (Edelweiss)

"Are you sure Edelweiss?" (Roy)

Roy hesitated to hand it over to Edelweiss if she was alone who do it.

"Why not just call me Edel? And yes, I'm sure of my decision. With me moving alone then I can move fast alone and quickly take care of the bandits out there because the distance is quite far, right?" (Edelweiss)

"How do you get to their base quickly Edel?" (Rhea)

Rhea, who had been silent all this time, asked Edelweiss on behalf of all of them in the room.

"Well, I will use the same method when I came to save you, aunty actually at that time the distance between my location and your location is not too far but not too close either. I just need to run as fast as I can like what I did when I save you" (Edelweiss)

They all fell silent with Edelweiss's words. Their expressions said is this girl's head alright? Edelweiss who saw their expressions like that showed her pout face at them and spoke.

"I'm serious, uncle you can't see my movements at that time, right?" (Edelweiss)

"Ah so running while using magic" (Roy)

Roy said that while nodding his head showing that he understood.

"I don't use magic really, it's just one of technique martial art. Honestly I don't know how to use magic" (Edelweiss)

Roy and Rhea both blinked at what Edelweiss said. Because according to them the movement shown by Edelweiss was amplified by magic like strengthening magic. But in reality, Edelweiss doesn't use magic at all, let alone use magic she just found out that magic exists.

"Now if I think back, I don't feel you using mana at all" (Roy)

While recalling while holding his chin.

Ho… so another energy I feel in my body is mana, so I can use magic too if I want.

Edelweiss finally found out what other energy she feels inside her body.

"Yep, I only use [Ki] and martial art techniques" (Edelweiss)

Edelweiss told them while tilting her head as if it was a natural thing in the world.

"So that's how it is" (Roy)

"Yep-yep we can talk about it later, now let's continue the plan we are going to do" (Edelweiss)


They all nodded.

"How about this, after Edel takes care of the assassins who target Roy and his family you go straight to the bandit's headquarters, then I will restrain the mayor and his conspirators from escaping from the city, after that, I will send some people to help you to deal with the rest such as cleaning the mess and taking them back here"(Alfrea)

Alfrea tells them her opinion and waits for their response.

"Well, I don't mind that way" (Edelweiss)

"Well after my role as bait is over, I'll help you looking for evidence" (Roy)


Alfrea nods.

"Finally, I can act now" (Alfrea)

Alfrea was relieved that she could finally act. Because all this time she couldn't do anything. Well since she overheard and saw what Mayor Grafton was doing shady things secretly. Alfrea was secretly investigating what the mayor was up to, but she didn't get the result she wanted therefore she was very relieved now that she had a reliable ally.

"Okay now let's go home and rest for a while, Edel you also come to my house" (Roy)

Rhea nodded her head in agreement with Roy's words.

"Alright" (Edelweiss)


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