
Echoes Of The Abyss

"A daring group of gang members ventures into a notorious haunted house in search of a legendary and mysterious monster. As they navigate the eerie halls and encounter unexplained phenomena, tensions rise within the group, revealing their individual fears and motivations. It soon becomes apparent that the true danger may not come from the supernatural, but from the haunted pasts of those who entered the house. The story delves into themes of bravery, the unknown, and the darkness that resides within us all."

chizzy_writes · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Chapter 15: Wildflower

**Logan's POV**

After the tense meeting, Logan rose from his seat, his mind swirling with a mixture of anger and determination. The meeting had been fraught with tension as Daxion's leadership was called into question, and Logan's frustration had only grown as he witnessed the unrest among the pack.

With purposeful strides, he made his way towards Daxion's chamber, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the situation than met the eye, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Entering the chamber, Logan's gaze locked onto Daxion, his eyes ablaze with a fierce resolve. "I need to speak with you," he declared, his voice tinged with urgency.

Daxion's expression shifted from surprise to guarded suspicion as he regarded Logan. His eyes narrowed slightly, betraying a hint of apprehension at Logan's unexpected visit. 

Logan felt a surge of frustration at Daxion's deflection. "Why did you order Anna's abduction?" he pressed, his voice steady despite the rising tension in the room.

"Why do you accuse me of such actions?" he countered, his tone defensive.

Daxion's features darkened with indignation, but there was a flicker of something else in his eyes – guilt, perhaps, or fear. "Why would I resort to such tactics when I could easily obtain her cooperation?" he shot back, his voice laced with accusation.

Though Daxion's words held a semblance of truth, a seed of doubt lingered in the air. Logan stood firm, his motivation clear.

A menacing growl rumbled in Daxion's throat as he advanced towards Logan, his presence looming over him like a shadow. "You will obey my commands," he threatened, his grip tightening around Logan's neck.

Refusing to cower under Daxion's intimidation, Logan met his gaze with unyielding defiance. "I am in love with Anna Smith," he declared boldly, the words ringing with conviction. "This ends now, Daxion. If you ever attempt such an act again, you will face the consequences."

With that, Logan broke free from Daxion's grasp and stormed out of the chamber, leaving Daxion to stew in his own thoughts.

As Logan walked away, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins, his heart still racing from the confrontation. Though doubts lingered in his mind, he remained steadfast in his resolve to protect Anna and defy Daxion's tyranny.

★★★★★Back To The Mansion ★★★★

Anna was at the dining table patiently waiting for Logan. she was very bored she wanted to explore the house but not alone, but with Logan by her side. Soon the door creaked open as she walked towards the library she walked further into the corridor then suddenly the door slammed shut behind her. She slowly turned her head to see what it was, at this point her heart was pounding against her chest. 

 As Logan entered the corridor, his heart skipped a beat at the sight of Anna. Her presence brought a wave of relief amidst the tension of the moment. However, as he took in her startled expression, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for inadvertently startling her.

"Anna, what are you doing here?" Logan asked, concern lacing his voice as he approached her.

Anna's response was a mixture of surprise and exasperation. "Damn it, Logan, you scared me," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

Logan's instinct was to offer her comfort, and he pulled her into a tight embrace, feeling her warmth against his chest. In that moment, all he wanted was to protect her from any harm.

As their bodies pressed together, Logan's senses were overwhelmed by Anna's scent, a delicate blend of wildflowers and sunshine. His heart raced as he felt her softness against him, but he willed himself to focus on ensuring her safety.

Their embrace lingered for a moment before Logan's lips found Anna's, his kiss filled with tenderness and longing. Anna responded eagerly, her passion matching his own as they lost themselves in the sweetness of the moment.

But beneath the surface, Logan's thoughts churned with a mix of desire and uncertainty. Anna was unlike anyone he had ever met, her presence stirring emotions within him that he struggled to comprehend.

Note:The next chapter is rated 18+ Matured content