
Echoes of love

This is a story of love’s unwavering resonance, where past and present converge, and where a haunting melody becomes the bridge between two souls, separated by circumstance but forever connected by an unbreakable bond. “Echoes of Love” is an exploration of the supernatural, an ode to the ethereal, and a testament to the timeless nature of true love.

Hrusikesh_Rout · Adolescente
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7 Chs

Chapter- 1 (Love’s Unspoken Melody)

Riti and Himesh had shared a deep and affectionate bond 

that had grown through the years. They were inseparable, 

their laughter echoing through the quiet streets of their 

small town. Their love story was one of innocence and pure 


It all began when they were children, their friendship 

evolving into something more meaningful as they grew 

older. Himesh was known for his enchanting voice and 

loved singing for Riti under the moonlit sky. Their love was 

like a song, sweet and melodious. 

But as time passed, something changed. It was a warm 

summer evening when Riti suddenly stopped talking to 

Himesh. He tried to reach out, to understand what had 

gone wrong, but she remained distant, her eyes avoiding 

his gaze. He was baffled and heartbroken, unable to 

comprehend why their perfect melody had suddenly 

turned dissonant. 

Riti began spending time with someone new, a stranger to 

Himesh. It was painful for him to watch her laugh, listen to 

music, and share moments with another person. The 

emptiness in his heart grew with each passing day. He 

wondered if he had done something wrong, something to 

drive Riti away. 

In the depths of his despair, Himesh decided to confront 

Riti. He found her one evening, sitting by the river they had 

once frequented. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears, 

and her voice trembled as she spoke. 

"Himesh," she began, her voice barely audible. "I never 

wanted to hurt you. I met someone else, but it's not about 

love. It's about a promise I made to my mother."

Himesh listened in disbelief as Riti explained that her 

mother had made her promise to marry a boy from a 

neighboring village, a decision made when she was just a 

child. Riti had tried to resist the arranged marriage, but the 

weight of her promise was too heavy to bear. 

Tears welled up in Himesh's eyes as he realized the truth. It 

wasn't that Riti had fallen out of love with him; it was the 

pressure of a promise she couldn't break that had torn 

them apart. He knew he had to let her go to fulfill her 

mother's wish. 

Months passed, and Himesh watched from a distance as 

Riti married the boy from the neighboring village. He 

attended the wedding, his heart heavy with sorrow. He 

knew that their love had been true, but circumstances had 

forced them onto different paths. 

Riti's eyes met Himesh's one last time at the wedding, and 

they shared a moment of silent understanding. It was a 

melody of love that couldn't be erased, a tune that would 

remain in their hearts forever. 

Himesh continued to sing, his voice carrying the bittersweet 

memories of their love. He knew that sometimes, love 

stories couldn't have the ending you hoped for, but the love 

itself was always worth cherishing. 

And so, Riti and Himesh moved on with their lives, forever 

carrying the memory of a love that was as pure as the notes 

of a melody that lingered in the air long after the song had 
