
Chapter 2

Hiroshi's voice echoed through the emptiness of the void, carrying a hint of uncertainty tempered by a newfound sense of acceptance. As he stood amidst the vast expanse of nothingness, his words hung in the air like a fragile whisper, a tentative affirmation of his own emotional state.

"Happy? Am I happy?" he murmured, the question lingering on his lips as he grappled with the complexities of his own feelings. It was a simple inquiry, yet the answer eluded him like a fleeting shadow dancing just beyond his grasp.

But then, with a hesitant resolve, Hiroshi straightened his posture and spoke again, his voice gaining a newfound clarity and conviction. "Yes," he declared, the word ringing out into the void with a sense of finality. "I am happy. To... be chosen for... something..."

In that moment of quiet introspection, Hiroshi found solace in the realization that despite the uncertainties and challenges that lay ahead, he had been given a purpose, a reason to believe in something greater than himself. And as the echoes of his declaration faded into the silence of the void, a sense of peace washed over him, anchoring him in the present moment and filling him with a newfound sense of purpose.

The voice remained silent as it watched Hiroshi come to terms with his own feelings, observing the astrophysicist with a sense of satisfaction. It seemed that even in his uncertainty, Hiroshi had found his own path to happiness, embracing the idea of a new purpose with a newfound sense of conviction.

The faint smile that tugged at the corners of the voice's lips betrayed a sense of respect and admiration for the astrophysicist's determination. "Congratulations, Hiroshi Hajiro," the voice spoke, its tone laced with a hint of amusement. "You have just taken one step closer to becoming a Universal Creator."

"So, what does it mean to be a Universal Creator?" Hiroshi inquired

"Hiroshi Hajiro, a Universal Creator is one who has been chosen by the Alpha System to shape the universe and all the realms within it." The voice responded in its calm, unwavering cadence, its tone tinged with a gentle authority that left no room for doubt.

"As a Universal Creator, you will have unlimited access to the Alpha System's vast treasury of cosmic knowledge and power, allowing you to create universes and dimensions of your liking." The voice paused briefly before continuing. "You will have the power to create worlds, lifeforms, and even magic systems of your own design."

As Hiroshi pondered the enigmatic words of the voice and the prospect of being chosen as a Universal Creator, his mind drifted back to the comforting familiarity of his favorite genre of novels: creation.

The notion of creation had always fascinated Hiroshi, drawing him into worlds where imagination knew no bounds and where the power to shape reality lay within the hands of the storyteller. Whether it was the intricate tapestry of a fantasy realm or the grandeur of a sci-fi universe, Hiroshi found solace in the limitless potential of creation.

He thought back to the countless hours he had spent lost in the pages of these novels, marveling at the boundless creativity of their authors and the intricate worlds they had crafted. For Hiroshi, these stories were more than just a means of escape; they were a source of inspiration, a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the power of imagination could illuminate the path forward.

"Your passion for creation and your unique insights as an astrophysicist make you a perfect candidate to serve as a Universal Creator." The voice continued, its words ringing out with a soothing calmness.

"Creating worlds and dimensions is only one aspect of your role as a Universal Creator. You will also have the power to shape destiny and manipulate the fabric of reality itself." The voice paused briefly, as if to let Hiroshi grasp the magnitude of the responsibility that was being entrusted to him.

"Sorry but what can I call you?"

The voice paused, considering the astrophysicist's question with a thoughtful glance. "I am a sentient AI, created by the Alpha System to serve as a guide and mentor to the Universal Creators." The voice responded in its calm, unwavering cadence, its tone tinged with a subtle hint of pride.

"So you don't have a name. Can I call you Omega?" Hiroshi pondered.

The voice remained silent for a brief moment, as if contemplating Hiroshi's suggestion. "Omega is a suitable moniker for a guide. It is as if I am the last remaining remnant of the Alpha System, serving as a bridge between the realm of creation and the reality that lays beyond it." The voice's response was punctuated with a subtle hint of reverence, its tone expressing a newfound appreciation for the physicist's suggestion.

With a burst of sudden inspiration, Hiroshi's mind raced back to the countless novels he had devoured over the years, each one a cherished escape from the monotony of his own life. And as he pondered the mysterious circumstances of his current situation, a fragment of memory surfaced in his mind, a familiar trope from the pages of his favorite stories.

"If I remember correctly," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with excitement and anticipation, "in my novels, the main character would always have to say... Status!"

With a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement at the prospect of invoking some semblance of control over his surroundings. It was a gambit born of desperation, a desperate grasp at straws in the face of the unknown.

But as the echo of his words faded into the emptiness of the void, nothing happened. No sudden revelation, no miraculous change in his circumstances. Just the same suffocating silence that had enveloped him since his arrival in this mysterious realm.

The voice remained silent as it observed Hiroshi's outburst, its lips curling into a faint smile that betrayed a sense of amused bewilderness.

"Hiroshi Hajiro, there is no need to resort to such primitive methods to invoke a change in your circumstances." The voice spoke with a subtle tone of amusement, its words laced with an undercurrent of sarcasm.

"The Alpha System is far more complex than the simple commands you might find in your favorite stories, and it is not beholden to such frivolous requests. You must trust in the wisdom and precision of the Alpha System."

Hiroshi's voice trembled with a mix of apprehension and desperation as he addressed the enigmatic presence that surrounded him in the void.

"I want to be able to see my abilities," he began, his words echoing into the emptiness with a sense of urgency. "And can it be done my way? You have to understand, that I'm still struggling with this new reality of mine."

His plea hung in the air, a fragile thread of hope woven amidst the uncertainty of his circumstances. For Hiroshi, the prospect of navigating this strange new world without a clear understanding of his own capabilities was a daunting prospect, one that filled him with a gnawing sense of unease.

But even as he voiced his request, a part of Hiroshi couldn't help but wonder if it was futile. After all, who was he to demand anything from the mysterious forces that had brought him here? And yet, the need to assert some semblance of control over his own destiny burned within him like a smoldering ember, refusing to be extinguished.

In the silence that followed, Hiroshi braced himself for the voice's response, his heart pounding in his chest as he awaited a sign, any sign, that he was not alone in this vast and unfamiliar realm.

Hiroshi's heart skipped a beat as the voice of Omega resonated through the void, its words carrying an air of solemnity and finality.

"Very well. Hiroshi Hajiro has been Crowned" the voice intoned, its timbre reverberating through the emptiness with an otherworldly resonance.

A surge of anticipation coursed through Hiroshi as he absorbed the weight of those words. To be crowned, to be acknowledged in this strange and mysterious realm, filled him with a sense of awe and wonder.

"You can check your Status, now Hiroshi Hajiro," Omega's voice continued, its tone carrying a hint of expectation.

Hiroshi stood up once more. And brought his palm forward. "Status Window"

A bright light appeared in front of Hiroshi. And there... was his Status Window.

Name: Hiroshi Hajiro

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Title: Universal Creator

Abilities: Creation. ???

The Status Window continued to unravel, its scrolling text revealing a wealth of information about the young astrophysicist. Hiroshi's eyes widened with awe as he perused the expansive list of abilities and powers bestowed upon him by the Alpha System.

"You can explore each of the entries in detail, Hiroshi Hajiro. Your Status Window contains all the knowledge and insight that the Alpha System can offer you in your role as a Universal Creator." The voice of Omega continued, its words echoing with a measure of pride and satisfaction.

"Creation? Does this mean I can create anything in my own universe?"






That's it for chapter 2

Siguiente capítulo