
ECHOES FROM MY MIND (A wave of pleasure)

Every thing in her life was happening fast, from the death of her parents to an arranged marriage by her uncle, while trying to escape these ordeal she got into the hands of kidnappers and got sold to a brothel. After pulling a stunt she got auctioned. Things got sour when the lord who bought her proposed marriage to her and she agreed... His sole aim was to end her life but what happens when he gets tangled in a web of unfamiliar emotions and his heart starts beating again. This is a forbidden romance between a human and a mystic, can they be together against all odds

Flekinovels · Fantasía
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11 Chs

I Want To Marry You


Lord Lazarus and Sandra made way to the dinning arena walking hand in hand. Regan noticed their presence and his blood boiled at the linking of their hands. Why was he reacting this way

"I brought her my Lord's Lazarus spoked as he unlinked their hands to bow, Sandra followed suite

"Leave us then" Regan replied in his icy tone, his face void of emotion

"Nooo, I want Lazarus to stay" Sandra protested. The last thing she wanted was to be alone with this creepy man again

"Leave us Lazarus" Regan repeated, his tone sounding deadly

"Okay my lord, I'll take your leave now " Lazarus replied as he bowed and exited the dinning arena.

Sandra glared daggers at Regan and then looked away, Regan grabbed his forklery and digged into the food. He took a bite and then grimaced as though it was the worst thing he ever tasted, he swallowed with great difficulty and then dropped his forklery. lamb stew, that was her favourite, she picked up her forklery and digged into her food "hmmm" she exclaimed as she savoured the taste of the stew, it was as delicious as it smelt, so then why was he giving faces as though it was the worst tasting food ever. As soon as she was done she sat upright as she had dented to access the food better

"My lord, don't you want to eat" she asked praying he'll say no, he shrugged slightly.

"I could help you" she volunteered and without waiting for a reply she grabbed his plate and emptied it, when it comes to food no need to pretend to be courteous

"My Lord, it was really tasty, thanks" she spoke as she wiped her mouth with her hand. Regan nodded slightly in response, what was so tasty about that soft thing, he couldn't say since he preferred his meat raw. Weird humans

"Do you know why I invited you" Regan asked as soon as she was done embarrassing herself

"Well I might not know persay but I know it's not just to entertain me Lord mystery" she replied smiling slightly

"Lord Mystery???" He asked as he furrowed his brow, she finally had the courage to say that to his face

"No, emmm..... my lord it slipped out" she stammered as soon as she realized what she had said

"Regan, that's my name" he told her

"Waoh Regan, Lord Regan, it's a beautiful name... What's the meaning though" she asked not knowing how to react. Regan stared at her, he hadn't even asked his parents that question

"I asked a question earlier" he changed the topic ignoring her question

"I must have missed it my lord, you can repeat it I'll listen"she replied still smiling

"I asked if you knew my reason for inviting you" he asked again surging down his temper

" I replied, I said I might...

" Do you want to know why I sent for you!!!!" Regan snapped causing Sandra to shiver

"Sorry lord Regan, yes I'll like to know " she replied as she shortened her speech as much as possible

" I want to marry you "....


Who is shocked

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