
Echo Reincarnation Journey Through Multiverse

Echo a genius that died being hit by wish granting star then got 5 wish for it.

AliefLucas · Cómic
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70 Chs


Echo Williams a genius child having a Photographic Memories and High Comprehensions making it easy for him to learn anything. He was born between a British father and an Indonesian mother making him quite handsome due to a mix gen between eastern and western gen. He lived with both parents in Bandung Indonesia. His father Edward Williams was an English professor in a College while his mother Linda Wulandari was a math teacher in a Highschool.

He was bullied when he was little because of his intellect and popularity between girls making his males classmates jealous of him. Because of an excessive bullying when he was 4th year elementary school he begged his parents to hire him a martial art instructor for him so he can protect himself. From then he mastered many martial art which is Silat, Krav maga, Muay Thai, Combat Savate, Jujitsu, Shaolin Kung Fu, Bajiquan and Kenjutsu. He also learn how to use spear and bo staff art from the Shaolin and use Kriss and Kujang from Silat.

Echo was a closet otaku because of having no friends his escape was in the form of watching anime's while imagining himself as the protagonist having a Nakama fighting alongside him. He was quite a lonely child.

This night was the night of his graduation from college. He graduated from Economic and Business Management Majors at the same time. After celebrating his graduation with both of his parents now he was alone watching the stars since he don't have anyone to celebrate with except his parents.

Echo POV

'Now that I graduate from college what should i do' Echo thought while watching the stars atop his car.

'Should I work for a company? Nope, it will be like when i take an internship where my coworkers and superiors become jealous of me because of my excellent work by bullying me and creating an obstacle for me. A desease Indonesian people contract with where they hate people who are more excellent than themselves. Making smart people from Indonesia run to overseas because their intelligence is not appreciated here. That's why this Nation has not advanced since theirs Independence day.' Echo thought while grumbling about his Nation.

Thid POV

While Echo was in his own world in the sky there's a falling star. This star has been existing since the creation of Multiverses and containing many energies from Multiverses creation making it having an intelligence. Since it's creation its have been traveling throughout the Multiverses and once in a while granting a wish to people who making a wish towards him when he was passing their planets creating a legend that your wish will be granted by wishing three times to a falling stars.

Having been granting many wish since its creation its energy have been depleted it can only grant five more wishes then it will dies. Having live for so long its wanting to die with a bang. When the star was thinking of this, its find Echo all alone daydreaming while watching the sky. It's change its course towards Echo then killing him by hitting itself while using all its energy to grant five of Echo wish.

Echo POV

Echo wake up finding himself in a place with a kaleidoscopic color without limits.

"Ugh... This is!! Where am I?" Echo thought while looking around.

??? : " Hello Echo!! For your information. You died!"

Echo : " WHAT?? Who are you? What do you mean that I died?"

??? : " My name is Ouroboros. I was a wish granting star. I was at the end of my life and quite bored of my life then i hit myself towards you who was alone at that time so i can die with a bang. Then i give you my remaining energy to grant your wish. You can make five wish before i reincarnated you."

Echo : " How can you just kill me like that? Damn it. Well whatever since it's already happened and there's no one who will be sad from my death except my parents. You said that you can grant me a wish how many wishes did I get?"

Ouroboros : " Wow, you're changing your gear so quickly. You have five wish and you can wish for anything but if the wish is too powerful I'll nerf it a bit."

Echo : " Wao, that many? Then for my first wish I want a powerful soul that everytime i died i will be able to reincarnate with my memories, abilities, bloodline, and talent that I have in all my lives brought along in my new live. The second wish i want a body that is fast to adapt then evolve unlimitedly that will correct everything that I perceive as flaws. My third wish I want Gate of Babylon but more powerful by having an Auto Update that everytime i was in a new world the wealth inside it will be increased by copying all the things in that world that i perceived as wealth and make it already filled with fate series world wealth for starter and include it with thing that Gilgamesh don't have like Avalon and all Heroic Spirits NP. For my fourth wish since I don't want to be alone throughout my Journey I wan to be able to bring anyone that I choose to reincarnated with me with their memories and abilities intact too. My last wish is for my parents to be happy for their lives and send them a message that even thought i died i was given a chance for a reincarnation so they don't have to be sad. So how it is? Can it be granted?"

Ouroboros : " Okay, i can grant all of them. But for your first wish the world you'll be reincarnated will be randomized but i can make it that only a world that you know from your world fiction will be choosen. Will that be okay?"

Echo : " Okay thanks for the opportunity. By the way can I choose how my face will be?"

Ouroboros : " Yes, you can. I can also make it permanent for every time you reincarnated with that face even if you're taking over someone body the face will change into your face and the world will recognize the new face as normal."

Echo: " Wow!! Then i want my face to look like Zangetsu or Yhwach from Bleach when he's young. So, when will i reincarnated?"

Ouroboros: " Okay that will be your face from now on. Also your memories will only be back to you when you're 3 yrs old so you don't have to be a baby everytime you're reincarnated and you're reincarnating NOW! Bye bye Echo."

After Ouroboros said that Echo blackouts while Ouroboros he died leaving a crater where he crashed the earth.