
Easily Betrayed

We rejoin Aimee and Namjoon and the wider BTS family a year after the last story ended. (2023) The BTS boys should be promoting a new album and touring before breaking to enlist in the Korean army, but things don't go to plan. We follow them through some troubling times where bonds could be broken and lives devastated. As this is set in the future it will be completely fictional. Some places may be real, others made up.

Laura_Smith_0905 · Famosos
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83 Chs

Chapter 24

When we arrive back at the house mine and Namjoon's parents and his Sister are there. He called them just before we were leaving the precinct and it seems they have rushed straight round. We had to make a stop at the shops and pick up formula and nappies as we hadn't done that yet, the first trip to the store for baby supplies being delayed because there was no baby to buy for.

We hug our families and the boys all come to congratulate us on Jangmi's safe return, they have a welcome home banner that was probably intended for when we were supposed to be discharged from the hospital. They are all so cute and thoughtful. Jimin looks behind us waiting for Lori and Yoongi to come in with their little bundle and looks concerned when they don't. "They have had to stay at the station so they can try and get a statement off of Yeong whilst it's all fresh in his head. They shouldn't be too much longer" I say hoping to calm his fear. He smiles, looking much more relaxed. "Both the kids are fine, they have been checked by a doctor and everything" I say loud enough so everyone hears.

Namjoon places the car seat down on the floor in the front room and goes to get a bottle ready for when she wakes up. His parents and sister follow him probably wanting to ask him questions about how the children were handed to the police and if they are close to catching Nari and Ahnjong or just to hug him and privately show their relief at their granddaughter being home.

My Mum rushed over to me and hugs me, then looks me up and down and tells me I am too thin but that she supposes she understands why. My Dad tells me I look good, and congratulates me on the birth of my baby and then thanks the lord that she is home. Both of them sit and stare at her sleeping in the car seat, and you can see they are willing her to wake up! I decide I should go and say hello to the Kim's so tell my parents I will be back in a minute and leave them with the 5 other boys to catch up.

As I approach the kitchen I hear Namjoon say "don't be ridiculous Mum of course she is mine!" I hang back hoping to hear more of this conversation without being spotted. "But the press have said she was intimate with Jimin so the baby could be his Namjoon. You have to get a DNA test to be sure" his mother pushes. I really thought that I had managed to get on his Mums good side. I have tried so hard to be the right kind of wife to him, always putting her baby boy first, making sure he is happy, giving him the child he wanted so desperately albeit perhaps a little bit before I was completely ready.

"Mum, I am not even going deeper into this conversation with you. Aimee would never cheat on me and Jangmi is my Daughter. Drop this now, the press don't know what they are talking about". He is firm with her and I am thankful. I would never do that too him. I know in my dreams I might have but doing something subconsciously doesn't mean you would do it when you were conscious does it?

I cough and make my presence known in the hallway and walk into the kitchen like I have no idea what they are talking about. "I thought I would make everyone a drink and we could have a little toast?" I say smiling and placing my arm around Namjoon's waist. All 4 of them look awkward at my presence so I ask "what's wrong?" I wait to see who talks first and see Joonie shoot his Mum a look as if to say 'don't you dare'. She doesn't say anything, but his sister does.

"Mum thinks the rumours about you and Jimin are true and that Jangmi isn't Namjoon's. Please tell her she is wrong and you haven't been with Jimin since London". Oh crap, Kyung-Min knew about that because Namjoon confided in her but no one else did until right now. She realises her mistake as Joon drops his head and exhales heavily and my face must turn either deathly pale or bright red! "Shit" she says aloud.

Namjoon's Mum explodes into a very loud rant "See Joonie, I told you she was no good for you! She is not the type of woman you should be with. If she has been with Jimin already what makes you think she hasn't again or even any of the other boys!" I am just about to give her both barrels when Namjoon looks at her and simply says "How dare you!" His Mum looks totally shocked by his reaction, I suppose expecting him to agree with her.

"That's my Wife and the woman I love you are bad mouthing! The Mother of your granddaughter for gods sake! Yes before I met her Aimee had a little fling with Jimin, but as soon as she knew I was serious about her she ended it! Her and Jimin are just friends now. You need to apologise or leave". He is steadfast with his words and his Mum does not like it. She looks at me and scoffs and walks out calling her Husband and Daughter to follow her. A few moments later we hear the front door slam.

"I am so sorry you have argued with your family over me honey" I say, really feeling for him because they are everything to him. He squeezes me tighter and lifts me on to the counter top and leans in bringing his mouth to mine, we kiss and he grabs my ass cheeks sliding me forward, I wrap my legs around him and push my hands up into his hair and he moves his lips down to my neck before biting it quite hard. I gasp at the pain, and he places a hand on my neck and pulls away, holding me tightly.

"You wouldn't sleep with any of the boys behind my back would you?" He asks but in a sexy role play kinda way so I play back "no Daddy, I wouldn't". He squeezes slightly more and with his other hand grabs my hair and in a low husk says "you would ask permission first wouldn't you if you wanted to fuck one of my brothers?" I am a little confused because he had made it very clear in London that he didn't want to share me but this sounds like he might be trying to float another threesome my way. What do I say? Is this a test? "I don't want anyone but you Daddy" I say back, sticking to the safe end of this conversation. He pulls my hair tighter and pushes his hips into me more making my legs widen, this is a total mind fuck, I love it, I want him to undress me and bend me over right now. "If I tell you to fuck one of my brothers you will do it, your my dirty girl remember and I am in charge of you".