
?? *Meet The Quadruple*

🤔.. *Addizen Isabella Clarrisa*..🤔 Point of view


Location -Rozette Residents

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 07:26

Quad age - 14

Addizen was in the kitchen making breakfast .. she unlike Draco have actually been up for ages ..

and had already gotten a hot shower early birds gets the worm and all that .Addizen prided herself on being the opposite of her siblings well two of them actually.. William was quite punctual when he wanted to be so 98.9 % of tiWorse Addizen on the other hand had already brushed out her long black hip length hair three times brushed her teeth twice flossed three times got dresses in a straight grey knee length skirt and a plain white top pulled her hair into a bun.. Had a cup of English tea and called Abigail Nightwearther .. her best friend for advice on her future educational needs.. .. But still if she was honest with herself something felt wrong today .. and Addizen hated days like these ..not knowing not having any control .. Everyone always said Addizen was the overprotective one that's why she felt trouble coming from a thousand miles always.. and she was right every time that is why she will loath today because the pain is coming and she is not sure for what she must be ready

... Addizen felt powerless and she hated it ...

That's when she saw William walk to the bathroom .. His red head was shaking left to right like his having a very frustrated inner monologue.

Oh not again ... William... Addizen said super speeding so she could stop her brother in his tracks ...Look at me Addizen said ..

William looked at her with ocean blue eyes..that had a glimpse of black passing through them ...

You let Alistair in again ...William you know how irresponsibly dangerous he is ..Addizen said..

I have it under control .. Besides it was not like I asked for this .. Alistair only popped up this morning ...William said ..

What does that mean ..Addizen asked walking alongside William

Death or Worse... William whispered

You feel it to .Don't you..Addizen realized

The storm coming ..yes I do ... would you mind William asked stopping at the bathroom door ..

Of course not ..Addizen.. said leaving her brother be and walking straight to Lea-Beth...

Oh .there you are...This dress or this one...Lea-Beth asked who was wearing a icy blue dress .. and holding a beautiful well Addizen though it was a beautiful grey dress in her left hand and a Rose pink one in the other ..

The grey Addizen said..

Perfect thank you .. Lea-Beth said.. putting on the rose pink with no cares in the world..

I said Grey ..Addizen told her

Yes what not to wear your style big no no.. Lea-Beth ...

Good news William I found the answer to the ill feeling I am about to kill our sister Addizen said know he heard he had super hearing they all did..

Addizen Lea-Beth they heard Draco whisper but they heard him well enough..

Hello Brother Addizen said ...


Location -Supernaturally Gifted Warriors ...School

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 13:15

Quad age - 14

Your hand flew up pretty fast there what do you want to know Abigail asked ...

I understand most of it .. but may I have permission to have a meeting with the top 10 strongest Fall children so that i might make my choice.. Addizen asked ..

You will need permission from your Elder for that ... speaking off when last have you spoken... Abigail asked ...

Since i tolld him ..I loath him and to something off and go something himself Addizen said sighing..

Oh ..Maybe you can make your choice some other way Abigail suggested.. ..

No my plan is set if you can just get him here then I can speak to him if it's not to much to ask..

Addizen said

Of course I don't mind any chance to speak to my dearest cousin Abigail said tapping her wrist a small tornado appeared ...and danced around Abigail...

Find Severus Nightfire and tell I wish to see him Abigail said... the mini tornado twirled one more time then sped off ...

If he shows I will let you know Abigail said leaving Addizen at her first class..


Location - Cafe le choc... Coffee shop

Date -12 August 2014...

Time - 16:45

Quad age - 14

What a day ..no seriously what a day .. Addizen said throwing herself next to Draco

Your books run away screaming Draco asked

You need your brain scanned and thoroughly checked Addizen said ..

That is what I been saying for years William said finding his seat ...

Oh my gosh you guys I tots saw the cutes top at Tracy's Lea-Beth said ..

Trace is having specials since when Addizen asked

Are they over does she have male fashion's William asked ..

SHUT UP .. Draco screamed

Addizen looked at him like he was crazy but she knew better then to question him but she knew better when she saw the fire in his eyes .. ..

That's when she felt the emotional storm ripping through her organs like a tornado.. and someone holding her to his or her chest ..Addizen really couldn't tell until it was over and she was in the arms of Draco in a cubicle..

Lea-Beth was screaming... William followed soon after ....

William's eyes was snow white ... when he said. they should go home ...