
Clan Library

The morning following the Transmigration of Chastain Grey into Aburame Mizi, Mizi got up early and performed her typical training routine in the clan training ground. The training location, although filled with around ten clan members, was pen-drop silent outside of the noise generated from training...you would never know that each was a member of the same close-knit family...

After Mizi finished training, she walked toward the clan library. It was located between the patriarch's home and the largest plot of land used as the habitat housing the rarest and most environmentally sensitive insects...

When Mizi saw the two-story library from the outside, she was surprised....she had never gone to the library before, but just assumed that her clan wouldn't have such an extensive knowledge reservoir as they don't need any non-clan-related techniques outside of a few...but she would come to find out that the legacy left behind by her clan from their time in the warring states era is not small, especially historical and technical information records...

The guard at the door, although surprised to see this particular Kunoichi coming to the clan library, didn't give it much thought.....sooner or later, everyone reaches a bottle-neck or lack of knowledge in training, despite how headstrong...the first place everyone goes to rectify such scenarios is obviously the clan library.

Usually, clan members would stare at one another and verify each other's true identity using insect communication but every ninja in the clan knew that Mizi was someone who couldn't control her insects....so the guarding male ninja held out his hand to stop Mizi...

"Mizi, good morning..." the man spoke in a dead-panned tone as he reached out to touch his fellow clan member's body, sending a few insects to confirm that this was Mizi as she should be housing the rare Kidaichu beetles within her body....a simply identification confirmation technique.

Mizi put up no resistance as trust between the Aburame clan was absolute...she simply nodded to the man, greeting him in proper Aburame fashion.

"Identity confirmed, happy reading..." the man moved back to his station as Mizi entered the two-story library that was completely empty of people. However, it was literally crawling with insects everywhere, showing that even if not physically present, many Aburame were watching over the clan's information..."


There are no restricted sections where only jounin have access to or anything like that....the only not-readily available knowledge was techniques that could cause danger to a clan member or their insects....many higher level techniques fell into this category but were not restricted, you simply needed to read the introduction located within the library. If you decide you want to learn the technique, you simply ask the attendant outside for the scroll...

After asking, if you didn't have the appropriate chakra or know-how, you were coached as best as possible on how to work towards being able to use the said technique...

Mizi walked directly to the sealing section in which beginner fuinjutsu books, blank scrolls, ink, and related items were all located, she located the section corresponding to the sealing technique used on her Kidaichu beetles at birth...

After searching for a bit, she found the seal and corresponding key for her insect species and withdrew the scroll, it had a long explanation on how to use the key and what was required before one could safely remove the seal at an older age...

After reading for a bit, she found that she met all the requirements except the less-tangible ones such as the hyper focus and diligent nature which is needed, especially after first unlocking the seal, to build a foundation of cooperation with this fickle and wild beetle species...

She walked to the door guard and spoke..."excuse me, I meet all of the stated requirements to unlock the seal....and am completely certain in establishing a partnership with my insects....may I have the key?..."


After getting the key, she asked the door guard if there was a sensor Aburame who could help her with the process since she was not a natural sensor and didn't have access to her insects yet....the man responded by sending a swarm of his dragonfly-like insects off to a nearby location, they returned shorty after with another suspiciously dressed Aburame...

The new clan member with the highly-chakra sensitive insects walked with Mizi back to her home and sat in the living area across from Mizi...

"Alright, I understand what you need me to do...I will spread my insects around your body and alert you when your insects show signs of discomfort, aggression, and the like..."

Mizi simply nodded and let a swarm of tiny black insects cover every inch of her skin, there was nothing visible under the swarming mound of insects except a pair of sunglasses and two nose holes...Chastain thought she was done for and that she would freak out but to her chagrin, she felt weirdly calm she inherited inhuman bravery from her predecessor when it comes to these little guys...