
E m e m a n gel sylvan us u m o h - ukpong

maraya is a normal girl who goes to school and faces some dumb bullies everyday . almost 18 she has hope of finally leaving and going to the university of her dream, but suddenly an enchantress appears and secrets start coming to light and maraya learns that she may mot be the normal girl she thought she was

emem_kpong · Fantasía
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1 Chs

Chapter1 : BOOM1

''okay dear be careful on your way back home, there's some food in the fridge incase you get hungry'' Mrs. Mitchel told her daughter in the car as they stopped in front of her school ''okay mom i hear you. I'll be careful'' Maraya responded to her mother with a smile on her lips as she stared at the school outside.'' remember that mummy loves you okay, always'' Mrs. Mitchel said as she held her daughter's hand and squeezed it '' i know mum and i love you too '' Maraya said as she turned to look at her mother ''and also remember, apart from Kory and Ravenna do not allow anyone else into the house understood ?'' Mrs. Mitchel continued as her daughter got down from the car '' ''okay mum i will now go or else you will be late for work. 'okay bye dear'' Mrs. Micthell said as she watched her walk towards to school ''oh they grow so fast '' she said still looking at her daughter before she sighed and tried starting her car but it refused '' oh this old piece of junk don't tell me i have to take you to the mechanic again'' she said as she hissed in displeasure. After several attempts the car finally started and she zoomed off to work.