
DXD: World Conquest

My unmatched perspicacity, coupled with my sheer indefatigability, combine to make me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor."- Andrew Tate

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Andrew Tate, a man in his mid-thirties and a former 4x world kickboxing champion had everything he could ever wish for fame, money, women, brotherhood, and admiration of millions of people. A true story of rags to riches. Today was like another day to him, nothing special besides the fact that he was in Las Vegas U.S.A. As he was heading to the Trump international hotel where he was staying. Driving up to the hotel in his Bugatti he saw hundreds of people crowding the hotel.

At first, he thought it was an event, but his guess was wrong. The crowd simultaneously turned in his direction and started chanting "TOP G". In the background, he could hear music. He recognized it too well; the music was called Tour Le Dans Le Vide. As he saw this it made him genuinely smile at all the young men he helped. Making it to the front of the entrance he handed his keys to the valet. Looking around he saw all different types of people from fat to skinny to muscular all trying to improve themselves.

Out of nowhere a blue-haired, overweight man in his twenties dressed in a trench coat came running at him.

"Young men, don't get any closer," he said to the blue-haired men.

"I HATE YOU ANDREW TATE YOU PIECE OF SHIT THE WAY YOU TALK ABOUT WOMEN IS HORRIBLE YOU SEXIST, MISOGYNISTIC, INCEL TRASH"!!! He shouted with a face of pure anger as saliva started spewing from his mouth.

Andrew shook his head in disappointment in seeing the man in this state. He truly felt sorry for the young man, to be a person filled with so much hatred is truly a horrible way to live.

Seeing this the young men got even angrier. "YOU FUCKER DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME"!!! He screamed, taking off his trench coat. There were multiple wires connected to a box in the middle of his chest.

As people saw this they started to scream and run out of the vicinity.

"Young man, I wouldn't do that if I were you," Andrew said in a calm voice.

"WHY SHOULDN'T I"? He shouted back at him.

"There are young children here with a future ahead of them," Andrew said while looking around to see if the crowd had left, thankfully they did.


Andrew started to slowly walk toward him calmly.

"Don't GET ANY CLOSER," he yelled.

Getting at a decent distance he performed a question mark kick start to the side of his head knocking him out.

Before he could put his leg down a blinding light engulfed him, taking away his vision *BOOM*.




Immediately after getting engulfed by the blinding light, he fell to the ground *BAM*. He then started to spasm on the ground gasping for air. After 8 minutes he started to calm down, but he started to feel pain all over his neck.



Finally opening his eyes he looked around and he found himself in a stranger's room. He attempted to say something out loud, but he couldn't. His voice wouldn't come out. Touching his neck he felt a rope around his neck drenched in liquid.

Suddenly, he grabbed onto his head it felt like he had been hit by a sledgehammer with full force. A flood of memories seeped into his brain. He was on the verge of passing out, but he endured the pain. As the memories flowed in, Andrew found himself inside the body of an overweight 16-year-old "schizophrenic" kid.

When he was young he got diagnosed by doctors with schizophrenia because he could see fallen angels, devils, and monsters. He told doctors that he could tell them apart from normal humans by their aura. After saying that they diagnosed him with schizophrenia. He lived his whole life thinking he was crazy.

His looks consisted of black hair with blue eyes and tan skin. His mother was European and his dad was Japanese. The kid's mother was a complete whore that would sleep with another man every week. And his dad was a cuckold that would watch. They had recently died in a car crash. The kid would get bullied at school every day. At that point, he had enough and decided to hang himself.

What a hard life young man you had nobody to guide you, but don't worry, with the life you have given me I'll make the most of it, Andrew thought.


[Author notes]

******* PLEASE READ******

Im not a good writer don't expect much.

You are probably wondering why I chose Andrew tate as the MC.

First, because his mindset it's really strong any normal person would break under these circumstances, let's be honest. IRL he gets thousands of death threats hoping for him to die or his family. Half of these Mc would have died already and most of them think with their dick.

Secondly, I truly believe he's smart as fuck. starting from 30 million when he first blew up on the internet to now being worth 350 million, in the range of six months. From just feminists getting mad at him and his HU program with his affiliated marketing is just genius. Some people might say he's not smart or that's easy, then do it and become a multimillionaire. The dude was playing 3D chest with the whole community.

Third, his kickboxing skills. I have watched some of his matches and an analyzed video on his skill. He's really good he might not be as good as those big names in the UFC, but damn he was really good. His record was 76 wins and 9 losses. And is undefeated in MMA he even beat Luke Barnett who is 6'6" and has recorded 14 wins and 4 losses in the UFC. His style is constant with a modern boxing style mixed with traditional martial arts kicks. His striking power is powerful he even knocks people out at weird angles. When he fights it's like he's playing chess. The way he manipulates his opponents and how he almost has full control of what his opponents are doing. Even though he is 6'3" and a cruiserweight he's still insanely fast.

Fourth, is just the way he thinks it's very calculative. The way he lets those, false allegations fester made people talk about him even more. The more they talked about the more famous he got and the more money. And with his final message, he even got more people on his side. He tapped into a booming market of masculinity. We're in today's era men are feeling as if they are losing masculinity and the media try to demasculinize men and how it's "toxic to be masculine". The male suicide rate is crazy and the number of lonely men in the world. And the more single mothers raising males and them not growing up without a father figure. The more the media tries to silence him the more people will go on to his side.

But what do I know I might be talking out of my ass, but this is how I view Andrew tate I might not agree with everything he says. Which you should never do because then you will be a sheep. He's like a low-tier Aizen Sosuke. This is why I chose him