
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Cómic
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11 Chs

Waking up in Kuoh

()= author notes

"Hello" = talking

'Status' = thoughts


Kuoh, Japan

In a mansion on the outskirtsofKuoh town.

I open my eyes and see an unfamiliar yet familiar roof, I look around and find My self in a large room on a king size bed. The room consists of a closet inbuilt to the left wall, a door which I think leads to the bathroom also on the left wall, on the right side of the room consists of a table with all sort of books at one side and a laptop on the other. Standing up from the bed, I walk to the bathroom looking for a mirror to have a look at myself, I quickly find one and unsurprisingly I look like a mini gilgamesh with black hair.

I decide to check on my status.

???:"status" I said, and saw a futuristic panel appearing in front of my eyes.


Name: ???

Age: 10yrs

Race: Primordial Human

Physique: Primordial chaos Physique

Health: 99/100 (Healthy with a slight headache)

Mana: 20/20(average human dont have mana and average human mage have 50 - 100 at their peak)

Vitality: 20 (average have 5 at their peak in all stats)

Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 250 (due to all knowledge from the five books)

Wisdom: 20

Messages: 1


Looking through the status I saw that I don't have a name, and that I have a message, I decide to read the message first.

[Chaos here, all your wishes have been granted, and choose a name for yourself and a family name so that I will finish the changes to the universe, talking of universe, to go to your personal dimension just think of going there and you will be there and note that anythings you are touching will follow you so be carefully, well you can change how to go there with magic when you start your cultivation.

For the bodies you requested, they are on Alpha, I went ahead and made a home for you on Alpha, don't thank me, the bodies will be in the basement of the house, the dungeon is also there by the house.

You are currently 7 years before Canon plot begins, bye 👋]

I start to think about the name I will be called from now on, after about ten minutes I decided my name will be Alexander in tribute to Alexander the great, as for my family name I will go with Caelestis.

'I will use the bodies of those beast to perform a ritual and I am sure that won't be human after that, so my race will be called celestials and I as the first celestial will be the progenitor celestial hence having the roght to use the racial name as mine'

So my thought process goes, don't look at me I am bad at naming things.

The moment I decide on my name and family name my status changed.


Name: Alexander Caelestis

Age: 10yrs

Race: Primordial Human

Physique: Primordial chaos Physique

Health: 99/100 (Healthy with a slight headache)

Mana: 20/20(average human dont have mana and average human mage have 50 - 100 at their peak)

Vitality: 20 (average have 5 at their peak in all stats)

Strength: 20

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 250 (due to all knowledge from the five books)

Wisdom: 20


I also received a flood of memories from my past signifying that chaos has finished with the alterations needed to validate my existence, from those memories I found out a lot about my current situation, my father was an orphan who studied hard and started a company in America, his company deals with breakthroughs in biological research, he named himself Caelestis as he didn't have a surname, his company led him to meet my mother, a Japanese woman named kirigaya Aiko, a young biologist and things spirals into the rabbit hole, they fell in love and got married after working together for 4 years.

But things changed when I was 9 years old, my father created a virus that focuses on supernaturals, when they found out about the virus they came for him, and he found out the hard way about the existence of supernatural beings, knowing that he won't survive he destroyed all the samples of the virus and deleted all the files so that no one can make it again. He and my mother knew that this was the end so they sold the company for about seven hundred million dollars at a loss and transferred all the money to me before they killed themselves in an accident, it has been two weeks since they died and according to the memories, I locked up myself in my room for a week with out eating and started to eat about a week ago.

Checking the time,it was 7:37am, ' I approximately spent about 20-30 minutes since waking up'

Since I was already in the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a shower before coming out. I went to the closet and found that I had too much clothes, in fact I can open a store with my clothes alone, I decided to wear a black jeans and a white shirt, walking out of my room on the second floor I walked down the stairs to the dining room, there the only other person on the house, my maid was cooking, her name is Alice and she was also an orphan who grew up in the same orphanage as my father. As I reach the dining table she noticed my presence.

Alice:" Good morning Alex" she said pausing in surprise as this is the first time I left my room since my parents death," wait a little longer for breakfast" she continued after recovering from her surprise.

Alex:" Good morning Alice" I replied before sitting at the table and closing my eyes.

Seeing me close my eyes, she just shakes her head and continue cooking. I, in the other hand, am going through the five books deciding on which one will be beneficial for me to start with, I won't start my mana and body cultivation until I have modified my race using those bodies, I also figured out a problem, although I have all the necessary knowledge to create a new ritual, it requires astronomical calculations that will take me years to complete, so, i did the next best thing to do, I used my final wish,

Alex:' I wish to have the skill Raphael from tensura'

As I said thought that I heard a reply from chaos.

Chaos:" Okay, granted"

I try to talk to Raphael.

Alex :"Raphael?" I ask doubtfully.

Raphael:" notice: yes" I heard Raphael reply in a monotone voice. So I told Raphael in detail what I want.

Alex:' Raphael, I need your help creating a ritual that changes my race, to be specific, I want to us the ancient beast stored in my dimension, I want my new race to have the heart of the western dragon, giving me almost infinite mana, the regeneration of the immortal pheonix, the purity and light affinity of the unicorn, and the majesty and wisdom of the Eastern dragon combined with the fire of the three legged sun crow.make it so that I will have the wings of the pheonix and sun crow mixed into a new unique pair of wings always burning with fire yet healing those who i wish to heal, it should be like that of the angels, retractable and make sure i have none of their weakness. Use all the knowledge I have about runes and magic, and make it have the highest compatibility with my technique, how long will it take.'

Raphael: " notice: It will take Two weeks or 336 hours to complete".

Alex:' okay you can start, and after that, I want you to start making spells with all that knowledge and categorise them using the tier system from yggdrasil, tier 1 being simple spells such as fire balls to tier 10 being things such as resurrection, supreme tier being creation of new beings, destruction of planets to dimensions, and ultimate tier being a new tier that forcus on creating universes and so on. And can you also design a ritual to convert a normal tree into a world tree capable of creating worlds.'

Raphael:" notice: Affirmative "

After my chat with Raphael I wait a little longer while making myself more familiar with my mana cultivation technique which I decide to name Primordial Divine Technique, after going through the technique twice Alice comes out of the kitchen with breakfast, a simple egg and bacon sandwich and milk by the side, we had our breakfast and I went back to my room, I don't need to go to school because I have already finished all the curriculum up to highschool meaning I have about five years of staying at home. In my room I sit on the table and switched on the laptop i search for books on highschool curriculum and start to study them as I have nothing to do. This goes on for the next two weeks until Raphael alerts me that the ritual is ready.

there isn't much to do before he starts magic and even then there is only little to do before Canon. I want him to have at most 5 people in his harem With akeno being Head wife.

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts