
DxD: true sorcerer

I DO NOT OWN HIGHSCHOOL DXD!!! ONLY MY OC BELONGS TO ME. A guy dies and find himself in chaos, the source of all **Atleast one chapters daily**

Ahmad_Kas · Cómic
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11 Chs

The Ritual

Receiving notice from Raphael that the ritual is ready I ask her a few questions.

Alex:' How long will it take for me to completely go through the ritual'

Raphael:" notice: It will take approximately 5 hours from the beginning to the end of the ritual using if performed on earth and approximately 2 hour if performed on Alpha as the potency of Mana and the Difference between Primordial Mana and ordinary Mana is large"

Alex:' Eplain how the ritual works, and stop saying notice every time you talk'

Raphael:" the ritual takes its basis from the evil pieces the devils use and creation magic, I broke down the structure of the evil pièces and fixed all the downside while also using creation magic and runes to make it so you actually absorb all the ingredients in the ritual, the ritual consist of individual magic circles each representing an aspect of your self you want to change, having a circle that fuses all the bone marrow and bloodline of the creatures you want making a new bloodline, another circle for the heart to replace yours and so on, I would recommend using the other internal organs of the dragons, such as lungs, kidney for a more uniform race, in fact it is recommended to us every single part of the beast as the ritual is designed to not change physical appearance and your body will only take the essence of the beast you use, following the recommendations will lead to having lungs capable of breathing not only under water but also in space because of the sun crow, also having lifespan increase to approximately 100,000 years as the progenitor but anyone that comes after you will have 10,000 years of lifespan, and although reproduction will be hard like that of the devils, the dragons high libido and magic can remedy that, I have already designed a spell that guarantees pregnancy within a month. Because of your base essence being that of the primordial human the weaknesses of the other races will be reduced to a minimum of 1% of the original races, but using primordial Mana will eliminate all the weaknesses but also creates a single weakness as every race must have a weakness to balance the universes, you as the progenitor can choose that weakness and incorporate it into the ritual, if not the universe will choose for you at random and it might be worse than all the other weaknesses combined."

Alex:' that's a lot of information, I get the gist of it, which weakness do you recommend Raphael?'

Raphael:" it is recommended to choose a simple weakness and the best weakness for you is to start at the bottom, like humans who have the greatest potential but are very weak at the beginning, but that won't affect you or your race in general because of the cultivation technique you have, your race will be naturally weak at the beginning but have the most comprehensive technique leading to great achievements."

Alex:' okay, we will do as you say as I don't want to have weaknesses such as specific elements or metal, also modify my technique into ten different types each focusing on different organs as only I will have the complete technique, and remove the Mana vein section from the other techniques leaving it only for that of the heart, and also create a technique that creates a Mana vein without a core. We will perform the ritual tonight while Alice is sleeping and also create a method for me to convert others into my race.'

Raphael:" Okay, time to completion is approximately 5 hours "

As Raphael begins working on my techniques I start to think of something I believe people misunderstood, I believe to ascend beyond the universe, multiverse and omniverse in general one has to have five core of existence, which consists of physical strength, energy cultivation, law cultivation, bloodline cultivation, and soul cultivation. Each of this paths will lead to the peak of the universe but to surpass the universe you need to have all five, and luckily I have all five, as when I was creating my mana cultivation technique I fused it with all Mana techniques which involves techniques that use Mana to strengthen and purify the soul, I have body technique, a bloodline technique, and law comes with progression, one cannot just cultivate law but understand and study lay and for that one has to reach a certain level of strength.

This five core of existence are the key to ascending, there is also the issue of true name but true name is the culmination of everything about us so as one cultivates, his/her cultivation technique, bloodline, body technique, soul technique and laws define one's true name, meaning true names evolve or devolve according to what we do in our life and once the true name evolves to a certain point one will be capable of surpassing the universe.

With that I focus on understanding the ritual before nightfall, I took me the whole day to understand the ritual as when I open my eyes It was dark outside, I went to the dining room to have dinner with Alice who was happy at my recovery from my parents death.

After dinner I went back to my room and for the first time since coming to this world I teleport to my personal Dimension. I look around and find My self in a garden outside a mansion, the air was so refreshing that I felt that I was living inside a house on fire filled with smoke all my life and coming here was my escape from the smoke. Raphael has already finished with what I asked by afternoon or so she said as I was focused on understanding the ritual.

Alex:'Raphael I will need your help to draw the ritual circles as I don't want any mishaps, so just take over my body until the ritual is ready'

Raphael takes control of my body and goes to the basement of the mansion there I see five gigantic beasts each are normally large enough to swallow earth but are inside a magic circle that shrinks their body to that of the size of a cat,I watch as Raphael starts to carve the ritual on the floor, which I named the ritual of races, since It can be used to create a new race out of already existing races.

She starts with a large magic circle which is for me to stand on, she moves on to carve five different circles each consisting of an aspect I want from the beasts, it takes her 3 hours to complete the circles she then walks out of the basement and looks of a bucket, not finding one I take over and went back to my house in kuoh, there I found some in the storeroom she informs me that I should take three so I did I went back to my room before going to Alpha.

In Alpha she takes over and walks over to the beasts, she start with the western dragon and takes out its heart and puts it inside the bucket, she then proceeds to dismantle the dragon taking out all organs in a single bucket, all bone marrow which contains the bloodline into another bucket she takes the eyes as well saying it will be beneficial, I just let her do as after studying the ritual, I know it is not only beneficial but extremely important, she moves to the other beast and repeats the process, taking all the beneficial parts, when she comes to the sun crow and phoenix, she takes their wings as I want to have wings not just use magic to fly, but actual functional wings.

She comes back to the ritual circles and place every thing needed, the first she circle she fills up with the heart of the western dragon in the middle and the other hearts beside, next was the bloodline which she mixed inside a single bucket and pours into an hole she made as part of the ritual, next for tha wings which she just drops on its circle and moves to the next, here she places all the eyes of the five beasts in a single circle, the last circle consists of the other internal organs and bones whose essence is the only thing I need, not to actually change parts of body for them.

After that she goes to the stomach of the western dragon and uses it as a water pouch, she goes out of the mansion and straight to a lake of pure liquefied primordial Mana and fills the pouch with it, this Mana will be used for the activation of the ritual as I have Yet to start practicing magic she comes back to the basement before I take over as the complicated stuff is over.

I take of my clothes and stand naked before going to the large magic circle in the middle , standing inside the ritual circle, I pour the liquid Mana into the circle before quickly throwing away the pouch so as not to affect the ritual.

The circle starts to glow from receiving Mana and connects to all the other circles, they all start to glow, after waiting for about a minute the ritual begins with the hearts, and I black out.

sorry for the info dump but it was necessary.

Ahmad_Kascreators' thoughts