
DxD: The Tale Of Adrian Lucifer

Everyone heared about Vali Lucifer, the white dragon emperor, Rezivim Livan Lucifer, the canceler of sacred gears, and of course the original Lucifer, the first and most powerful angel and archangel that after rebelling against God became the first devil and devil king... But what about Adrian Lucifer? What about the the other desendent of Lucifer that since the day he was born made the entier supernatural world to stand on their toes (whether they knew it or not...) What about HIM?! Well here is HIS story... HIS TALE....

LuciferDFallN1 · Cómic
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12 Chs

ch. 1 the last 100 years of my life (REWRITEN)

<mc pov>

it's been 100 years since I was reincarnated into this soft p*rn supernatural shit show known as the dxd world... and I got to say... I STILL feel scammed! it's been a 100 years since I was born in this world and not even once have I met any RoB that was supposed to be the one who reincarnats me due to mistakenly killing me and/or being bored... at first I was disheartened thinking that it was my fault that I didn't met any such being but I soon realized it didn't matter! 'so what if I didn't met any RoB? so what if didn't get any wishes? I will just become op on my own!' that was what I swore to myself the day I realized that no one is going to 'hold my hand'...

though it wasn't all bad, after all I was born as a satan desensent in the highschool DxD verse so that did gave me quite the powerful headstart... and as per how I knew I was reincarnated to the highschool DxD verse? well that's simple - I was born as part of a race known as 'devils' who are renowned for being able to use 'demonic power' that race is also one of the 3 'biblical factions' on top of that I was born as the son of Lucifer who is the leader of 'the 4 satans' and as such I bare the last name 'Lucifer'...

so yeah I was born in DxD which I found to be a bit AU-ish, one of the exemples of such being devil wings - instead of the weird bat like wings that devils have in canon the wings that devils have in this universe (with the exception of those that belongs to the Phenex bloodline) the wings that devils have in this dxd universe look more like the wings that Dante (DMC 5) has in his SDT form but all black instead of his black and red color scheme...

though some things are also like in canon, going back to the former exemple, like in canon (and UNLIKE in fanon) in THIS dxd verse, only the descendents of the original satans possess the trait of multiple wings and following the exemple instead of number of wings representing our power it instead represents to which 'generation' we belong to, as such me possessing 12 devil wings didn't ment that I am a super devil or anything like that but rather it represented that I am a first generation Lucifer while my power on the other hand could very well be that of a low class devil!

luckily it's no where close to be that weak as it's more accurate to say I am the complete opposite - maybe as compensation for not meating a ROB I was born as a super devil! another thing that appears to be more like canon and that is that in this dxd verse super devil are born super devis rather than become ones... my point is that I had A LOT if power since birth... and if that wasn't OP enough there is also this DxD verse's Lucifer clan trait...

its called 'all of creation' which is quite literally the first true magic from fate as it allows me to use the 'denial of nothingness', which same in fate grants me the omnipotent-like ability of creating anything from nothing! may it be phiscal, magical or even ethereal!

but it does makes me wonder... how in the hell did Lucifer lose?! he didn't even needed to fight god head on he just needed to be in a safe distance and then blast him with some anti-divine weapons and/or magic?! maybe it was his pride? or maybe god is just too strong? or maybe all of creation doesn't work against other users of it? after all god does have the original version of it...

hmm probably all of those reasons and more... and even if not that it must have something to do with him being super strong after all he did create the longeniuses and manged to seal trihexa which is on the same level as great red...

anyway I - NO! there is no way I am saying that no way I raise 'that'!


other than that life been pretty simple - after all being a prince DID made my life quite simple... well simple as long as I overlook the fact that due to my powers Lucifer is obsessed with me and all the other devils in this way or another fear me and due to such most of the noble devils try to manipulate me... so yeah simple...

well that's been the last 100 years of my life in a nutshell... and right now I am about to get out of this sunless place for the FIRST time in my life so I am kind of excited... and I also want to now what year it is in the human world...

and as I walked out of the Lucifer clan's castle I heard someone calling out to me "Adrian sama! please wait!"

oh yeah I almost forget I was also assigned an attendant who in the same time is my fiance - Rhaella Lucifuge, a beautiful silver haired, blood red eyes and amazing body

[image in the harem chapter]

admittingly I was kind of suprised when she was first intreduced to me as both my attendant and my finance but in the end of the day I kind of expected that - a Lucifer prince, a candidate to the throne of Satan Lucifer, it's only made sense that I would be given a personal attendant and be engaged...

and who is better to serve a Lucifer prince, let alone be his future wife than a Lucifuge?

after all, amoung all devil clans, Lucifuge would have been the top candidate for a Lucifer, as the Lucifuge clan IS the leader of the 'six houses of Lucifer', 'Lucifer's right hand' and on top of that in all regards to blood purity they will be much favorable as like all other extra devils houses they were created using the blood of one of the 4 satans, specificity: the satan clan which they serve is the one whose progintor's blood was used to create them, and as such all 6 of the 'six houses of Lucifer' were created using Lucifer's blood and due to such could be called his 'desendents' as well...

and out of all 6 of them Lucifuge is the closest one to the Lucifer bloodline (i.e the most 'Lucifer' of all 6) with the greatest proff of such being the Lucifer bloodline's iconic silver hair...

(and the fact that the Satans hates one another and look down on the 72 pillars didn't had to with it WHATS OR EVER...!)

and as she asked me I waited, I stopped walking and stood waiting for my beautiful fiance and attendant to come... well I did that BUT I also did my one of my most favorite thing when it comes to dealing with her: teasing her

"oh? and what can I do for you my dear R~h~a~e~l~l~a? hmm oh my so beautiful and darling fiance?" I aksed her while pronouncing her name one letter at a time in the most teasing tone I could master and as I wanted her face became took a shade of red deeper than even the Gremory clan's hair

"moe! ADRIAN SAMA! STOP TEASING ME!" she yelled with her red face now having a lighter shade to it though she soon realized what she just did and started to turn pale and horrified and the fact that I now had quite the sinister smile didn't help either... "oh Rhaella... it's quite rode of you to yell at the one who is both your fiance and master... so it's time for you to be punished... ~"

and before she could even react in any way I grabbed her, bend her over so she was now on her hands and knees before me and then eracted a power magic barrier that will prevent any information (both on image and in sound) of what about to happened tp escape to the outside world, I then raised her dress to reveal her full white ass cheeks 'protected' by quite the naughty, semi transpert black lingerie and without any warning I raised my hand and slapped her behind enjoying myself over the feeling of the soft flash and Rhaella's reaction...

"MOE! Adrian sama why are you so mean to me?!" she asked with 'tears' inher eyes to which I simply replied "oh who knows? maybe it's because A: my attendant is unrolly? B: my 'wife' is naughty for going around with such undergarments or is it C: I just wanted to slap that ass of yours? which answer do you think is the right one my dear?"

and her 'answer' "b-but Adrian sama you are the one who told me to wear those..." she 'pleaded' to which I simply replied "wrong answer! the corect answer was option D: all of the above. now as per you punishment for failing my test... hmm... oh I know! I already had my fun with your amazing ass now it's time for your amazing boobs! oh and do 'it' the way 'I like'" I told her to which she replied by simply nodding she then saddled me and preceded to slowly take down the top part of her dress which then reveled her equally naughty bra she then proceeded to take down as well and then for the 'final touch' she hugged her hands below her breasts... and she then spoke "here you go Adrian sama... enjoy yourself..." she said with an extremely red face which she then turned away as to hide from my face but not before I could notice a small smile... that by it self was enough to make my heart skip a beat which in turn made me want to indulge myself even more! but not before I turned her face towards me and gave her a quick kiss on the lips after which I said "I will my dear... I will..."