
DxD: The Sorcery System

What happens when the world you thought was boring turns chaotic? What happens when the normal becomes abnormal and the natural becomes supernatural? What happens when a mob character finds a system that makes magic possible? Maybe nothing much, or maybe... too much! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [Alternative Synopsis] A normal guys wakes up in his class with a system made for Magic. What would this otherwise "normal" guy do with such a system in a world of supernaturals? In a world where Angels, Devils, Gods and Mythical Beings roam on a daily basis? This is a story of an mob being thrown into the world of supernaturals. Or is there something more to his story? Is he... really a mob? Or something more? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Support me at: patreon.com/Greedyfrog

The_Greedy_Frog · Cómic
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41 Chs

A Woman Prettier Than Any Other 

{Alert: Supernatural Being}

{Threat: High-High Level}

{Type: Nekoshou/Devil}

Thank you; otherwise, I wouldn't have guessed that a talking cat could be scary.

"Why are you so scared, nya?"

Why she asks…

I had the steel chopsticks in my hand, and if worse came to worst, I wouldn't mind using them.

Magic was off-limits inside the house. Because who is going to pay for the repairs?

"I think any normal person would be scared seeing a talking cat in their house." I pointed the chopsticks towards the black cat, who laughed at the sight.

"You are funny, nya!" She got up from the cupboard and jumped towards me, and it would be a lie to say that I didn't lose my cool.

"Don't worry, nya!" She puffed her cheeks.

Yeah, even a cat could puff its cheeks.

"I won't hurt you."

Okay, so not all her sentences ended with a nya.

"How can I be sure that you won't hurt me?" I didn't get rid of the chopsticks. They were still pointed directly at her. 

"Why would I hurt the person who helped me, nya?"



That somewhat made me lower my hands.

"I am here for food, nya!"


Just as I was about to ask further, she jumped right onto the table and buried her face into the fried piece of chicken.

"Hey, that's my food!" 

I didn't eat fully back then because I knew mom had cooked for me. Now, I just can't let a cat eat my food.

"It's fine, nya! I will leave some for you too!"

I… what do I say?

"H-Hey, wait!"

She didn't.

Instead, she devoured the chicken and left not even the bones.

"I am thirsty, nya!"

Fuck no!

"Not my soup!" I practically jumped towards her, grabbing the soup with both my hands and flying past her. "Drink water if you are thirsty!"

She didn't. Instead, she puffed her cheeks again.

"That's not fair, nya! I took those needles for you!" She jumped down. "I want soup, nya!"

"That was for your good!" I fought back. "It's to help you heal faster."

"I don't need them, nya!" She extended her hind legs. "My legs are fine, nya!"

"No, they ar—"


Where are the cut marks? 

"How?" My body loosened, seeing that there was not a single cut on her legs. Even the bandages came off to reveal perfectly fine feet.

"You call it magic, NYA!!"

And because I was taken aback and had loosened my grip on the bowl of soup, she took the chance to grab the bowl in her mouth and dash towards the cupboard.


"Mine, nya!" And without a second of hesitation, she started slurping the soup, leaving me with nothing but rice and side dishes.

All I could do was sit cross-legged, staring at her devouring my precious soup.

Oh, how she is not respecting it…

She slurped it up in seconds. Less than a minute, and the bowl was empty.

She didn't even savor the flavor of the soup!

"That was tasty, nya!"

"Aha…" Tasty, she says…

"Thank you!"

I didn't respond to that. She stole it. Why would she even thank me for that?

After finishing the food, she sat on the cupboard for a while, relaxing and cleaning her fur.

By now, it was clear that she wasn't hostile, at least not towards me. Given her status, she would have attacked me if she wanted to — but instead, she was out here stealing my food.

And so, I finally decided to ask. 

"What… exactly are you?"

She wasn't just a cat, that was for sure. And the system said she was a devil, but it also said she was something else too.

"Just a special cat, nya!" 

"Aha…" I nodded, comically agreeing with her. "And what else."

She didn't answer and jumped down, taking a comfortable position just in front of me.

"You already know, don't you?" Her voice was lower, much calmer than before.

"I have a guess," I said, even though I wasn't certain what the Nekoshou part meant. 

"Don't lie, nya!" She came closer, not angry but curious. "You smell like magic!"

S-She knows that I can use magic?

How? Not even Rias or Akeno knew until they spied on me. I don't think my magic leaks enough for others to notice.

And Rias is a high-class devil, and even she couldn't exactly sense my magic. Then how can a cat devil…


Unless she is superior to Rias.

Now it makes sense, the threat level.

"Do I smell?" I was a little nervous holding this conversation, but my curiosity was stronger than my fear. 

"Not bad, nya!" She answered back in her energetic tone. "You smell weirdly good, nya!"

"Weirdly?" That made me raise an eyebrow. It felt like I should be taking offense at that, but I knew not much to make a stupid move.

"Not in a bad way, but in a good way, nya!" She came closer to me, and I decided to let her without moving back.

"What do you mean?" Everything sounded interesting to me. I was curious about almost everything supernatural.

"You are a human, nya! And a magician too!"

That I was. Rias did explain how rare it was to be a magician who does not solve algorithms or something.

"Human magicians smell bad. They smell foul, nya!"

They do?

"But you smell like nature. You smell like flowers!" She crawled closer, jumping on my lap and rubbing her face against my chest. "You smell good, nya!"

I thought about it, but still, it was weird to me.

Supernaturals existed in this world, but everyone I met so far said that my magic is different.

Just what are you, system?

Of course, it stayed silent and didn't answer. It only spoke when it was necessary.

"I was told that my magic is unique." I told her a little about myself, hoping to get information about her in return.

And once again, she would have dragged me out if she wanted something from me.

"I heard magicians need to do some difficult calculations when they need to use magic, at least in the case of humans. Other supernatural beings can use magic with just their imagination."

"Nya, did the devils tell you that?"

This made me pause and look at her.

"You know that I met the devils?" I asked, and she rubbed closer. 

"Your clothes smell of them, and you go to Kuoh Academy. There are devils in Kuoh, nya!" She answered, but she wasn't angry or uneasy at the mention of devils. "But don't tell them about me, nya!"

I was about to ask why, but she beat me to it. 

"They don't like me, nya!"

It felt like a very personal topic, so I didn't dig deeper. 

"I understand," I assured her. "I won't tell them about you."

"Promise, nya?"


Her tail swung fast upon hearing my promise.

"You cannot go back on your word now, nya!"

"I won't." This made me genuinely smile. 

She was energetic and quite fun, not scary anymore but fun.

"And what did you mean by you are different?" She asked, "Why do you smell good, nya?"

"Well…" I thought about it. Was it risky to answer?

It sure was. But it was the same with Rias. I knew nothing about her, but I still told her about me. 

And this is the same situation. There was no hostility here, just curiosity.

"Well, I am different because I can use my magic with imagination and not calculations."

As soon as these words left my mouth, she jumped up and stared directly at me.

"Nya!" It was like she got angry. "Don't lie!"

"I am not," I said, extending a finger. "Look at this."

What I did next baffled her. 

Water appeared above my finger, droplets combining to form a sphere. 

"I am not doing anything except thinking about the shape I want it to be." And with my words, the water shaped itself into a replica of her—a cat.

"How, nya? Human magicians cannot do such magic so easily." Her eyes fixated on the cat figure, "They can use strong magic, but this control, nya!"

To make my point, I evaporated the cat figure into thin air.

"That's why they say I am unique." It did make me feel good in a way. "They say it's rare."

"Rare?" She was baffled. "It is impossible, nya! I have met hundreds of human magicians, and not a single one can do that, nya!"

I still find it hard to believe.

"I think there will be someone out there who can do it too."

But she was quick to shut me down.

"Impossible, nya! There is a reason why humans are not naturally given magic, nya!"

This drew my interest.

"Uh, why is that?" Rias didn't give me any reason; she just said she hasn't seen anyone like me.

And in a way, I thought she was just trying to win me over to join her peerage.

"Devils suck at being imaginative, nya!" She sounded horrified. "There are devils who possess the greatest magic, magic that can destroy the world, but they suck at creating interesting spells and making the magic versatile!"

Wait, devils were bad at imagination?

"That's why no matter how much magic you give to the devils, they cannot surpass the limit placed on their nature, nya!" She sniffed me all around. "And humans should never have imaginative magic!"

She continued explaining. "Humans can use magic not by imagination but by maths and science. Logic and reasoning, not by imagination, nya!"

"Why is that?" I asked, and she seemed frustrated.

"Nya! Think about it!" She yelled, "What happens when you give a being with endless imaginative prowess magic? Nya! What happens when a dreamer gets magic that they can shape with just a thought?"


"Humans are imaginative by nature, and Devils are logical by nature! That is why magic when wielded by them is limited; the rules they are imposed on make it difficult to challenge the limits!" She got so furious that this time she even forgot to add nya.

I want to ask about her nya too. 

Maybe not now.

"Your potential is unlimited. Humans have terrifyingly high potential, and if what you said is true and you possess magic that you can mold with imagination…" she looked terrified, "You might just become the most dangerous magician, ever… nya."


This was a lot to take in.

"I…" I am not even sure what to say. Rias didn't tell me anything about this. Maybe she didn't know, or maybe she was afraid I would do something stupid or illegal.

"You are too much, nya!" She shook her head and settled down on my lap once more.

"I didn't know any of this."

"Clearly, nya." She sighed and cozied up on my lap. "But it's good that you are not a bad person."

That I wasn't.

There was no reason to be a dick or an evil person. No one did, because if someone who went through sad situations didn't act like the bigger person and forgive others—who would?

That's what I was taught.

"Thank you," I said with a smile. She just made me remember a certain man.

"No, nya…" Her voice lowered, "Thank you."

She slowly looked at me, "You helped me."

Maybe I didn't need to. She just healed herself, and she could have done that earlier too. Maybe she stayed in pain to not alert me.

It was my fault she had to keep that wound for so long.

"And thank you for the food."


Nevermind, I already forgave her. And so, I rubbed her head, dragging my fingers through her soft fur.

"You are a good devil."

"So you knew." She chuckled, and I couldn't help but nod. 

"I had a guess." She stayed silent after hearing me, letting me pet her. "But I had never met a devil who said nya after every sentence." 

"That's just a habit, nya!" She complained. "And not all devils are Nekoshou too!"


This made her a little uncomfortable.

"Forget what I said, nya!" She said, "And don't tell anyone else about it!"

So it is a sensitive topic.


And so, I let her stay like that for a while, till I didn't even realize that an hour had passed.

As my eyes grew heavy, I felt her crawling out of my lap and moving towards the window.

"You are going?" I asked, rubbing my eyes a little and following behind her.

"Mhm, nya!"

She jumped over the open window frame.

"Once again, thank you, nya!"

She was a cat, but I could somehow see her smile.

"It's fine." I ended up smiling too as I walked closer. "It was nice meeting you."

"Same, nya!" She said, "I want to meet you again!" 


"You can come over anytime." I said, "Just don't speak in front of my mom; she might just get scared."

"Of course, nya!"

"Then goodbye, kitty." I walked close to her, standing right next to her—making sure she didn't fall and get hurt.

However, she said something that surprised me.

"I am not a cat, nya!" She said, surprising me. "A Nekoshou is more than a cat!"

"Oh? Like how?"

I mean, she could talk, but still, she was just a talking devil cat.

"Like this, nya!"

But never did I expect what I saw.

A bright glow, followed by one of the most shocking transformations I have ever witnessed.

Black fur turned to black hair, small legs turned longer and slender ones, and her body changed to one that could allure any man.

"As I said, I am different."


"And this is a gift from my side, nya~"


She bit me, right on the neck.

The girl, no, the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, bit me.

And it… it felt good?

"This will make sure you remember me."

I didn't notice it then, but it wasn't just a bite.

The beautiful woman… No, the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes upon did something more than just bite me.

"That's the real me, Reo." She said as she gave a bright smile, "I will see you soon."

And with that, she released her hands.

"Wait no—"

But it was too late.

We were on the first floor and she let herself fall directly out of the window.

"I will remember you, Reo~"

And as I rushed to look down…

There was no one.

Just a lingering pleasant smell and a weirdly likable sensation around my neck.

{Quest Completed!}


[[A/N: Read 175+ Advanced Chapters on Patreon (including all stories).

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