
DxD: The King of Dragons

A dragon is feared all throughout history. A being that symbolizes strength and power. Yet they can also be defeated. And one change that seemed to be safe is all it takes to turn the world upside down. The birth of a king that was supposed to lead a life of anguish, hatred, and betrayal received a different fate. Chaining down dragons that would wreak havoc upon the world. And he has returned after centuries of slumber in his sanctuary as a warden of dragons.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
66 Chs

Chapter 1: A Hero's Birth

Since the dawn of time, humanity sparked a controversial topic. Philosophies came and went.

And one interesting topic was. Are humans inherently evil or good?

To humans, it is a question without an answer. Humans can be the cruelest beings in existence. Even more cruel than the dwellers of the dark; devils.

A lot of hypotheses sprang up; it depends on the environment, how a child grows up, the people they surround themselves with.

And this is a story of a child whose fate changed due to fate. The whims of higher powers and how their actions can cause typhoons and tsunamis in the future.

Located at another dimension, here. A man that exudes light is situated. The sky was golden and the surroundings were saturated by holiness.

Even mundane furniture was inlaid with gold and the highest quality pearls. Making the living quarters inside look majestic, yet pure.

"Finally, my greatest creation." The man smiled softly at his work. The whole realm of his home called 7th heaven glowed with ancient runes.

He has worked on this project for a long time. Many moons have passed that would simply be mind boggling for mortals.

"A system in which miracles can be born without my direct interference. Where humans can be guided indirectly." He was proud and ecstatic.

"My children's work would be greatly reduced with this. Well, mine too." He chuckled. But then, he felt sadness and anger; remembering his own creations, his children. That went astray and lived the path of darkness.

"Hah, was I wrong to demand purity of them? Are they just like humans that have their own desires that corrupt them?" He shook his head and decided that it is too late now.

The angels he created have chosen their paths. Azazel fell, due to the sin of lust. "That kid always did look at Gabriel with a glint in his eyes. Hmph, like I'd let my daughter be tainted." He huffed.

But the worst one was his most trusted son, Lucifer. He gave him the duty to oversee humanity. "Whoever did say that gods are faultless? I, Yahweh is at fault for his fall as well..."

Yahweh loved humanity, he thought that they were flawed beings. And through their hardships and tests. They can become better beings that even his angels can't turn into. People that live for good and strive to be pure.

His angels cannot do that, they are his servants. It is hard wired in their minds to be pure and perfect. Unlike humans, but he was proven wrong.

He did not expect that his servants needed to be slowly introduced to the world.

Lucifer saw the suffering of humanity. Endless killing, murders, sexual assaults, pillaging, etc.

He confronted his own father and demanded that Yahweh intervene. After all, he was supposed to be the facet of good in the world right?

But he declined, saying that it is humanity's test. Just like Adam and Eve's, it was the reason why he gave them free will. And Adam's first wife showcased the results.

Lilith was cast out of the garden of Eden due to her will of not wanting a husband. "I admit, I was a bit narrow-minded back then..." Yahweh sighed.

So Lucifer stewed in his blasphemous thoughts. Thinking that his father is cruel and imperfect. That he instead was perfect because he desired peace.

But it also came with jealousy. Jealousy due to their father focusing on humans. He even began creating sacred gears.

Powerful artifacts that give humans an edge against the supernatural. And he also holed himself inside his abode to create heaven's system.

So that sacred gears would be passed on to the next generations of humanity. For a fighting chance against the super powered beings in the world.

And Lucifer's jealousy slowly turned to hate as Yahweh showed favoritism towards humans.

He rebelled against heaven and was cast down to the underworld. Where his light that used to guide others turned into darkness and evil.

Lucifer's compassion and kindness lost, turning into hatred and evil. Leading to him creating the 72 demon pillars of the underworld with Lilith.

And he is constantly fighting against heaven and Azazel's Grigori. Because in his mind, it was the right of the devils to rule.

"With this system, I hope I would be able to monitor earth more." Yahweh tweaked 7th heaven which is the conduit for his system.

And while doing so, he was suddenly called by one of his seraphs. A blonde man with long hair, sporting 6 pairs of pure white wings behind his back.

"Father! It is an emergency! The world is being attacked by evil dragons!" Michael reported.

"What!? Let us see." Yahweh quickly went to 6th heaven; Zebel. Where all the seraphs are located.

There, they used magic to observe what was happening.

"This... Is terrible indeed." Yahweh saw evil dragons rampage.

Crom Cruach, the crescent circle dragon. Apophis, the eclipse dragon. Azi Dahaka, the Diabolism thousand dragon.

They were storming heaven's gates. Crom Cruach's torrent of flames scorching angels aplenty. Not even bones remained.

Apophis' powers over darkness and shadows dissolved the army of heaven. Black water was also battering heaven's golden gates. A shield that was on them were virtually unbreakable. Light attacks from the angels were like toothpicks against a steel wall.

Azi Dahaka and its three heads were like three transcendent mages in one body. With its expertise that is said to be a thousand kinds of magic. It unleashed a storm of spells.

And the dragon was also weakening the protective magic of heaven's gate. More and more attacks were slipping in through the defenses.

"Come! We will purge these dragons!" Yahweh called for his seraphs and he entered the battle himself.

"Kukuku, it seems that the almighty god has entered the battle himself?" Azi Dahaka laughed cruelly while bombarding angels. Making Yahweh's blood boil.

"Ahh, the god of the deus trinity. Your reputation precedes you, we wish that you won't be a disappointment." Apophis nodded respectfully, which was weird for an evil dragon.

"Kuahahaha! Our battle will be legendary Yahweh! Ddraig and Albion are too busy with their rivalry! And they refuse to battle." Crom Cruach breathed fire on Yahweh's entourage.

"You will rue the day you stepped foot here dragons, mark my words." Yahweh called for something.

The evil dragons forgot something. Yahweh is the greatest dragon slayer in the world. Not that he killed a lot of them. But because of the incident that got Adam and Eve in trouble.

Samael, the snake which tempted Eve into eating the fruit of the tree of wisdom was banished to the depths of hell.

Yahweh turned him into a fallen angel dragon hybrid and pinned it to a cross. Just like his son, Jesus.

An abomination appeared from a magic circle and he stabbed it with his sword of light. Samael didn't blink even when pierced.

Because all of the anti-dragon runes and bindings that torture him, it turns the stab into a tickle. Black blood covered Yahweh's burning blade and the dragons felt shivers in their spine.

"Perish!" Yahweh flew into battle and the evil dragons fought with glee.

Meanwhile, at the underworld. Grigori and the devils were also having a problem. Grendel, berserker dragon of great sin was laughing like a maniac.

"Shitty bats and crows! Come on! Make me feel something! Kyahahaha!" The bipedal dragon had numerous wounds on its body.

Demonic weapons and light spears turned him into a porcupine. But he kept on fighting and even got stronger as he fought. It also doesn't help that he was regenerating.

"Idiot, it is his death. My barriers are the best in the world." A tree-like dragon snorted. Casting barriers to his other companions that are unharmed due to its strength.

"Ladon, it is only natural that Grendel would go in like a maniac. He is one." A dragon that had fluid coming out of its mouth that evaporated anything it touched released miasma.

"It is his loss, death means no more battles Nidhogg." Ladon smirked as the devils and fallen dropped like flies.

"Finally, my poissson hassss taken effect." A eight headed dragon who was huge, spitted poison and burned them with his fire. A poisonous mist that attacked even one's soul spread throughout the battlefield.

"Orochi, your poison is only so useful due to my barriers, hmph." Ladon snorted pridefully. He was caging the devils and fallen inside of it and they were powerless to escape.

"Arrogance, I Yamata no Orochi would have the most kills in thissss battle. Look at them scream as their soulsss disperse!" Orochi cackled.

"Fuck, this is a nightmare. Why are there four evil dragons attacking us?" Azazel frowned. It was an uphill battle as well.

Grendel was rampaging through their ranks. Ladon protected Orochi and Nidhogg. It was terrible, they were dropping like flies.

"Oi! Stupid brother of mine, were you trying to get these crazy bastards under your control or something? I know you're stupid enough to try!" Azazel called out to his brother, Lucifer.

"Shut up Azazel! Who in their right minds would recruit evil dragons?" Lucifer snarled and they fought tooth and nail to just keep the miasma and poison away.

And Grendel was being kept busy by the other Satans. Lucifer's trusted aides; Leviathan, Asmodeus, and Beelzebub.

"Then why are they here!? We have no contacts with them!" Azazel frowned deeply.

"For a good fight obviously! Come on you fucking bats! You're so squishy that you explode in one hit!" Grendel punched a devil and he exploded.

The other three Satans were also starting to tire. Nidhogg's miasma was damaging them constantly. While Orochi's poison is messing with their mana. It was a losing battle for sure.

"If you won't fight, then I'll bring it to you!" Grendel charged right at the exhausted Leviathan.

She was using her sea serpent of the end, control over water to wash away poison constantly.

"Leviathan! Dodge!" Lucifer could see it, she would get flattened like a pancake by Grendel's fist that could cause earthquakes upon impact.

"Areh?" Grendel suddenly stopped. The fallen and devils feeling an enormous holy power.

"Ahhh, I have been killed." Grendel spoke one last time before he got bisected in half.

"F-father?" Lucifer and Azazel blinked, he never went to the underworld. Surprising the brothers.

"Your rampage ends here foul dragons! If you cause more untold destruction, then the balance of the world will be amiss!" Yahweh charged.

Ladon's barrier didn't stand a chance against his blade of light and holy fire. With it being supercharged with Samael's blood that is saturated with anti-dragon magic, they were killed quickly.

"Damn... Even father had to step in... Did they also attack heaven? Crazy bastards." Azazel growled.

Yahweh then began to incinerate the corpses of the evil dragons. But he frowned when the exact same happened with the other three that got dispatched in heaven.

"Their souls are fighting back... Fueled by the negative energy of the world. This means they will be back." Yahweh clicked his tongue.

He collected the souls of the dragons just like the others and he left the underworld.

"Truce?" Azazel offered Lucifer and he looked around. The devils also suffered a lot of casualties.

"For now, brother." Lucifer reluctantly agreed and they returned to their territories.

And back at heaven, Yahweh was trying to figure out what to do with the souls of evil dragons.

"I need to seal them, but it will take a lot of time. They are much stronger than Samael." He frowned deeply at the amount of time needed to do so.

"My sacred gears are still incomplete. I need to seal them right away or they would wreak havoc again." Yahweh was at an impasse.

He would sap his energy constantly to seal the dragons. That was a no go, as the cold war with the three factions of the deus trinity is starting to escalate.

More and more skirmishes are beginning. And he also needs to perfect the sacred gears in order to help protect humanity.

"What do I do? Samael's curse is weakening them. But they are still gaining power. Curses, the world has too much negative energy. The mana they are siphoning is abundant due to the age of the gods." Yahweh was exasperated.

It is because the pantheons are wreaking havoc on earth. Wars were happening left and right. Blood is spilled and hatred is being cultivated. Giving the evil dragons more power.

And while he was agonizing what to do, the system that he created started glowing.

"What's happening?" He himself doesn't understand the miracles that the system can create.

It is anchored to the world and it uses the mana and natural energy of the realms to function. And he isn't quite sure what miracles it can bring to the world.

"Camelot? What's happening at Arthur's kingdom?" Yahweh was curious and he ordered his angels to observe.


At what would be known as England, Camelot was celebrating because King Arthur's son has been born safely.

"Mordred Pendragon, that will be your name." Arthur looked at his child lovingly.

"It is a nice name." His wife Guinevere, smiled at their son.

"He will be brave, inherit the throne of Camelot and lead it to greatness." Arthur was excited to teach his son how to lead the kingdom.

They then gave him to the wet nurse in order to feed the new born Mordred.

"Hmmm, it seems that Arthur's son has been born. Is this what father mentioned?" An angel called Metatron was sent to observe Camelot because of the system's behavior.

"I will gather a sample then, this is a momentous occasion. Maybe this is the what he is curious about. Nin, nin." Metatron used his magic to emulate ninjutsu.

He might be a seraph, but he still had a hobby. And it was to be the greatest ninja ever, believe it.

Metatron carefully took some hair from Mordred after the wet nurse put him down in his cradle. And then he disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Huh, wha? Must be the wind." The wet nurse was never the wiser.

Returning to heaven, Metatron reported to his father and presented some hair to him. "Father, Arthur Pendragon's son has just been born. This is a small amount of his hair. The system might react to it if it is concerning him." Metatron gave it to him.

"Well done Metatron, it might be. Let us check it out." Yahweh went to 7th heaven and he slowly approached the system.

And every step he took towards it, the system glowed brighter. "Huh? Why are the souls vibrating?" Yahweh saw the temporarily sealed souls of the dragons tremble.

He then gasped. Immediately, he dove into his notes about creating sacred gears. And some materials need to be compatible with the spirit or power imbued into it. Like with autonomous ones that he planned with the soul of a Nemean lion.

"T-this means that the child has an affinity with dragons. So much so, that they are reacting this way..." Yahweh smiled at the solution.

But he got conflicted immediately. Sealing the evil dragons inside of him would be cruel. "This is a bad idea, no matter how you put it. Condemning a child to be the jailors of powerful evil dragons..."

"He would turn insane due to their evil aura. This cannot be sanctioned." Yahweh felt it was unfair.

The god of the trinity pondered for days and nights. Holing himself inside 7th heaven. But he had come to a conclusion.

He is bound to duty. To all of humanity and to preserve heaven's strength. "Forgive me child, you will be doing the world a great favor." Yahweh weeped and ordered Michael to contact Arthur Pendragon.

The right hand man of god nodded gravely at his orders. He did not wait for Arthur and Guinevere to bond with the child, as it would be cruel to take him away after that.

"Hello, Arthur Pendragon, Guinevere Pendragon. I am Michael, a seraph of God, do not fear." Michael appeared before the couple and they kneeled immediately.

"Y-your holiness! It is an honor for us to be graced with your presence." Arthur was in awe at the angel's presence.

Michael frowned heavily. With a heavy heart, he explained his purpose.

"M-my son? You wish to use my son to seal untold evil away from the world?" Arthur went into deep thought and Michael nodded.

"W-what? But he's my baby boy? Why can't God do it?" Guinevere panicked and Michael's heart broke upon the sight.

"They are enormously powerful evil dragons. Capable of destroying the world. Father can seal them no doubt. But it would keep him from repelling other evil forces at bay. The devils and fallen angels are making moves on humans, are they not?" Michael explained and the couple slumped down.

"I... Mordred. Your mother and I will remember you as a savior of the world. There is nothing more that can make me prouder." Arthur brushed the infant's cheek. Tears welling in his eyes.

As a ruler, he understood what was at stake. And the good of many was the first priority inside his head. This principle was cultivated for years as he trained to be king.

"Arthur... Mordred. Is there any way your holiness? Please..." Guinevere's voice cracked as she pleaded Michael.

"There is no other, child. It pains me to say this. But worry not, young Mordred will not suffer. He will not feel pain, worry, or fear as he seals the evil dragons until the end of time." Michael put a hand on her shoulder and Guinevere wailed in despair.

"Guinevere, it is for the realm. The highest honor that our son can achieve... For the greater good of the world." Arthur hardened his eyes.

"P-please let me say goodbye to my boy first." Guinevere cradled him into her arms.

"Mother will never see you grow up, I am proud of you Mordred. I won't forget you, my child. You are the pride of the Pendragon family. I love you with all my heart." Guinevere kissed Mordred's forehead and then she gave him to Michael with shaky hands.

The infant started crying, as if sensing that his mother's warmth disappeared. Forever relegated as a prisoner to evil dragons with him as the catalyst.

Guinevere dropped down to her knees and sobbed. "Mordred will be a hero, Pendragons. I bid you farewell, thank you." Michael blessed them with holy power as gratitude. But it didn't ease their hearts at all.

Michael returned to heaven, feeling like he had a lump on his throat. "Father, Mordred Pendragon is here." He gave the infant to Yahweh.

"Thank you for your service Michael... I do not like this as well, but it must be done. Lucifer and his Satans are getting braver by the day." Yahweh thanked him and Michael bowed.

Preparing the sealing runes, Yahweh worked with a frown on his face. Mordred Pendragon would have been etched in history as a king of Camelot. Leading it to greatness with his father's teachings.

But here he was, turning into a jailor. "Sorry little one." Yahweh poured in his powers into the runes and blessed his body so he could power through the procedure.

He began inserting the souls of the evil dragons inside of him. Turning Mordred into the very first ever sacred gear.

"Ironic... My first perfect sacred gear is a sacrifice that robbed a promising child's future." Yahweh sneered at himself.

"Michael, tell Guinevere and Arthur that it is successful. Their son is a hero they would be proud of." Yahweh ordered.

Michael nodded, giving the good. Or in this case, unfortunate news to the couple.

"Seraph Michael, I would like you to give this sword to my son. It is his, Caliburn is the sword that signifies his claim to the throne." Arthur gave Michael a sword. (pic)

"The golden sword of the victorious. Fear not, this blade will be with him. I hope it brings him joy that his parents gave this to him." Michael received it and left.

"Father, Arthur gave Caliburn to Mordred." Michael was seen with the sheathed sword and Yahweh nodded.

"If they want to give it to him, then we will be glad to do so." Yahweh took the blade and glanced at Mordred.

"Where are you planning to seal his presence father? You know that angels are not infallible. They might do something to Mordred. And Cocytus is not a place for a hero." Michael wondered.

"Have you ever heard the phrase, hiding in plain sight?" Yahweh uttered an idiom that humans used.

"I'm afraid not father, what does it mean?" Michael was confused. Sealing Mordred in plain sight would make him a target for the supernatural.

"It means that we hide Mordred somewhere that is close to others. But in a place they won't expect at all." Yahweh gathered his seraphs and they will proceed with hiding Mordred as the jailor of the evil dragons.

And once they were gathered, he teleported them to a place the angels did not expect at all. Not a single bit.

"The underworld? But father, this is madness." Michael saw the violet sky and it was the underworld's.

"I told you, hiding in plain sight. Now help me, they will not expect this at all. If anyone tries to get the souls of the evil dragons to revive them, they would have no luck. Because they would try to find it in churches. And heaven is barred against anyone else, so they wouldn't be able to find them." Yahweh explained and the seraphs clapped.

They went into a cave and Yahweh put a barrier around them to hide their powers.

He began to lay down the sealing array. Keeping Mordred immortal to chain them down, frozen in time forever.

Yahweh also turned him into a mini Samael. Making Mordred an anti-dragon human seal. Tightening the chains for the evil dragons.

"Now, give me your strengths. Nothing unholy or demonic can ever get to him. Call it insurance." Yahweh pooled their strengths for a divine barrier.

The area basically turned into a holy sanctuary that would get set off if some filthy devil or fallen angel tried to break it. Smiting them with the power of the trinity's god. Alongside the seraphs of heaven.

It is also strong enough that the only ones capable of destroying it through brute force is the true dragon; Great Red. Or the infinite dragon god; Ophis.

"Young Mordred, thank you for your sacrifice." Yahweh took Caliburn and stabbed it beside him. Enchanting it with preservation magic.

"Collapse the entrance, this would be a tomb of a hero." They made the rocks collapse onto the entry point and the supernatural was none the wiser.

What they didn't know though, was Mordred is supposed to be the knight of treachery. Leading to the downfall of Camelot.

Caliburn also began to absorb the holy energies of the barrier bit by bit. It would take thousands of years, but Caliburn is making the energy around its own.

The infant who was being bathed by light from the holy energies remained unmoving. But his fate has changed. And who knows what will happen?

Only time could tell. And it is a constant that consumes all, even the powers of a god.


Thanks for reading everyone, I love DxD. And I thought, what is something unique that is interesting?

And due to Fate being really compatible with it. I will sprinkle a bit of it in. And nobody expects that the MC would be Mordred.

Also, you can already expect that he won't have any sacred gears. Stolen or otherwise, his potential is already skyhigh. With the evil dragons sealed inside him, turning him into a sacred gear of sorts.

Tune in to who will find him, it's a neutral entity which isn't used at all in stories too. Canon and fanfics both. Anyways, ciao.