
DxD: The forgotten mob character, Motohama

Average appearance, check. Strange looking glasses, check. Weak constitution, check. Find out how bad it would be if you were reincarnated into the typical forgotten mob character.

CallmeMISTER · Cómic
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43 Chs

Chapter 03

Student Council Office.

"I can't take this much more work, Kaichou," - said a blond boy with defeated arms on a table full of papers.

In addition to the blond boy, there are a total of six girls in the room. All of them are too busy to pay any attention to a certain teenager's complaints.

Sona takes a quick look at her peerage's newest pawn and lets out a small sigh."Tsubaki."


"If possible, help, Saji-san. I'll take care of your work. He's new here and still adjusting to his new obligations."

"As you order, Kaichou."

"Sona-Kaichou," - Saji looks in awe at Sona for her show of mercy and wipes away his tears dramatically.

She really was worthy to be their King, said Saji in his heart.

Needless to say, Sona didn't even deign to look in his direction and decided to act professional.

Without previous warning. A crimson pentagram and the symbol of the house of Gremory shone on the floor, catching the eye of Sona, who had previously been checking some reports under the table.

From the center emerged the figure of two beauties that seemed to defy human understanding. A redhead with gravity-defying breasts and also a brunette with a predator's glaze and body.

Saji's mouth goes dry and his eyes are wide open to that sight of the gods, Kuoh's two one-sama. A few weeks ago he certainly wouldn't have believed that he could ever breathe the same air of so many beauties. Becoming part of Sona's peerage was the best choice he ever made.

Just look at it now, surrounded by so many women and only him as a man, the wet dream of any healthy pervert from Kuoh.

"I hope I haven't come at a bad time," Rias says, her chest heaving and like magic, they sway briefly with a 'boing' sound.

Saji starts drooling lightly from the left corner, while staring at the redhead's fleshy monstrosities.

'No, no, you can't do that, Saji' The blonde grabs his head and shakes it from side to side, while saying to himself inwardly. 'You only have eyes for Kaichou. You can not do that. You are stronger than that. You can't look at these juicy wonders and masterpieces that are --'

Once again Saji gets lost in looking at breasts, only this time he was looking at Akeno's breasts.

"Ara ara, looks like someone is a little excited," Akeno says as she rests her left hand on her cheek and her pinky finger lightly touches the corner of her own lips. She lets out a sadistic laugh and, "I guess you wouldn't blame me if I disciplined him a little, would you? Sona-sama. I promise to be a good sempai."

A shiver ran down Saji's spine. He now regrets it as he realizes he messed with someone potentially dangerous.

Sona has a slight expression of disgust at her new pawn's shameful behavior, but then she turns with a cold face to Akeno and says, "I hope you're not serious about touching a member of my peerage. Remember, their discipline is my responsibility. We may have a problem if you don't understand that."

The threat tone was poorly concealed.

"I apologize for Akeno's behavior, but you didn't have to threaten my queen, Sona," Rias said in a firm tone, looking eye to eye.

The staring contest between the two of them goes on for some indeterminate amount of time, before Sona sighs and says, "Anyway, it was my pawn's fault in the first place. If he hadn't acted inappropriately we wouldn't be having this argument. I apologize for his behavior."

The expression on Rias' face softens and the redhead turns to her right and asks, "What about you, Akeno. -- What do you have to say about your behavior?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to. I apologize for my impudence, Sona-sama," Akena bows briefly.

Sona nods, accepting the apology.

With the two 'One-samas' seated on the bench in front of them, Rias clasped her hands together excitedly saying, "Done, with everything settled between us. Why don't we talk about other things?"

A white-haired young woman approaches with a tray of steaming tea and the two guests thank her.

"It's fantastic," Akeno compliments the tea to the white-haired girl, known as Momo Hanakai.

The shy-natured girl is red-cheeked from the compliment, "I'm glad you liked it," She looks a little indecisive, but soon builds up her courage and takes the opportunity to ask with a slight blush, "What about Kiba-kun? Why he didn't come with you?"

Needless to say, that question was like messing with a wasps' nest, at least 4 girls from Sona's peerage had romantic interests in said blonde swordsman.

And the argument between them began.

'Tsk. Damn Bishōnen character,' thought Saji with his hand over his chest, his heart bleeding as if he'd had a mortal wound. Yuuto had stolen the attention of the girls present without even being here, while right now he was left alone in the wings. 'What does that guy have that I don't?'

After some time and finally managing to calm the girls' spirits...

"Talks aside, let's talk about why I called you here today, Rias." - Sona said in her usual political way.

Seeing her posture and serious tone...

"Frankly, Sona," Rias crosses her arms on the bench and pouts. "We've been friends since we were kids, no need to act so serious. Ugh. Sometimes I feel like I'm on a job interview or something."

Ignoring the redhead's complaints, Sona takes a set of books from one of her desk drawers.

"You're always so carefree Rias. Do you happen to recognize any of these?"

The redhead inspects the title written on the cover of the book Sona handed her as she says absently, "Um, it looks familiar, I just can't remember from where."

Rias puts her index finger on her chin, while trying to pull from the memory of where she had seen that book, until...

"Oh," The redhead said involuntarily as she remembered something.

"Oh?" Sona looks at her with a raised eyebrow.

She lets out a nervous laugh, "Haha. I see you found this in the middle of my collect-I mean, um, school library," The redhead said all this as she looked away in different directions, trying to escape the violet eyes of Sona that seem to judge her. Rias' voice also sounded a little strained, as if a child had been caught in mischief.

Seeing that Sona is still silent...

Rias decides to look Sona in the eye and straightens her posture, before, "Cough. Anyway, you're a really good friend. Thank you for your care in bringing this to me. Really your kindness knows no bounds."

Sona would have laughed at Rias' childish attempts to manipulate her with compliments, as the redhead knew that scolding was already coming.

"Seriously, how did you think leaving dangerous books like these in a school full of humans could be an acceptable thing," Sona blurts out everything she can think of on the matter. "I don't understand your train of thought."

"Ugh," Rias shifts in her chair uncomfortably. "Speaking like that -- Er--- actually sounds like a bit of a bad thing."

Not that any human being hurting or even dying would make any fuss in the devil's society, far from it. But this was their territory and any eventuality could fall back on their names, or worse, tarnish the names of their families and that Sona wouldn't admit.

Akeno did not like Sona scolding her king, but even she did not have much to say in her defense.

"In my defense, I was doing a contract that day and I got tired, had to listen to nearly four hours straight lecture on human magic by a weirdo. He wanted to convince me that human magic was superior to demonic magic. I thought I was going to suffocate and die of boredom." Rias argued with a pout. "In the end he gifted some books as a reference, but frankly - I didn't know what to make of it all."

There are different types of humans who make contracts for more random things in life, for who knows what. This contractor just wanted to convince a demon that the human magic system was superior. What are your motivations? Rias wouldn't know the answer, he was a strange mage.

"Well, there's no use regretting what's in the past," Sona closes her eyes and shakes her head from side to side. "At least everything was properly sorted out," Sona suddenly opens as she remembers something and says a little hesitantly, "I mean-maybe almost everything."

"Huh?" Rias looks confused at what she meant by that.

"Actually, it wasn't me who found these books, but a student at the institution, a human to be specific. I surprised him and caught him reading in the library alone. He seemed quite interested in the subject."

The redhead's eyes widen in horror, but then her expression changes and fills with euphoria. She wastes no time and asks excitedly, "SERIOUSLY? Was he really interested? Is he strong? Does he have potential? Please, Sona - you know I'm in need of--"

Sona extends a signal for her to wait and replies, "I'm sorry to disappoint you. He's just a human with less than average magical energy, with no sacred gear or anything special."

Rias visibly deflates and she asks a little dejectedly, "Who?"

"A member of the perverted trio, Sato Motohama. But as I said before, nothing noteworthy about him." - Sona reaffirmed.

'Perverted Trio? Hmph! Of course none of them are special,' Saji thought stingily. He was still recovering from the blow it took for Yuuto to steal the girls' attention and feeling superior to those three made him feel better. After all, he's not that bad.

Motohama's subject is forgotten and they keep talking about other subjects with each other. What none of them were aware of was, what kinds of changes were about to happen in Kuoh?

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