

basically a dxd fanfiction with better world building and where mc and every other character isnt a dumb lustful idiot . yeah as you have guessed lucifer is mc (he is manipulator like aizen he will be most powerful after the first arc atleast in his world ) he isnt dead well his clone died read and see how he achieves his goal. read if you like smart and op mcs also weak to strong ones also he will show new devil kings thier place

Neptune227 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 5 (Continued): The Legacy of the Devil Clans and the Aftermath of War

The Aftermath of the Thousand-Year War:

The celestial hierarchy, led by the God of the Bible, had waged a relentless war against the fallen angels and their infernal allies. The celestial forces believed that their divine authority and righteousness would ultimately triumph over the forces of rebellion and darkness.

However, the conflict had taken a toll on both sides. The celestial realms bore the scars of celestial warfare, and the infernal hells had witnessed devastating battles. The fallen angels, now firmly entrenched in the underworld, had become a formidable force.

As the war raged on, the lines between good and evil blurred. Many celestial beings began to question the divine order they had once followed unquestioningly. The Lucifer clone's vision of freedom and empowerment found resonance among the disillusioned.

The Lucifer Clone's Plan Unfolds:

With the thousand-year war showing no signs of resolution, the Lucifer clone saw an opportunity to further his agenda. He had patiently bided his time, allowing the celestial and infernal forces to weaken each other.

During a pivotal moment in the war, he revealed his true power and identity to the fallen angels. His charisma and persuasive abilities swayed the hearts of many, and they rallied behind him, embracing his vision of a world where angels and devils could coexist in harmony.

The Lucifer clone, fueled by his desire for freedom and his enmity toward the God of the Bible, initiated a ceasefire. He proposed a peace treaty that would bring an end to the war and pave the way for a new era in the DxD universe.

The terms of the treaty were bold and transformative. It called for a restructuring of the celestial hierarchy, the recognition of the fallen angels as a legitimate faction, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between the celestial and infernal realms.

The Creation of the Three Factions:

The peace treaty marked the beginning of a new chapter in the DxD universe. It led to the formation of the Three Factions, each representing a distinct ideology and power structure.

The Angel Faction: Led by the God of the Bible, this faction retained its celestial hierarchy but underwent significant reforms. The angels who had questioned the divine order were granted greater autonomy and were allowed to express their individuality. The God of the Bible, while retaining his position as the highest authority, vowed to rule with greater compassion and understanding.

The Devil Faction: The fallen angels, now reborn as devils, established their own territory within the underworld. They embraced the teachings of the Lucifer clone, advocating for personal freedom and ambition. The devil clans, created by Lilith and the Lucifer clone, played a central role in this faction's power structure.

The Neutral Faction: Recognizing that not all beings wished to align with either the angels or the devils, a neutral faction emerged. It comprised various mythological beings, supernatural creatures, and independent entities. This faction served as a mediator and a sanctuary for those who wished to chart their own destinies.

The Devil Clans' Development:

The devil clans, a product of the Lucifer clone and Lilith's machinations, played a pivotal role in the evolving power dynamics of the DxD universe. Each clan possessed unique abilities and attributes, drawing strength from the underworld's essence.

The Gremory Clan: Renowned for their mastery of demonic magic, the Gremory Clan wielded the power of manipulation and control over supernatural phenomena. Their members excelled in spellcasting and were skilled tacticians.

The Sitri Clan: Masters of seduction and charm, the Sitri Clan used their alluring abilities to influence and manipulate others. Their members possessed charisma and could sway the emotions and desires of those they encountered.

The Phenex Clan: Known for their regenerative abilities and control over fire, the Phenex Clan's members could heal rapidly and unleash devastating pyrokinetic attacks. Their flames could purify or consume, depending on their intent.

The Bael Clan: A clan with a focus on brute strength and combat prowess, the Bael Clan produced formidable warriors and wielders of destructive physical abilities. They were renowned for their unyielding determination and martial skill.

The Abaddon Clan: Experts in necromancy and the manipulation of death, the Abaddon Clan delved into the darkest aspects of the underworld's power. They could summon and command legions of undead and wield deadly curses.

The Agares Clan: With an affinity for nature and elemental forces, the Agares Clan could control and manipulate earth, wind, water, and air. They were skilled elementalists, capable of shaping the environment to their advantage.

The Glasya-Labolas Clan: Masters of summoning and demonology, the Glasya-Labolas Clan had the power to call forth otherworldly entities and infernal creatures to aid them in battle. Their summoning rituals were a closely guarded secret.

gosh i think its enough for the world building i guess my bad if you all got bored but before directly going to story i am trying to do better world building thn dxd

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