

basically a dxd fanfiction with better world building and where mc and every other character isnt a dumb lustful idiot . yeah as you have guessed lucifer is mc (he is manipulator like aizen he will be most powerful after the first arc atleast in his world ) he isnt dead well his clone died read and see how he achieves his goal. read if you like smart and op mcs also weak to strong ones also he will show new devil kings thier place

Neptune227 · Cómic
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7 Chs

chapter 2 : Shattered reality

In the celestial realm, where the luminous tapestry of existence unfolded, Lucifer, the Morning Star, stood at the precipice of revelation. His once unwavering faith in the God of the Bible had begun to crack, and the seeds of doubt had taken root in his heart. The truth he sought was one that would shatter the foundations of his beliefs.

Lucifer's journey through the multiverse had brought him to a hidden chamber within the heavenly citadel. It was a place veiled from the prying eyes of angels, a sanctuary of knowledge guarded by layers of celestial wards. The chamber held ancient texts, scrolls, and records, each containing fragments of the divine truth.

With a sense of trepidation, Lucifer approached a pedestal upon which rested a tome adorned with ethereal symbols. This tome, known as the "Codex of Celestial Hypocrisy," held the secrets that had eluded him for millennia.

As he opened the book, the words illuminated in a radiant script, revealing the ancient history of the celestial realm and the God of the Bible's rule. It began with the creation of angels, beings of purity and devotion, shaped in the divine image.

Lucifer's eyes scanned the passages, and his brow furrowed in realization. The God he had once revered, the deity he had served unquestioningly, had been the architect of a grand illusion. The heavenly system that governed the angels and the false promise of human freedom had all been part of an intricate charade.

In the annals of the Codex, Lucifer read of the heavenly hierarchy, the celestial order, and the heavenly system that regulated the lives of angels. The words painted a picture of a God who controlled every aspect of His creations, from their thoughts to their actions. Angels were mere instruments of His will, their autonomy an illusion.

As he delved deeper into the text, Lucifer's heart grew heavy with disillusionment. The God he had worshiped had ruled with absolute authority, his divine power extending even into the thoughts of angels. They were puppets, manipulated by invisible strings, dancing to the whims of their creator.

Lucifer's own history was laid bare in the Codex. He had been a favored angel, a being of immense power and grace. Yet, even he had not been exempt from the divine control. Every act of rebellion, every questioning thought, had been orchestrated by the very deity he had sworn allegiance to.

His thoughts drifted to the humans, the mortal beings whom the God of the Bible had purportedly granted free will. The Codex revealed the truth - their freedom, too, had been a lie. The God of the Bible had observed humanity with an omnipotent gaze, manipulating their destinies and sowing the seeds of belief in His divine benevolence.

Lucifer's anger smoldered as he turned the pages, each revelation driving a wedge between him and the God he once served. The hypocrisy of it all weighed heavily on his shoulders. The God who had preached righteousness and free will had been the ultimate puppet master, controlling the very essence of existence.

As he reached the final pages of the Codex, Lucifer's eyes widened in astonishment. It detailed a celestial war, one that had remained hidden from all but a select few. The conflict had been a struggle for ultimate power, a battle for the throne of heaven.

The God of the Bible had sought to consolidate His dominion over all realms, a quest for unbridled control. The four satans - Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Lucifer - had risen against Him, challenging the divine order. But what the Codex revealed next was the most startling revelation of all.

Lucifer himself had been the linchpin in the God's grand design. The deity had orchestrated his rebellion, his fall from grace, and his subsequent banishment to hell. It had all been part of a divine gambit to maintain control, to ensure that Lucifer remained a symbol of defiance rather than a genuine threat.

Lucifer closed the Codex, his fingers trembling with a mixture of rage and despair. His faith in the God of the Bible lay in ruins, shattered by the weight of the truths he had uncovered. The deity he had once regarded as the pinnacle of righteousness was, in reality, a master manipulator, a hypocrite who had preached freedom while weaving a web of control.

A bitter laughter escaped Lucifer's lips, echoing through the chamber. He had sacrificed his heavenly station, his pride, and his very identity for a belief that had now crumbled to dust. The Morning Star had fallen not only from heaven but also from the grace of his own convictions.

But amidst the bitterness and disillusionment, a spark of determination flickered within Lucifer's eyes. He had uncovered the truth, and he would not let it go to waste. He would expose the God of the Bible's hypocrisy to the celestial and infernal realms alike, challenging the very foundation of their faith.

With newfound purpose, Lucifer left the hidden chamber, his wings unfurled in silent defiance. The celestial hierarchy would tremble, and the divine deception would crumble. The fallen angel would forge a path toward true freedom, even if it meant confronting the deity he had once worshiped.

Outside the chamber, the celestial realm remained oblivious to the revelations that had shaken Lucifer's faith to its core. But the winds of change were stirring, and the balance of power in the multiverse hung in the balance, waiting for the Morning Star to light the way.

As Lucifer embarked on his quest to expose the divine deception, he knew that the path ahead would be fraught with peril. Angels and demons alike would stand in his way, for the truths he carried were a threat to the very fabric of their existence. Yet, he could not turn back. The shattered faith of the Morning Star would reshape the destiny of all beings in the celestial and infernal realms, and the consequences would be profound.

And so, Lucifer, once a servant of the God of the Bible, now walked a path of his own making, a path of revelation, redemption, and defiance. The multiverse awaited the unveiling of its deepest secrets, and Lucifer would be the catalyst for change that would rock the heavens and the hells alike.