

basically a dxd fanfiction with better world building and where mc and every other character isnt a dumb lustful idiot . yeah as you have guessed lucifer is mc (he is manipulator like aizen he will be most powerful after the first arc atleast in his world ) he isnt dead well his clone died read and see how he achieves his goal. read if you like smart and op mcs also weak to strong ones also he will show new devil kings thier place

Neptune227 · Cómic
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7 Chs

Chapter 1: Divine secrets

In the vast expanse of the multiverse, where realms and dimensions intertwined, an intricate and timeless battle raged on. At its center were two formidable beings whose destinies had been intertwined since the dawn of existence itself - YHWH, the divine figure from the Bible, and Lucifer, the renowned adversary. This battle was a clash of wills, a duel of cosmic proportions that had spanned eons, and its secrets were buried deep within the annals of time.

YHWH, the once-all-powerful God of the Bible, was no longer the omnipotent force He had been in His prime. The passage of time had taken its toll on the divine entity, rendering Him weaker than ever before. His dominion over the celestial realms had waned, and His omnipresence had become a distant memory. But even in His diminished state, YHWH retained a spark of divine might that could not be underestimated.

On the opposing side stood Lucifer, the Morning Star, and his three fellow satans - Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and Leviathan. Together, they had challenged the might of God, their audacity shaking the very foundations of existence. In the eyes of many, it should have been an impossible feat. The God of the Bible, in His prime, possessed the power to erase them effortlessly from existence. But the enigmatic Trihexia 666 and two mighty dragons stood sealed, and the celestial scales had tipped in favor of the fallen angels.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of cataclysmic. The heavens trembled, and the earth quaked as the divine and the damned clashed in a war that transcended mere mortal comprehension. It was a battle that should have ended with the swift and decisive victory of God. And indeed, it did, but not without cost.

Countless millennia had passed since the final clash between YHWH and the four satans. Over the ages, the truth behind that monumental conflict had become shrouded in myth and legend. Both angelic and demonic lore told the same tale - that the God of the Bible, in His weakened state, had ultimately perished in the battle, along with Lucifer and his three allies.

However, as the eons passed, doubt began to creep into the minds of those who pondered the mysteries of existence. How had the four satans managed to overpower a weakened God? Why had Lucifer, a being of unparalleled pride and power, made the fateful decision to sacrifice himself, a move that seemed far beneath his station?

In the dimly lit confines of a celestial library hidden within the celestial realm, an ancient angelic scholar known as Seraphiel pored over dusty tomes and scrolls, seeking answers to these questions that had plagued both angels and demons for millennia. Seraphiel's keen intellect and insatiable curiosity had driven him to embark on a quest for knowledge that spanned countless centuries.

As Seraphiel studied the texts before him, he muttered to himself, his voice a whisper in the hallowed silence of the library. "There must be something we've missed, something hidden in the shadows of history. The truth of that great conflict cannot be as simple as it seems."

With a weary sigh, Seraphiel leaned back in his ornate chair, his feathered wings rustling softly. His azure eyes, filled with a profound wisdom that belied his youthful appearance, scanned the shelves lined with ancient tomes. Each volume held the potential to unveil a piece of the puzzle, a clue to the untold story of that fateful battle.

Just as Seraphiel was about to reach for another dusty tome, a flicker of movement caught his attention. A soft, ethereal light began to emanate from the pages of a nearby scroll, drawing his gaze like a moth to a flame. The scroll bore no markings or seals, yet it seemed to beckon to him.

Intrigued, Seraphiel extended a hand, carefully unfurling the mysterious scroll. As the words inscribed upon it came into view, his eyes widened in astonishment. The scroll contained an account of the ancient conflict, but it differed from the commonly accepted lore.

"Lucifer's sacrifice... it was not what it seemed," Seraphiel murmured, his voice trembling with realization. The scroll revealed a hidden truth, a secret that had been concealed from both angelic and demonic realms.

The revelation was a spark that ignited a fire within Seraphiel's heart. Determined to uncover the entire truth, he knew that he could not embark on this quest alone. With a resolute expression, he closed the scroll and stood, his wings unfurling majestically. He would need allies, both angelic and demonic, to delve deeper into the mysteries of that ancient battle and uncover the secrets that had remained hidden for far too long.

And so, in the heart of the celestial realm, a new chapter in the eternal conflict between angels and demons began. Seraphiel, the seeker of truth, would journey across the multiverse, forging alliances and confronting ancient enmities, all in pursuit of the ultimate revelation - the untold story of how YHWH, the divine figure from the Bible, had been weakened, and how Lucifer, the Morning Star, had become a formidable opponent.

yeah this was the first chapter he is gonna absorb god or something follow this story to know

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