
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Cómic
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125 Chs


It's the first day of the month. Time for a sales pitch. Well for those that are interested in reading ahead or just supporting me. There are up to 10 chapters ahead for this fic. And about 10 other fics that I do update as well.

So if you want to help me out, go check out my pat and see if anything catches your eye.

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Enjoy the chap

Word Count 1666


After Ingvild killed Katarea. I let her compose herself before taking her out in the living room.

Everybody had already made themselves at home.

Dino and Veldora were lazying around on the couches. One was sleeping the other one was reading manga.

Kuroka and Koneko were just cuddling together. Enjoying each other's presence. Making up for lost time I guess.

Kurama was sitting on the balcony on a very comfortable mat. He was working on his Senjutsu.

Gasper and Valerie were chilling and listening to music. Deucalion was lying down next to them. Enjoying Valerie's patting

Meredith, Asia, Xenovia and Misaki were talking about normal girl things. Well, Xenovia was trying to follow the conversation.

Tiamat was playing with Asia's baby Sprite Dragon. Tiamama doing Tiamama things.

Funny Veldora was the furthest away from her. He was still deathly afraid of her.

(A/N Bolded them so it's easier to count. Man the team really grew in numbers)

"Everyone. Many of you know her. But here is the official introduction. This is Ingvild Leviathan, our new member" I raise my voice a bit as Ingvild shyly stood next to me

"Umm...Hello everyone. As he said.. my name is Ingvild. Pleased to meet you"

Is this the same girl that just killed her aunt?

I thought she liked to sing?

"Why are you getting stage fright? Weren't you a singer"

Ingvild turns to me and whispers "I like to sing. But that doesn't mean I'm used to talking with strangers."

I smirk at her then whisper "You do know that everyone can hear us right"

Ingvild turns to the 'crowd' and all of them were smiling and grinning her. Making her blush

Meredith came on the left, Valerie on the right. They grabbed her right under her armpits and lifted her up.

"Ah! Wait! Stop!" Ingvild was too surprised to talk properly, but the girls ignored her and dragged her off.

They made a team rule.

No loners or gloomy people. Most members have some baggage they carry. The girls want to help with that

"Leviathan huh? You sure know how to cause chaos Isaiah" Tamat sat down next to me

"What can I say. I'm good at recruiting people. Did you finish it?"

Tiamat noded " Its done. What's next on your agenda? Now that I have joined. With the two of us I doubt anyone can tell us what to do"

"Nope. Gods are going to get involved soon. Death Gods."

Tiamat raised an eyebrow. "Gods as in plural? You 'saw' that?"

I nodded to her.

"Well in that case no. We aren't ready. Death Gods are such a pain to fight against."


These people are different.

I plan to recruit them as well. Like any Organization. I need people to do the grunt work.

They are brought outside.

With the team and me standing in a Semi-Circle around them for intimidation.

I snap my fingers and the seals that were muffling their sight and hearing was turned off.

When they saw all of us. Their faces paled. I even saw one guy whimper. He was the one near to Tiamat.

"W-what do y-you want with us? W-why did you capture us?" One of the magicians spoke up. But he was stuttering from the fear.

"It's quite simple. You see I need soldiers and assets for the faction I'm building. And as I was considering killing you in that battle an idea popped into my head.

'Instead of me killing you, why don't I make you work for me'"

The magicians were shocked

"So here's the deal, you either work for me or you die." My aura pressed down on them

" Your pay and position will depend on merit. Whether that merit will be from Magical Research or from Battle will depend on you. Make your choice"

They sat there in silence as they made eye contact with each other.

There was no choice. Either they work for me or they die.

Each will have Loyalty swords. That will kill them if they ever come even close to betraying me. Alongside with some minor compulsion effects. Similar to that of the Evil Pieces.

Just so they adapt faster to their 'new lives'. I don't have the time to waste on them 'getting used' to their new boss. I'm in charge and they need to be capable of flowing orders without screwing up

One of the magicians will be the leader of the group and report back to Meredith

"I-I will w-work for you" One of them spoke up. And like a dam breaking. All of them did so one by one.

"Good." I raise my hand and make a sword appear in my hand "This is Sword of Betrayal. If you ever betray or are close to betraying me or the others. The sword will claim your life

If you prove yourselves trustworthy and useful. The sword will be taken out and you will receive Swords that can protect you from harm. A strong Barrier to block an attack that could end your life. Instantly teleport you back to base and many others"

Yeah no. even if they prove themselves trustworthy, those Swords will stay with them until their end. Who knows if they will be 'turned' later on.

All of them nod in fear.

"Good. Go clean yourselves up and rest in the Guest Rooms. You will be given orders later on"

With that one by one they headed to the Villa

"Isaiah, do we have swords like that?" Dino looks me in the eyes.

This was natural. I would be disappointed if no one even asked

"No. I trust you guys. There is no such feature on your swords. But I don't trust others. We will be increasing our numbers by a lot in the near future. I made those swords to find and eliminate spies."

Kurama and Veldora smirked. Kurama had Senjutsu and Veldora just knew me better. But Dino left his home and joined a total stranger.

Dino scratched his head awkwardly "Yeah sorry..."

Now he was feeling awkward for second-guessing me, the leader of the group.

"No. Don't apologize for this. It's perfectly natural. I would be disappointed if no one even asked. I just hope that my actions will clear all doubt"

Normally Leaders get angry at this. Someone undermining their authority. But that's in front of the grunts. These people will be my inner circle. I need their loyalty true, but not loyalty from fear.

Dino nods " But I get why you made the swords. I mean look at Grigori and the Devils. So many fucking spies. One time dad told me once that he knew what Serafal had for lunch and what she was wearing. But that was before that spy got himself killed."

*Brrrrr* The girls minus Tiamat shivered. They were disgusted by the thought of someone knowing so much about them.

"All in favor that all new grunts have these swords" Meredith quickly raised her hand in the air


All the girls agreed at the same time.

We 'guy's just look at them with strange faces. Girls are weird.

"Soo..What's next on the list!" Veldora turns to me with sparkling eyes that scream out 'Tell ME!'

"We are heading to Norway." I casually drop our next location

The others looked confused before it clicked


" Don't tell me.."

"Are you for real?"

"Yep~ Asgard" I grin at them

"How the hell are we going to enter Asgard? Isn't that place like in another realm?"Misaki asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yes. A realm that is protected by an army" Tiamat added.

"We will cross that bridge when we get there. We could go next week. But it will depend on if we get ready in time. By the way. Dino, Velodra. I need pron mags. Get as many as you can find. Make sure the woman are curvy."

The women started to stare down at me while releasing their bloodlust

"Hooo. And why do you need such things? Oh wise and powerful leader" They quickly surrounded me

"I plan to bribe Odin with them" I quickly take the wind from their sails

They all stood there, stunned at my reason.

"You think that's going to work? He is the All-Father. The Chief God The Most Powerful God in Asgard" Kurama looked unconvinced

"First that's not true. Thor is stronger than him. Second The man frequently visits Oppai Clubs no matter which country he is in. And his perversion is well known in the supernatural world. I even heard he goes in kids' parks to hold lessons on the glory that Oppai are" I say in a monotone voice

I'm not even going to begin wrapping my head on how messed up that sounds.

The others shared a similar reaction

"Wait Thor is stronger? Why haven't I heard of this before" Dino picks up on that fact

Before I could even answer Tiamat did

"Because he is a musclehead... He is Stronger. But that doesn't mean that he will always win. His battle tactics literally are non-existent, he is terrible at politics and anything else that is required to Rule or Lead a Faction.

Fighting, Women and Food are the only thing on his mind. If he was in charge of Asgard it would burn down in a month"

Everybody took some time to process that fact.

I'm curious how the hell is he still the Crown Prince

"Well. Everybody is free to do what they want. Show Ingvild around if you have the time."

Since the 'meeting' was over. Everybody went to do their own thing. Ingvild was kidnaped by Meredith, Asia, Xenovia and Misaki to test out some modern hairstyles on her.

Valerie winked at me and went up the stairs to her room.

Huh, didn't see that coming.

Well, time too fulfill my promise to Valerie and continue where we left off.