
dxd my multiversal journey

reborn in dxd after getting my wished from the universal troll, maybe harem but no more than three girls if I do so.

Anthony_Chavez_6666 · Cómic
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12 Chs

ch. 3 demonic energy

*three months later*

Humming to myself I faked playing with some toys with millia while I was internally playing with my demonic energy. It was a fickle thing really. When I tried guiding it along and through my body I felt it rebelling at every twist and turn slipping out of my grasp like its water causing me to twitch every now and then. 'This ain't working, it's like a rabid dog trying to bite the hand that fuckin Feeds it.' I thought as my hand twitched and I crushed the toy devil soldier in my hand.

"Having problems controlling your demonic energy?" Millia's amused voice kicked me out of my thoughts as I looked up at her only to see her giving me a teasing smile.

Blushing I looked away in embarrassment "I-i don't know what you mean." I stammered out due to how easy I was caught.

Rolling her eyes millia put down the toy angel soldier in her hand as she ruffled my hair. "Alvis I'm pretty sure everyone in the mansion has been feeling you flair your demonic energy for the past hour. All the servants and family members are at least high class in strength. We all are also trained to be exceptional at identifying energy sources, signatures, and fluctuations. You've been flairing yours like a beacon in the dead of the night for over an hour my dear."

"Ah uh I see." I mumbled as I looked down feeling like a fuckin retard. 'The fuck I'm supposed to be like super smart now or some shit, why am I acting like a child.' I internally barrated myself.

"Awww don't feel bad Alvis you've never trained your demonic energy before so this is natural." Millia soothed me as she pulled me into a hug my face buried between her magnificent tits while she affectionately rubbed my head.

'Ah yes another thing I've learned devils can be extremely affectionate towards family or friends, as well as revealing in skin to skin contact. Its actually somewhat soothing and comforting.' I thought as remembered that over the past three months the only time I don't have someone within arms reach being when I sleep, and even then I might not be left alone if my father skips out on his paper work to go run away with serafall and in they're own words "I didn't sign up for this shit I'm out!" As they literally jumped out the window of his office shattering it in they're get away.

Ya mom was mad that week and kept blue balling dad than coming into my room to sleep using me as a body pillow the hole night. Ya let's just say that I'm glad I wasn't old enough to pop a boner or that would have been weird.

Anyways back to being suffocated by my stunningly beautiful maid. Sighing and feeling myself relaxing and knowing that he was already found out he continued to play with his demonic energy which was surprising easier to control now. Widening my eyes at the ease of it I shot out of millia's grip as I smiled widely only to freeze as my demonic energy went ape shit almost immediately causing a small ball of pure destruction out and hitting a chairs leg causing it to fall over. "Huh but I had it though!" I growled out frustrated. Than seeing the knowing smile on my maids face my eyes widened "don't tell me…" I trailed off while sitting back on her lap as her legs wrapped around my small waist as one of her hands started messaging my head as the other worked on my shoulder.

"Yes for younger devils it's easier to control they're demonic energy while a stronger devil with good control over they're own demonic energy helps soothe the younger devils demonic energy." She informed me as she continued her message.

Nodding at her words I let my self relax as I focused my senses on my demonic energy grabbing control over it with an iron grip and forcing it to move as I want it to. "Like this?" I asked

"Hmm yes that's good but remember demonic energy and devil magic works based on four things, first is the amount of demonic energy you have. Right now you have the demonic energy of a middle class being, your own pool of demonic energy will grow as you age and as you train it. Second is your imagination, if you want to make a fire ball or stream of water than imagine it while commanding your demonic energy to fuel your imagination. Three is knowledge, the more knowledge you have over a topic such as water is made out of hydrogen and oxygen than you will need less demonic energy to power your spell. Number four is control, the better control you have over your demonic energy the less you need to use for spells and the more accurate your spells will be."

"I think I understand, but just in case can you stay like this for a bit longer?" I asked as I let my hands trail under her skirt and up her legs to rest on her delectable and toned thighs.

"No problem Alvis we have nothing to do but train your demonic energy for the next few months until your body is strong enough to start your real training when you turn four." She replied as she pulled me in closer.

*omake~bath time with an overbearing mother*

"I can wash myself!" I growled out as I tried to squirm my way out of grayfia's grip as she held my upside down by one of my legs while removing my clothes with the other.

"No your still a toddler even if your smarter than your peers it doesn't stop the fact that you can drown in the bath." She chided me as she pulled off my boxers much to my embarrassment seeing my tiny baby dick being exposed.

'It'll get bigger, it'll get bigger!' I repeated in my mind as I cried out indignantly.

"Now stop squirming and let me wash you!" Grayfia commanded with a stern voice and hard look making me freeze up. Nodding to her self she stripped herself showing herself in all her nude milf glory.

'Damm dads one lucky bastered.' I thought

Seeing my stare grayfia raised an eyebrow than gaining an understanding look she hummed to herself as she picked me up and brought me over to the bath tub. "I guess with how fast your learning everything and maturity faster than most devils I guess your already noticing differences between men and women." She mumbled to herself as she got to work on lathering me up with soap. "Don't worry about the difference between us just yet, when your older either your grandma or millia will go into an in depth conversation and lesson about gender and all that."

'Wait what? So I'll need to have the birds and bees talk again! Oh I swear by Gabriel's saggy tits if they bring make one of the butler's strip for they're demonstration I'm ganna throw a ball of destruction at them!' I internally cursed as I felt grayfia start cleaning my private parts or I should say bits with how small they are right now.'