(Read the tags before deciding to read :) ) Kaya is human/devil hybrid trying to survive in the harsh reality of her life. --- *Warning: This story will discuss sensitive topics not suitable for young ages. Read at your own discretion. (I suck at writing a synopsis, but I tried.)
(A/N: It was recommended to make a chapter of MC's abilities so I will upload it after this chapter.)
Kaya has never been happier than she has been for the past 6 years. At first she was a tad apprehensive of the non-stop approaches of Raine trying to push her out of her comfort zone and do things she never thought of doing in the Underworld.
She played like any other kid her age would do, she experienced the joy of being apart of a, essentially, large family in the orphanage. She, although reluctant to admit it, has been slacking on her training. She still trains her demonic energy control whenever possible but hasn't expanded her understanding of Concepts.
The only actual progress she made in Concepts would be her control in earth and how it was much easier to materialize and manipulate.
"Kaya! Come on we're going to be later for school!" Raine yelled while vigorously shaking Kaya's shoulders.
Kaya snapped out of her daze and picked up her middle school bag and hurriedly ran out of the orphanage front door and started to walk to school with Raine.
Raine and Kaya, along with the other orphans their age, attended middle school in their first year. "Hey Raine?" Kaya prodded her friend with her finger.
"Yeah Kaya?" Raine responded while attempting to remove the prodding finger from her face.
"Do you think my eyes are weird?" Kaya asked meekly while attempting to forget about all the small talk about her eyes at school.
Raine shook her head fiercely and stared directly into Kaya's eyes with a teasing look, "No! They're so pretty!" She responded while watching Kaya's face flush.
Raine triumphantly looked at the suddenly shy Kaya and was about to say something but was cut off by the school building in front of the pair. The duo continued to walk into the building while engaging in small talk while attending their classes.
Standing in front of the school building, Raine and Kaya were talking.
"Kaya you ready to go back?" Raine asked while gazing at Kaya who was leaving the imposing building.
Kaya shook her head, "No.. I have to go do something first," Kaya responded while rubbing some saved up money in her backpack.
Raine raised an eyebrow, "Alright just get back soon!" She said while she began walking back to the orphanage.
Kaya's eyes suddenly lit up as she began walking to a nearby toy store to get a present for Raine's birthday today, which Kaya thinks Raine already forgot about.
After carefully surveying the rows upon rows of toys, she finally picked out what she thought Raine would like best. She picked a soft white ghost plushie with closed red lines for eyes and a full half circle smile with a tooth protruding through the half-circle.
(Image here)
Happy with her purchase, she spent the last bit of her money and took it out of the store and began walking back home.
Walking home was a normal affair for Kaya at this point. Raine would always drag her out of the orphanage to go to the playground together. Thinking about Raine, Kaya's heart began to pound anxiously. 'What if she doesn't like her gift?' She thought while eyeing the small ghost plushie.
Fidgeting with the present Kaya held a steady pace as she was almost to the orphanage. The looming building of the large brick home was eerily silent whenever Kaya made it to the doorstep. Not thinking much of it, she opened the door and began to skip over to where the bedroom quarters were.
Once she was standing outside of the door, an overbearing scent of iron blasted her nose. Kaya's eyes widened as she swung open the door only to see mangled bodies soaking the floorboards with their blood.
As much as it pained her to see those corpses one caught her attention the most. Raine was face down against the floor with large, gaping holes starting from her neck to her lower stomach. Unsteadily walking over to her best friends side she tossed aside the toy and fell on her knees as she silently watched Raine.
"Wh-" Kaya asked only to be interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming from the bathroom. Not having enough time to leave Raine's body, she watched as the bathroom door was swung open as an ugly man with 2 red devil wings walked out.
Upon seeing the wings Kaya's eyes widened even further. "Hoh? I missed one? Don't worry.. you'll become my food as well!" The man spoke while wearing a creepy smile.
"Kekeke! I LOVE that look on your face! The despair! I LOVE IT!" He screamed while extending a clawed hand towards Kaya's head. Kaya's eyes turned frosty and four earthen spears appeared behind her and shot towards the man.
The man to caught up in his delusions didn't even bother to dodge, not that he could. The spears smashed into his hands and feet while twisting violently into the ground, pinning him. The man couldn't even scream out in pain before he was kicked in the head.
"Why? I was so happy.. why did it have to be us?" Kaya mumbled as she began to prepare another earth spear to penetrate the man's skull. "LET ME GO!!" The man roared as he began twisting his limbs around in a futile attempt to escape.
Kaya thought for a moment. "Sure," Kaya said as the earthen spears that pinned him began to lift out of the ground.
"R-really?" The man asked in disbelief as his face morphed into one of pure joy.
"No," Kaya said, ultimately dumping a ice-cold bucket of 'reality' over the man's joy as the spears dropped back down and dug him even deeper into the ground.
"I h..ate you, I loathe you," she mumbled as a spear flew out from behind her into the man's skull, killing him.
"I'm envious. Why couldn't I live normally? Why? Why? Why?" Kaya repeated like a broken record as her eyes flooded with tears.
"Because you're weak," A distorted voice rang out from the depths of Kaya's mind.
"You're pathetic. Fate despises you... loathes you. It wants to take everything from you." The same distorted voice taunted her.
"Why?" She repeated.
"I don't know, Fate is mysterious and chose you as its outlet. So what will you do about it?" The same voice mocking asked.
"Strong. If I was strong Rose wouldn't have died. If I was strong I could have saved everybody. If I was strong.. I could have saved Raine." She said emotionlessly as her voice began to crack at the end. She stared down at the dead devil below her while looking at him with hate.
"Good.. maybe you're different from my other hosts," The gruff distorted voice responded. As he finished a large black wolfhound appeared in front of her with glowing red eyes and a black blade with red runic markings between his fangs. It had a glowing red gem embedded on its forehead. The wolfhound had predominantly black fur with occasional tips of gray with his hind legs being mostly gray as well.
"My name is Canis Lykaon, otherwise known as the Dog God of the Black Blade. One of the thirteen Longinus.. remember it well pup." The distorted voice rang through her mind as she blankly stared at the large wolfhound.
"My name is Kaya... can you help me be strong?" She asked emotionlessly while tilting her head slightly.
"Stronger than anyone," The wolfhound responded like it was obvious.
Nodding her head she turned and walked over to Raine's body and started to sob silently as the wolfhound watched.
(A/N: Not sure if the Longinus Canis Lykaon can speak but this is my fan-fic so it doesn't matter.)