
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs

Chapter 7: Fallen Angel.

The people in the room were still stunned even after Sasae had left the room but they heard his words clearly in their ears. The first to come out of the dazed state was Rias and she immediately ran towards Kiba's side to check on his condition. What happened was too fast for her, things didn't go according to what Rias had planned. Sasae's arrival had thrown everything off the rails.

"Kiba-kun! Kiba-kun wake up! are you okay?" She worriedly asked Kiba, who was panting painfully. Kiba slowly opened his eyes and felt his nose sting as a lot of blood gushed out from it.

"Ah…Rias-sama, ouch…" Kiba covered his nose with both hands to stop the bleeding… he realized that he had acted too rashly.

"Ara.. Ara.. what the hell just happened?" Akeno goes to check on Koneko. Koneko is a rock so her defense is very good. However now this loli has the same facial injury as Kiba , which shows that Sasae 's physical strength is very respectable .

"Damn it, we acted too hastily." Rias blames herself, with this Sasae and his group could become their enemy and that's bad.

' I'll avenge this, smart bastard! I will definitely humiliate you with the extent to which you have made me suffer today! ' Rias thought angrily while silently gritting her teeth as Sasae had the guts to attack her two members like this. He took advantage of the fact that they attacked him first so he could 'defence' by beating them very hard.

'But it's also Kiba and Koneko's fault .. I guess I should punish them.'

"…What about what he said about Sona-sama." Akeno said.

"Oh right, damn it. We need to quickly tell Sona about this before it's too late. Akeno, quickly arrange a meeting with Sona." Rias hastily said.

"Okay, I'll call Tsubaki." Akeno said while bringing his hand to his ear, at the same time a small magic circle appeared.


After about 10 minutes since Akeno called Tsubaki. Sona and her peerage members entered the room. She immediately noticed the mess in the room, furniture falling everywhere, walls and floors cracked. And more importantly, the wounds on Kiba and Koneko's faces.

"Rias, what happened?" Sona said hastily.

"Haizz… It's a long story, let's sit down first." Rias said and Sona did, she sat down on the couch in front of Rias while the other members of her peerage stood behind.

"Tell me what happened."

"Remember when I said I wanted to recruit Hatsuji Ranko into my peerage?." Rias said and Sona just nodded silently.

"I invited her here today to talk."

"And she attacked you?" Sona asked.

"Not her… The one who attacked Kiba and Koneko was Hatsuji Sasae, who we thought was just a normal human."

"How did he do it?" Sona said with surprise.

Rias then starts telling Sona about what happened during her conversation with Sasae.

"Damn, you've been trapped by him… He tried to piss you off and he succeeded in getting Kiba and Koneko to lose their temper. He then used the fact that the two of them attacked him first to counterattack. The fact that he hit Kiba and Koneko so hard implies that he's stronger than you guys and it's best not to try to irritate him." Sona began to analyze everything.

"Plus he knows we're all devils and he doesn't take it seriously. This has two implications , the first is that he knows a lot about us ... the second is that he is strong enough to consider us not a threat . He's more dangerous than we thought, Rias."

"Do you think he is the one who killed the stray devils all this time?." Rias asked.

"I think it's him. ' Sona said.

"Also, he sends you a message, Sona." Rias said.

"Send word to me?"

"That's right, he might already know that you're aiming for 1st year's Nari. He said that if you invite her to join your peerage he won't spare you."

"…" what Rias just said caused everyone to become silent.

"Hahaha, no way. He's just threatening…" Sona said.

"I don't think he's threatening… I advise you to be careful… Or you should give up on recruiting his sister to your peerage."

"But I invited her to join my peerage… She is a great fit for my peerage. She is very smart ."

"Have you talked to her?"

"Yes, I often play chess with her. And you know what? She knew about the existence of the supernatural before I told her. When I invited her to join my peerage she was a little hesitant, however from what I read from her feelings it seems that she agreed to my offer. ." Sona was silent for a moment, then she continued.

"Thank you for worrying about me. I will handle this myself. If Nari joins my peerage then I also have the opportunity to recruit her brother and then you will be able to recruit Ranko to your peerage." Sona said, she's a high level devil after all. Sona has her own dignity. She is a very intelligent person, she is not afraid to fight with Sasae wits. She just didn't know that Sasae wasn't the type who liked mind games, he preferred stabbing enemies in the stomach.


The day ended as usual, Sasae, along with Ranko and Nari, went home as usual. It's just that he felt that Nari's expression looked different on the way. He felt that she was always thinking about something.

"What's the matter Nari-chan, if you have a problem that needs to be resolved you can tell your Onii-chan." Sasa said.

"It's okay Nii-san, it's just a bit of a personal matter..." Nari said in an uncertain voice.

"Instead of keeping it to yourself, you can ask me or Nee-san for help. Just like when we were kids."

Nari thinks about what Sasae just said, she wants to ask Sasae's opinion about Sona's suggestion. Nari knows that Sasae is no ordinary person. And now even she is not a normal person, especially after Sona told her about the Sacred Gear.

"…Nii-san…" Nari was about to say something when her mother's voice came from the kitchen.

"Sasae-kun, can I go to the convenience store to buy some things for Kaa-san?"

" Yes ." Sasae said to her mother and looked at Nari. "We will talk about this later." He then walked towards the kitchen, leaving Nari to sigh before she went upstairs.


Sasae walked home after buying the items his mother had advised. If it was a normal person, maybe Sasae could go home peacefully. However , somehow trouble found him . There were several suspicious people floating in the sky while watching him from afar.

From the night sky, a spear of light suddenly flew towards Sasae. He leaned over to dodge the spear of light. Not stopping there, another series of spears of light flew towards him.

"Tsk tsk, did you know what you're doing is illegal?" Sasae muttered in an annoyed voice and looked towards the direction of the three fallen angels.

"Oya, this kid just evaded all of our spears of light." The 1st Fallen Angel said.

"What a surprise, that means none of us won." The second fallen angel said.

"put that aside, we need to deal with this kido first." The 3rd Fallen Angel said.

"You guys bet against each other to see who can kill me?" Sasa said.

"That's right, kid, you're so unlucky. I don't know how you dodged the spears light but now you will die." Then the fallen angel began to create a spear of light that he threw at Sasae.

The spear of light flew towards Sasae but it immediately stopped when it was caught by a red tentacle.

"Fuck, I need to leave soon or Kaa-san will scold me." He then threw the spear of light back at his attacker. The spear of light instantly pierced the fallen angel's chest.

"Damn it, this kid has a Sacred Gear. Run…." Before the second Fallen Angel could finish his sentence, Sasae's tentacles pierced his chest and died on the spot.

The last fallen angel, despite his panic, still managed to fly away. However, Sasae's red tentacles caught him in time. He hung this fallen angel upside down in front of him and asked.

"Who told you to kill me?" Sasae asked, surely it wouldn't be natural for these three fallen angels to want to kill him.

"You think I'll tell you?" The fallen angel shouted.

"Oh, then die." The red tentacle began to tighten, causing the fallen angel's bones to begin to break.

"Ahhhh… Ahhhhhhh." The Fallen Angel screamed in pain as he felt his bones and organs being destroyed.

"I say… I will say Ahhhh Please, I will." The fallen angel shouted.

"Oh, then quickly say it."

"But will you spare me?"

"Okay, I'll spare you. Now tell me the name of the person who sent you to assassinate me."

"It's Azazel-sama, Kokabiel-sama told us that Azazel-sama wants you dead."

Sasae immediately frowned at this information. Azazel is the governor of the fallen angels, while Kokabiel is a high-ranking official of Grigori. He had never met them, so he did not understand why these people wanted to assassinate him.

"Can you let me go now?" The fallen angel worriedly asked.

"Yes. Next time, don't do things like this again." Sasae said causing the fallen angel's facial muscles to relax.

"Remember to be a good person in your next life." Sasae said before he clenched his tentacle causing the fallen angel to be crushed into a disgusting liquid.

After cleaning everything, Sasae was about to continue walking home when suddenly, a red magic circle formed on the ground in front of Sasae, from which, the number one beauty of Kuoh Academy stepped out.

"Rias- Senpai? Why are you here??"