
DXD : Kraken

MC reincarnated into the DxD world and has a Sacred Gear. MC's purpose is to protect his family and have a happy life. If you don't like MC catching pokemon then you should skip this fanfic. If you hate Rias and devil then you should skip this fanfic… This is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm not good at English… Thanks

SSasuketamin · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 6: Devil's trouble.

Sasae accompanies Kiba to the paranormal research club. Kiba takes him to a separate building inside the campus..

'This club has its own Building?! some people don't even get a single room for their club.'

[What do you expect from a Mistress, I will believe her even if she claims that the entire School belongs to her.] Kraken said.

' I think so too, this town is her territory after all.'

Kiba didn't hesitate to open the door and motioned for Sasae to come inside.

Sasae entered the room and saw four people already in the room, one of which was of course Rias-Senpai sitting on the club president's chair. The other one was Akeno-Senpai, she was standing beside Rias-Senpai's seat like a Vice President. And the last one was a cute little girl with white hair, she was wearing the same Kuoh Academy Uniform as the others and was quietly snacking while glancing at Sasae.

Sasae didn't say anything, he just walked towards Ranko's couch.

Ranko stood up with an excited smile when she saw Sasae, ever since she entered this room she was worried. And then all worries disappeared when Sasae appeared.

" You came! I'm so happy!" Ranko exclaimed happily.

"um" Sasae nodded and sat down next to Ranko.

' Even though I knew this was a devil's lair, it looked quite scary. This place looks like a murder scene. That magic circle too, it looks so weird' thought Sasae as he surveyed the room carefully.

"Tea or coffee?" Akeno said.

" Tea ." Sasa replied.

"Is there any juice, Akeno-san?" Ranko said.

"Hmmm… I'll check." Akeno then approached the two with a tray of drinks and snacks in hand.

They continued to chat with each other which made Sasae a bit surprised by the attitude of these people. Except for him and Ranko, everyone else is devil. It would be normal for them to show disdain when talking to him.

'Shouldn't they be a little look down on us? Especially me, after all, I'm a normal person in their eyes.' Sasae thought.

[ Oi… Why do you always think things in such a dramatic way…]

After the small talk ended, Sasae looked towards Rias and said.

"Rias-Senpai, what is the reason for this invitation? "

" huh , I just wanted to introduce Ranko-san to my club . After all, she's my classmate." Rias paused for a moment before continuing to speak." Also, what do you two think about this club? Do you two want to join the paranormal research club?"

"Is that so… This is a very interesting proposition. But I'm not interested… I think Nee-san thinks the same as me." Sasa said.

"Yes, I have no interest in joining a club either. I still have a lot of work to do." Ranko said.

Sasae held Ranko's hand. The two were about to get up and leave when Rias stopped them.

"Wait a minute…" Rias said causing both of them to stop and listen.

"Actually, the purpose I invited you two here was to talk about another matter… A much more important matter…" Then Rias and the others started acting mysterious. If Sasae didn't know about the supernatural world, he would think that this group of people have mental problems.

" And that is ?"

"Have you two heard of the supernatural?" Rias said.

" Supernatural ?."

"That's right… the supernatural world has races like devils, angels, and fallen angels." Then Rias starts telling them about the history of the devil and the things in the bible.

"What do you think about what I just said?"

"A very good story… And now you're going to tell us you're the devil?."

( Author: I'm an armored Titan, and Bertholdt is a giant titan.)

" Yes ." Rias nodded happily, while Akeno and the others felt something was wrong seeing Sasae and Ranko's attitude.

"Then you will unfurl the bat wings, right?"

And just like what Sasae said, Rias really spread her bat wings. She thought that Sasae would feel scared or at least he would be surprised. However, Sasae's face was now devoid of any emotion, as if he already knew that they were devils.

"…You don't seem surprised by this." Rias exclaimed in surprise.

"Why should I be surprised? Anyway, I knew that you guys were devils from the first time I saw you."

Rias and the others immediately became wary. The fact that a human found out they were devils at first meeting made them feel nervous.

"So the purpose of this meeting is just for you to brag about being a devil? ."

"…I originally wanted to inform Ranko that she possessed a kind of power called a Sacred Gear. However, it seems that she is not the only one who owns it." Rias paused for a moment before she continued speaking.

"Sasae-san… What are you?."

"Huh? What do you mean ? I am a human ." Sasae replied.

"That's not what I mean… What I want to ask is… What are you? A Sacred Gear possessor? Or a mage?"

"Well, maybe I'm a magician." Sasae answered simply.

"Sasae-san, I'm serious about this. Kuoh is my territory so it is my responsibility to put everything under my control."

" Really ? Believe it or not, it's up to you. Anyway, it's not my responsibility to answer your question. Also, I'm a law-abiding citizen so I don't care if Kuoh is Devil's territory or not. In my eyes, this town is human territory. "Sasae said.

"You seem to be misunderstanding something… We are not bad people, even though we are devils. And we want to inform you of your situation because some stray devil or Fallen Angel might try to harm you two after discovering you two." Rias explained the with a straight face .

" YES . "Sasae nodded in acknowledgment of her words. "Okay, then can I go? It's late anyway and Nari will be worried when she can't see the two of us." Sasae said calmly.

Rias is confused by Sasae's statement and this is evident on her face.

"Didn't you hear me just now? I'm saying that you will become the target of dangerous people and they are a threat to your life." Rias explained with a bit of annoyance that Sasae was looking down on such a serious matter. Then she continued to speak.

"you two should join us to receive our protection."

Sasae smirked and moved closer to Rias as he gently lifted her head by grabbing her chin.

"Senpai, are you worried about me?. So romantic." He said teasingly as he looked Rias straight in the eye. Sasae's teasing made Rias' cheeks turn red.

"Ara Ara… So romantic.. fufufu." Akeno on the side commented amusedly.

"However I still have to refuse your offer, I have my own life and you have your own. I don't bother you and you don't bother me. Otherwise…" Before Sasae could finish his sentence, a blur rushed towards him. Sasae immediately backed away to dodge Kiba's punch.

"Senpai, now we have nothing to say to each other. Maybe I should leave." Sasae returned and walked away with Ranko.

"Sasae-san, Ranko-san. Think about what I said. You two should join us."

"Huh? You mean to be your slave right? … hmm… Peerage right? I will only answer once , I will not become a slave to anyone . Especially being a slave to someone weaker than me… I have my own dignity too." Sasae's words surprised everyone in the room as he called them weak.

"Stop…" This time Kiba shouted, he was annoyed that Sasae kept rejecting their kindness and now Sasae even insulted Rias and the others.

Kiba rushed towards Sasae with high speed, he wanted to use his speed to close the gap between the two. If Sasae is a mage, then fighting at close range is the best way. Kiba swung his punch straight into Sasae's face, he wanted to teach this bastard a lesson so that he wouldn't dare to be arrogant in front of them anymore. However, Sasae was not a magician.

Sasae tilted her head slightly to the side to dodge Kiba's punch. Then he flashed a grin and said.

"So this is how the devil treats innocent people? attack other people just because they don't share the same opinion as you."

Without hesitation, Sasae punched Kiba in the stomach causing him to widen his eyes and begin to fall to his knees. Not stopping there, Sasae threw a kick straight into Kiba's face causing him to jump backwards and crash into a nearby wall.

"Senpai, he attacked me first and all I did was defend myself." Right after that, Sasae raised her hand to catch Koneko's punch. Without hesitation, Sasae punched her in the stomach before he used his other hand to grab her face and slam it hard on the floor.

"This little girl also attacked me first and I was only defending myself."

He then once again took Ranko's hand and walked towards the door. "I will leave now." He said with a polite smile." And don't worry about me, I can protect myself and others. So please pass the word on to Souna-kaichou for me… Don't try to invite Nari-chan to join that bullshit peerage, or I'll break her limbs." He said while leaving the room.