
DxD: King of Curses

Every legend has a beginning and an end. But sometimes, there are legends that don't follow the rules, and the story never has it's end. This story is such a case. Follow the adventures of Ryōmen Sukuna, as he brings chaos to this world while having fun along the way. And he is going to have fun in every immoral and sadistic way possible. But maybe, someone can stop him and cease the massacres? ------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own any rights on High School DxD nor Jujutsu Kaisen. Cover is not my either. If the author of this cover has any complaints, then be sure to write and I will remove it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically, it is DxD Fan-Fic with Sukuna as the main character. The story will start way before actual canon, but there isn't a lot of info about the past in DxD, so I will just skip or use something from actual mythologies. There will be a lot of bullshit, especially at the start, but I will try as much as I can. If there is something that I could do better, then please write in comments. No harem btw! Enjoy reading~

GloriousHidden · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs


Before they entered the city, they changed into clothes that Tamamo made to match those that devils wear. Sukuna wore a black trousers with square like patterns, a white formal shirt with buttons and a tie, but instead of two sleeves he had four. He also wore black coat matching his pants, and it had four sleeves as well.

Tamamo had heels with stockings, a black top with golden ornaments and loose sleeves. She also wore a mini top hat on the right side of her head, which she had to hold in place with magic. When Sukuna asked why did she even bother herself with it, she said that she would look better with it.

(A/N: Picture of her in that "costume". Remove the tail and ears and there you go.)

They entered a city without a problem, guards didn't even ask where did they came from. Now that they could finally see city from the inside, they noticed that all houses were different of those from Japan. They looked more cubic, and had a roof in form of a triangle, also they could see that the city was really clean.

They also started to attract a lot of attention, especially Tamamo who had voluptuous body and a natural charm around her. That and her quite revealing outfit. But duo simply ignored them as they didn't bother them. But after some time passed, bold ones tried to persuade her. Sukuna thought that he just should kill them on the spot, but then he got a better idea.

They came here to gather information in the first place, so they could use this opportunity. And even if they tried to do something towards Tamamo, they would die next second. Tamamo had been with Sukuna for some months and they have been training everyday. Also, Sukuna tried to teach her how to use cursed energy. Of course she could use touki to enhance her physical abilities, but cursed energy was far more useful some times.

"Hey Tamamo, how about you go gather some information from them?" he pointed at a group of men who were coming towards her. "You could easily gather some information from them, given your nature of fox." as far as he knows, fox youkai's have more cunning and manipulative mindset than others do. Also, those that were coming, had an arrogant smirk on their lips, while lust filled their eyes. One could read their intentions miles away and Tamamo could easily use it.

"Hmm.. Even if it saddens me that I have to leave you, it is indeed a good opportunity. Let's meet at town square in six hours. I'm sure I will get most important information by that time. Cya.~" she waved towards Sukuna and then left towards this group of devils.

"Should I go gather information as well? Or.." he looked where the forest was "Yeah, I'm sure Tamamo will be fine by herself. But first, I should ask what that forest is all about."

He then went around asking what purpose that forest holds and who could possibly reside in there. And he wasn't dissapointed. Apparently, this forest is called Familiar Forest. At some point in their lives, devils go there to acquire their own familiars. They can do various tasks or possibly be a combat comrade, it depends on their type. Familiars are bound to their master, thus they cannot betray. Also they could possibly evolve, if given enough time and help from their master.

Also, people said that in the middle of the forest resides a Chaos Karma Dragon; Tiamat. It is said that she is on par with current Satans. She is also one of the Five Great Dragon Kings, possibly being strongest of them all.

Sukuna pondered about it. He thinks that this dragon could possibly be a good enemy for him. But while he was thinking, he suddenly noticed that strong aura that he felt in forest dissapearead completely.

"Tch.." he clicked his tongue in annoyance. He also heard that being one of the strongest dragon alive, she does what she wants. Apparently, she sometimes causes terror in human world, seems like he was a bit late.

But he still thought about going to the forest, as there he could possibly get familiar. He could try to get someone with great potential and in the future, it would possibly turn out to be really useful. He heard that dragons were ones of such.

They are strong even if they were only born, not to mention dragons who have been living since ancient times. He could already think of profit that he will gain. Because it is said, that every creature has it's own power system and such strong creatures like dragons surely have something interesting. He doesn't even need to do that much, just let him fight besides him and it will do the trick.

With such thoughts in mind, he rushed towards forest.

Meanwhile, back in the city.

"Heeey!" one of the devils yelled towards others: "You heard about great beauty that came to the city today? People are saying that she is of high standing, but they are not sure where she came from."

"Hmm? You should already know how people tend to overrate something." said another devil with a frown. It's vastly known how people overrate seemingly normal news.

"No, no, no. I saw her myself! She was an incredible beauty, on par with goddess, give or take." he said with a serious tone, he is annoyed with the fact that they don't believe him.

"And? Even if she is so beautiful as you describe her and with a high standing as well, then you have no chances with her, Kelgreth." old devil said sternly, his son, that is in front of him doesn't know how those nobles do things. He is still to young and naive, he sighed inwardly.

"Hmph, I don't care what you think, old man. I will still try. Maybe she will be charmed by me, you never know. And not like she would do something to me." with those words said, he left towards place where he last time saw this beauty.

"What an idiot.. he is so naive and unexperienced. Hey guys!" he yelled towards dozen of men that were in a bar with him. "Be ready. We might have to fight nobles once again to save this young idiot of mine." he grinned excitedly and so did they. They haven't been causing chaos for a long time, so they might as well have some fun.

Somewhere in Familiar Forest

"Tch.. Only weaklings everywhere and I can't even feel any presence because of this damned forest.. how annoying." Sukuna scoffed in annoyance. He have been trying to find a dragon, but all he could find were some plants, bats and alike. Also, this forests blocks most of his senses.

"I swear if I will find this dragon, I will beat him to a plump." he grinned from ear to ear. Dragons should be really prideful beings, so they wouldn't run away in fear. Only possible way to subjugate them is to show them that you are superior in terms of power.

Of course easier way to make a pact with dragon, would be a relationship bonding. It means that master and familiar are like close friends, who will help each other, but there will never be a superior one. But Sukuna doesn't think that some lizard can be equal to him, so he will use first method, it's much easier as well.

After two hours of walking around and killing weak animals, he finally found what he was searching for. It was a small, barely size of a human child dragon. It had really beautiful crimson red scales covering it's whole body. Dragon had two small, protruding horns on top of it's head and small shining green eyes.

When Sukuna came closer, it started growling at him, but soon it started stepping back from the sheer pressure that Sukuna was constantly releasing, but what surprised Sukuna the most is that it didn't gave up, it didn't even fear him that much. Of course dragon feared Sukuna to some extent, but it's fine, given his strength.

He liked it. That's really important quality if you want to get stronger; no fear to die. He started releasing even more aura, while stepping closer, so that this poor being in front of him knew his place. It won't wound his pride if he knew that he lost to a being that was dozens time stronger than him.

After half hour of intense atmosphere between the two, dragon finally gave up. Sukuna was surpised, most people would faint away from this amount of pressure in few seconds, but this one was resisting as much as it could, even if it meant his demise. Sukuna is lucky that this dragon is still so young and prioritizes his survival instead of pride. Older dragons would rather die with a pride, rather than running away in shame.

With this step done, Sukuna offered dragon a familiar pact. It hesitated for a few seconds, but then joyfully accepted the pact. Sukuna immediately felt some kind of bound with his familiar, he could even feel his emotions, at least to some extent.

After the bound was done, dragon immediately started transforming, his scales turned pitch black, horns were coloured silver and eyes turned from emerald green to two dark-purple, amethyst-like eyes. His overall size didn't change a lot though. But the aura that he was releasing, was now really evil one with a lot malicious intent in it, yet the dragon didn't go on a rampage. His eyes were shining with rationality and calmness.

Sukuna was a bit surprised by this sudden transformation, but he thought that familiar just adapts to their master's powers.

"Hahaha, you look pretty nice, I think? Hmm.. now.. how should I name you?.." he pondered with a thoughtful expression for a bit and finally said: "From this day onwards, you shall be named Abeloth; the Bringer of Chaos." as he said so, dragon tried to roar as loud as he could, as a sign of his new name.


"Hahaha.. You are pretty interesting fellow aren't you? Now that I'm done with you, I should go back to the city. Hey, Abeloth let's go.. I need to show you my partner.." with those words said, Sukuna and Abeloth that was tagging behind him, went towards city. On their way there the dragon true to his new name, was killing other animals that were in forest.

A small restaurant in the city.

Devil from before, Kelgreth, was talking with a beautiful woman in front of him. He asked her out some hours ago and she gladly accepted his offer. Her name is apparently Mizukume, but she didn't say where she came from nor did he pry her about that.

They have been talking for quite long now about various everyday day stuff. Kelgreth was telling her about this city and what surrounds it, as she said that she is from far-away.

After eating their "dinner" they left the restaurant and went to the town square. For Kelgreth, the lady in front of him is best he has ever met in his entire life. She is extremely beautiful, interesting person to talk with and also active in whatever she does. Ideal woman, he thought to himself. He plans to confess her at the town square. Even if they had known each other only for few hours, he is sure that she won't refuse because she seemed to smile a lot towards him.

When they got to the town square, he suddenly stept on one knee, which surprised Tamamo a bit, but then she smiled mischievously, as she knew where this is going. Kelgreth was a bit nervous and when he saw that smile, he thought that all is fine.

"Mizukume, I know that we have met only few hours ago, but I know that I felt in love with you from the first sight. So I ask you this, will you be my love partner?" he said that, while trying to make his most charming smile he had to offer.

"H-huh?" Tamamo was acting startled by this sudden confession. But then her expression turned in that of a joy. She nodded and offered him her hand. He took it and kissed it as gently as possible.

But then they were suddenly interrupted by a commonition that was happening some distance away. Kelgreth looked what did happen there and what he saw was a being with four arms, four dark-red eyes and spiky pale pink hair. He also wore noble looking attire and was coming straight towards them.

As soon as Kelgreth felt a bit of his aura, he grew a little bit vary of him. This guy was realeasing a lot of malicious intent, but his aura was weak. Arrogant smirk appearead on his lips, as Kelgreth thought that he could easily take him down, if it is needed to. But as a gentleman, he stepped in front of Tamamo, so he could showoff a bit.

Sukuna moved straight towards them, but then he suddenly saw a mischievous smile on Tamamo's lips. 'She certainly planned something stupid again.' he thought to himself.

When he was near them, a devil stept right in front of Sukuna with arrogant smirk still visible and said with arrogance filling his voice: "What deal do you have here? Can't you see that I am talking to my love interest right now? Move other way, before I beat the crap out of you."

"Huh?!" Sukuna was dumbfounded by such arrogance. This trash in front of him will have hard time killing even an average human. But when he heard "love interest", he instantly understood what was happening here. This kitsune was trying to tease him once again. "The heck is this Tamamo? Is this maybe your boyfriend?"

"Hmm? I wonder what is this, Sukuna-kun?~ Maybe you are just jealous of him?~" she said.

"Hahaha, dream on. Okay, let's end this. I'm done here and I presume you are too?" he asked her, to which she nodded. "Hmm.. Then we can leave. Hey trash, move away, I'm in really good mood today, so I won't even kill you if you move away within five seconds." he said that towards this little devil in front of him.

"Huh?!" Kelgreth didn't like how he was looked down upon. He tried to punch straight to Sukuna's face, only to be blocked by one of his arms. He suddenly heard "Huh? Is that all? Man, you are really boring." as Sukuna ended his sentence, he slashed with his fingers towards devils limbs. As soon as he did so, Kelgreth lost all of his limbs and started screaming in pain.

"Nevermind Tamamo, we are staying here for some time. I had such a good mood and I didn't even need to kill anyone, but it seems like this city's luck ends here. By the way Tamamo, I have to show you my new familiar." as he said that, a dark mist appeared in front of him.

When Tamamo was thinking, what Sukuna said, she saw that a dark mist appearead in front of Sukuna. And within few seconds dark mist transformed in a small dragon. When she saw what appearead there, she instantly rushed towards this being with stars in her eyes. Tamamo suddenly yelled: "Where did you get such cutey?! And why didn't I get one?! I want one too!" she said while tightly huggin little dragon. Abeloth even had hard time breathing.

"Hey let him go, you will suffocate him this way." he said to Tamamo. She let him go, but she still had a small pout on her face. Sukuna then moved towards dragon and said. "Wake the fuck up, Abeloth. We have a city to burn." Sukuna said those words while squatting in front of him.

Hope you did like this chapter. If you have any suggestions, then please write them down.

Thanks for reading!~

GloriousHiddencreators' thoughts