
DXD Issei: The Mind of Games

Waking up to reality with the view of a system, the stats that he could see described his powers. Issei died to only be revived once more to see the world in a different view. This view was the supernatural world... the same world that killed him. Getting up and with this new gamer like system, Issei would strive to become the strongest there was. He would be the epitome of strength and resilience just to get his revenge on that fallen angel. (Title cover is not mine and is drawn by Juan Acosta)

DatBoiEraser · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
48 Chs

Chapter 3

How many did he kill? 10, 20, 30... He had lost count. If he was given the choice, he was going to take advantage of grinding. Turns out, after his first kill, his next level up happened after killing five zombies. They gave the same experience point no matter what the level of zombie it was because of how they weren't a threat due to their slowness.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 7

HP: 500/500

MP: 225/225

STR: 9 (+1)

AGL: 9

END: 10

INT: 9

Skill Points: 0


He had leveled up five times since he first came here. However, on his screen, there was a small skull icon that was unlocked after he had reached level five. He didn't know what it did and didn't want to find out just yet. However, his curiosity began to overwhelm him and he decided to click on the skull icon.


Boss Summoning Conditions Have Been Met!

Do you wish to summon the boss?



Clicking yes, Issei was curious of what the boss would look like? It couldn't have been much more powerful than him... Right?

Maybe he was being a little too overconfident, but he did feel as though he could take on the boss.

The same fog began resurfacing the area and clustered up into a small sphere in front of Issei. The color of the fog was golden, differentiating from the other mobs around it. What came out was a disgusting giant. With three heads sticking out of its neck, all bundled up with the two side heads missing one eyes each. With the tattered clothing barely staying together while it's mutated body, filled with rotten flesh that sometimes exposed the bones of the monster. Standing easily three times taller than him, Issei watched as the beast walked with its four limbs towards him at a much quicker rate than the mobs before it.


Name: Gargantua

Race: Undead

Level: 5

HP: 600/600

STR: 11

AGL: 2

END: 12


Issei was two levels above him...


Since Host is higher level than the monster, de-buffs and buffs will apply.

-20% damage received

+20% damage dealt to opponent


Oh, this was another thing that Issei enjoyed. When he would be a higher level than a monster, depending on the number of levels he is above multiplied by ten percent is how much damage he would reduce and how much more damage he would deal. It would probably also go against him if he were to fight something more powerful and higher leveled than him. This really made whoever is in a disadvantage to be truly losing hope if the level difference is vast.

Issei rushed towards the monster, trying to take advantage of the monster's slowness. Dodging the fist that was flying at him and swinging his hammer, Issei nailed the monster's hips. Dealing some damage, but the monster remained standing. Once turning towards Issei, the monster swung its disorientated arm around... Due to the sheer size and the abrupt movement, Issei wasn't able to dodge in time and was struck straight on.

Being sent flying back from the sheer strength that the monster held, Issei skid across the sand as he came to a halt with blood oozing out of his mouth.

Just a single blow... Even with the de-buffs applied, he took this much damage. Getting back to his feet... He noticed that his health pool decreased by a quarter.

Maybe this was due to the sheer strength difference, even if it wasn't by much, between the two. Rushing in once more, Issei swung his hammer anticipating for the monster to meet his hammer with his hand. Waiting for the perfect chance, once the monster hand made contact with his hammer, Issei let go of his hammer and ducked to avoid the huge arm in front of him and slammed his fist straight into one of the exposed bones on the monster's legs. Howling in pain, the monster looked down to Issei, but Issei didn't stop there. Grabbing the bone and, with all his might and using the advantage of the bone already being slightly sticking out, Issei ripped the bone out of the monster's right leg.

At that moment... The fight had been decided. Reducing the chances of the monster to even move properly, Issei backed away and ran to retrieve his sledgehammer. The monster dropped onto the ground while trying to get back up with its one and only leg that was functioning. While the monster was screaming in pain, Issei rushed back once more and, while the monster was still not focused, slammed the sledgehammer that he had straight into the head of the monster. The sheer force that Issei held within his swing had dented the head of the monster.

Not hesitating to do it again... Upon the next hit, the head exploded... Issei had won the fight with relative ease. The headless corpse of the monster remained oozing with blood. The sledgehammer was covered in the blood of Issei victims.


Quest Complete: Defeat the Dungeon

Rewards: Shop Unlocked

 + 25 bronze coins

Achievement Unlocked: Defeat your first Boss

Reward: Random equipment

After defeating the boss: Level Up!


A whole bunch of things just happened. First, Issei received a chest plate that dropped from the sky again.


Armor: Rusty Chest Plate

Rarity: Common

Attributes: + 1 Endurance

 +5% Damage Reduction

Details: A rusty chest plate that was forged by the ancients to be made by iron. Over the countless centuries, it has rusted and has become a shell of its glorious former self.


Equipping the chest plate, Issei noticed that it immediately turned invisible upon contact with his body. Sighing in relief, he was happy to know that he wouldn't have to go around school wearing a bulky chest plate and saying that it was just an attire of choice.

Next, he had unlocked the shop button... There was a lot of things that he had unlocked. Before he would deal with the shop button... he would first deal with leveling up.

He looked at his stats...


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 8

HP: 450/600

MP: 250/250

STR: 10 (+1)

AGL: 11

END: 11 (+1)

INT: 10

Skill Points: 0

Bonus: 5% damage reduction


What Issei noticed while looking at his stats is that he still didn't have any way of using his mana points into an attack or something. He knew from games that mana would lead into something useful such as a special attack or a special useful skill. Maybe he hasn't unlocked it yet... because of conditions?

Seeing as though he had nothing else to do, Issei opened the shop icon to see a message popping up in front of him.


Welcome to the shop!

The shop has many exclusive items that go by rarity. The pricing of these weapons will vary.

Also, coins will be the currency.

Currency enhance works like this:

100 bronze coins = 1 silver coin

100 silver coins = 1 gold coin

100 gold coins = 1 platinum coin

Enjoy the shop!


Seeing the huge currency exchange, Issei was shocked to see how expensive a single platinum coin was. Anyways, moving past the message, Issei was finally met with the shop. On the top of the shop, there were many icons in color, grey, green, blue, purple, gold, and yellow. Seeing the initial list of weapons, Issei could tell that the colors of the icons meant the rarity of the items.


• (Common) Lucky Knife — 5 bronze coins

• (Common) Leggings of Broken Ages — 15 bronze coins

• (Common) Helmet of Thorns — 10 bronze coins

• (Common) Sledgehammer— 8 bronze coins

• (Common) Soaring Boots — 7 bronze coins

• (Uncommon) Iron Chest Plate — 35 bronze coins

• Health Potion — 5 bronze coins

• Mana Potion — 3 bronze coins


The pricing was expensive... Issei only had 25 bronze coins to spend. Thinking about it, he could save and get some uncommon gear soon, but thinking about it, it would make the process of growing much quicker if he were to gear up as much as possible now.

The boss of this dungeon was already pretty tough, he didn't want to get caught slacking in the next dungeons with his level not being nearly enough for the next boss. Also, what if there was a hidden boss that was roaming around the area?

Coming to a decision, Issei bought three things. For now, he didn't see the point of buying health potions just yet. The regular opponents that he was dealing with currently were much weaker than him to the point where he could finish a dungeon, excluding the boss, hitless.


Armor: Helmet of Thorns

Rarity: Common

Attributes: + 1 Endurance

 +2% Damage Reduction

Details: A helmet that was once warn by warriors in the past. They had a small dull spike on it in case if someone were to try head butting them, but the spike... kind of doesn't work at all.


Armor: Soaring Boots

Rarity: Common

Attributes: + 1 Endurance

 +3% Damage Reduction

Details: There once was a saying... "Take a swan dive and hope you can fly." These boots were made to be light with a feather on each side... but they can't really flutter.


The last item that Issei bought was another sledgehammer. He wanted to be a tank that can deal massive damage. He was ready to go on a rampage... he wanted to be built to take on an army...

There was no way that he could trust anyone ever again...

Equipping everything, standing proud while looking at the portal that he opened to go back to his home... he was smiling knowing that progress was being made.


Name: Issei Hyoudou

Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 8

HP: 450/700

MP: 250/250

STR: 10 (+2)

AGL: 11

END: 11 (+3)

INT: 10

Skill Points: 0

Bonus: 10% damage reduction
