
DxD: Issei's And His Smuts 18+

To most of the school, Issei Hyoudou was the Hidden Dragon leader of the perverted trio and one of Kuoh's most mysterious figures because his perverted nature never showed itself. The reason was because Issei had a very particular fetish, one for swordswomen and that fetish was about reveal itself. Issei x Harem (featuring Female Kiba) AU Dark Issei OP Issei. Non-Devil Issei LEMONS. *** [ DISCORD:-https://discord. gg/zPHaRCV8ax (without space) ] *** I do not own anything everything goes to it's respective owner. *** fanfic creator:- Imperial-samaB link:- https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13407516/0

dxd_no_hentai · Cómic
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32 Chs

Chapter 20 R-18+

"Bring it girls" Freed cackled before a green magic circle appeared in his ear causing him to frown.

"Sorry ladies I gotta go" Freed said all of the sudden before throwing a flash bomb forcing the two girls to block the light on the rainy day.

"Damn it." Yumi cursed much to Karlamine's shock as she dropped her blade and fell the ground tears falling down her face.

"What's going on Yumi?" Kalwarner said nervously wrapping her arms around the crying girl.

When Yumi didn't respond she realized that there was only one person who could help her.

'I know what you said Issei, but Yumi needs you right now.' Karlamine thought to herself as she prepped a teleportation circle.

(Scene Skip)

Issei Hyoudou relaxed as he sat in his room thinking about the impending arrival of his childhood friend.

His day was bittersweet considering he had to tell Murayama and Katase that they couldn't come see him for the next few days because his childhood friend was in town.

According to Irina, she would arrive in Kuoh tomorrow around lunch time and her mother already said that she'd meet her and her friend at the airport which meant she'd be at the house when he returned from club activities.

"Irina it's been a long time" Issei said happily as he closed his eyes in order to relax and reminisce about the person who first sent him down his path of deviance.


A six year old Issei Hyoudou sat in the living room of his neighbor's house with his childhood friend and neighbor Irina Shidou next to him and smiling.

Irina was very tomboyish as a child and if Irina hadn't told him otherwise, he would've assumed she was a guy.

Right now they were waiting for her father who said that he had an important discussion for the two of them.

"So Issei what do you think my dad wants to talk to us about." Irina wondered.

"Don't know Iri but he seemed serious." Issei replied calmly.

A moment later Irina's father walked into the room but he was wearing robes like the ones the priest at the local church would wear.

"Listen kids, what I'm about to tell you is incredibly important and you can't tell any of the other kids at school." Irina's father Touji said with a stern expression on his face.

"What about mom and dad." Issei wondered.

"Your parents already know" Touji revealed.

Issei and Irina looked at each other before smiling. "Okay" the pair replied and Irina's father began to speak.

Irina's father revealed that the many business trips he was on were actually missions for the church and that he was a real exorcist.

The blade that he kept in the family room was actually his weapon which stunned Issei and Irina since they played with it all the time, safely of course.

In addition, Touji told Issei about his sacred gear and explained the supernatural and Issei's connection to them.

He planned to move to England with Irina in order for her to become an exorcist but that he would wait until they finished elementary school and he wanted Issei to be able to protect himself once he was gone.

Issei understood and agreed to begin his training and a smiling Irina asked to join them so she could get a head start.

Irina was smart enough to know that she would be behind the other kids without it and she wanted to prove herself the moment she arrived.

Touji naturally agreed and the fun began.

(Scene Skip)

"That was fun Issei" Irina smiled happily as their latest training session came to an end.

It had been a year since they learned the truth and afterwards Irina and Issei would train together every two weeks.

His Sacred Gear, the Boosted Gear finally woke up at the end of the last session and this was their first time sparing with Issei using the boosts.

"Yeah, it's time to shower huh" Issei said calmly.

What Irina wasn't aware of was that thanks to his sacred gear Issei's hormones were on fire causing very interesting feelings to appear in the 7 year old Issei.

"Yeah so I'll see you later." Irina smiled happily.

Without even thinking he walked over to Irina and kissed her on the cheek, "Bye Irina. I can't wait for the next training session." Issei said with a smile that seemed foreign for the young man.

As Issei walked away Irina could only stare with a blush on her face as she realized what she and Issei had done.

'Well this is interesting' Touji thought to himself.

He was no fool and his daughter had feelings for the young man.

From that point on, every one of the training session would end with a kiss between the two.

Six months later, they moved on to kisses on the lips and before long they were making out in a way that would make regular teenagers blush despite neither being eight years old.

The two never went further than that, but Issei certainly wanted to and as the years went on their strength had improved and Issei and Irina were practically inseparable.

Unfortunately for the two, the time had finally arrived for Irina to move to England and Issei and Irina had one last training session the day before they moved.

As had become habit Issei wrapped his arms around Irina's waist but instead of kissing her he leaned into her ear and whispered, "I'll be thinking of you always Irina and I hope the day comes that I can make you mine for real."

Irina smiled back and said, "Fine but you'll have to earn it Issei. Conquer me in battle and then you can make me yours." Irina wasn't the only one who wanted to escalate things but they were still kids and although their mind was willing.

Their bodies weren't ready for it and they both knew it. With any luck the next time they met their bodies would be ready and both would keep the feelings they had for each other.

(Flashback End)

"I wonder what she looks like now" Issei smiled as he thought of his friend with a small boner forming.

Unfortunately, fate had other ideas and a magic circle appeared in his room.

From the looks of it, the circle belonged to Rias and group which meant something had happened.

"This can't be good" Ddraig said ominously.


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