
DxD: I got Isekai’d In Ecchi girls World

A 16 year boy who is just in hospital youth to enjoy the outside world just happen to chosen by an god where in japan it is hailed as a Almighty Isekai Transfer God. And this 16 year old shin boy was chosen by him to just isekai’d in DxD pr you can call its alternate name Ecchi world. Well lets see how he will survive and live his new life with all the knowledge of world amd cannon. Want to know well you have to add this book to you library and read it.

Vengeance9578 · Cómic
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80 Chs

Chapter 28 Why are you so f*cked up?

Suddenly, two spikes of ice came out of the ground and impaled both her Achilles tendons, making it impossible for her to stand at the moment. Screaming in pain, Raynare thrashed around as she yelled. The spectators who were trying to get into the place but had not been able to thus far cringing when they heard Raynare's scream of pain. Well, with the exception of Akeno since she suddenly grew a massive blush.

"Please, just kill me," Raynare begged, no longer having the will to live. Seeing this, Shin decided to give her an out. Forming an ice spike in his hand, he dropped it right in front of Raynare, confusing her.

"You want to die? Then go ahead. Do it yourself." Shin said, silently enjoying the terror in Raynare's eyes. The spectators, however, were appalled and shocked at Shin's brutal display. They never expected someone like Shin, who was constantly telling jokes and making people laugh could be so sadistic and cruel.

"You… You want me to kill myself?" Raynare asked, shocked, staring at the spike of ice on the ground.

"What? Surprised? Shocked that the innocent guy who makes stupid song references and makes comedically perverted jokes could be so brutal? Don't be. You've been alive for a long time, so you should already know. People like me, who have stupid personalities like that, just do it as a way to cope. As a way to fit in with everyone else. To hide how fucked up they really are." Shin said, shocking the spectators.

"For example, take a look at the four mauo. Sirzechs Lucifer puts on an act of being childish and an over obsessive siscon. Serafall Leviathan acts like a huge siscon and dresses like a magical girl. Ajuka Beelzebub throws himself into science. Falbium Asmodeus sleeps constantly, no matter where he is or what he's doing. All just ways to cope with what they've seen, with what they've had to do." Shin stated.

"They may not have fought in the three-way war, but they witnessed it. And after it ended, they led the Anti Satan Faction in the devil Civil War. Fighting your own, torturing your own, killing your own, and all while still being a teenager? It fucked them up. There quirks and personalities are ways to cope with that." Shin ended his rant, Rias and Sona looking at Shin in complete shock.

Raynare, seeing the person she hates above all else at the moment like this, decided to get back at him a little. "Oh yeah, and what's your excuse? Why are you so fucked up?" Raynare asked, catching the curiosity and somewhat horror of the spectators. Curious to what Shin would say, but also scared to know.

"If you're expecting me to say something like I watched my whole family die in front of me, you're thinking wrong. What fucked me up was just life itself." Shin said although he knew if the entire truth wasn't.

"What do you mean?" Raynare asked, thoroughly confused. Shin looked back at the spectators of all this, then looked back to Raynare. It wouldn't be a good idea to discuss what happened in his previous life in front of them.

"What's it matters? You're going to die anyway. There isn't any point in telling you." Shin said, causing Raynare to smirk, knowing she had begun to get under his skin.

"Is that so?" Raynare said as she looked at the spectators watching the whole thing go down. "Or is it that you don't want them to know?" Raynare asked, looking at Shin with a smug smirk. Shin smiled innocently, basically confirming it for Raynare, before his hand suddenly shot forward, stabbing an ice spike into her chest.

Raynare's eyes contorted in pain as blood leaked from her mouth. "Consider us equal," Shin said as he let Raynare fall backward, falling onto the two spikes of ice that impaled her Achilles tendons, resulting in the spike of ice piercing into her shoulder blades.

Unlike Mittelt and Kalawarner's deaths, Raynare's was not quick. Shin stabbed her in the lung, causing blood to slowly build up in her lungs, making it harder and harder to breathe until the point where her lung was so full of blood it started to overflow, coming out her throat and bubbling in her mouth as she tried to breathe, causing her to choke on the blood.

As Raynare slowly died, Shin released the barrier, Saji who had been constantly pushing up against the barrier falling onto the ground as it was suddenly released. "Hey look, I broke the barrier thing!" Saji exclaimed proudly, puffing out his chest in pride.

"I released the barrier your dumbass. The only thing broken here is your pride." Shin said, causing most of the girls to chuckle while Saji turned into a depressed mess.

"Shin, before… What Raynare said… Is it true?... Do you not want us to know what happened to you?" Sona asked, hurt that Shin didn't trust her enough to tell her, despite everything they've been through.

"It's not that I don't want you to know, but rather I don't know how to tell you," Shin said, but he still didn't know if it would be a good idea to explain to them why he was as messed up as he was.

"Shin, it's alright. Every one of us here has our own backstory. We won't think any less of you or judge you for what has happened to you." Momo said, coming up and grabbing Shin's hand. Taking a deep breath, Shin decided to tell them, they had the right to know after all. He would just have to change a few things, like the fact that this world was just and anime where he comes from.

"Alright. Then tell me, do you believe in reincarnation?" Shin asked, causing them to shake their heads. "Well, I can tell you, it's real. It happened to me. Maybe I have memories of a previous life, maybe I was reincarnated into a different world. I don't know. But at the very least, I remember my previous life." Shin said shocking everyone there.

"What happened in your previous life?" Sona asked, shocked and curious.


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