
DxD: Golden Peerage

[Do you desire to save your race from extinction? if so... accomplish a mission for me and I shall bring your race not only to salvation but also... supremacy!] Those were the words prompted in the mysterious screen in front of her as blood kept pouring out of her wounds, for Grayfia Lucifuge, a devil in the middle of the civil war against the Old Satan Faction; there could not be more treacherous yet hope-inducing words, it could be a trap, but it could not. She had the option to choose between 'Yes' and 'No'. For her who was at the edge of death with a family that needed support and a cause to fight for, there was not much of a choice. Little did she know, the mission she was tasked to do wouldn't be a simple or common one. In the faraway multiverse of Helius, one of the most powerful entities in endless existence slumbered atop his myriad treasures when his senses perceived something that shouldn't be possible. Intruders were common; Intruders remaining in his realm this long without perishing... were extremely rare. Upon appearing before the silver-haired maiden in odd attire, he huffed a breath frightening enough to make the strongest gods flee on the spot, but she remained in place - conflicted, but in place. "Before you perish, tell me... what is an ant like you doing in my realm? and why are you still alive?" Disbelief was concealed in his mighty voice. The maid thought a lot about what words had to come out of her lips for her to survive this hurdle, eventually, with her century-worth of experience in romance, she managed to find a fitting answer. "You're the Primordial Golden Dragon God, Richter-sama, right?" She asked with serenity. "Sama? I don't know about that... but you're correct. With your foot standing on my treasury realm, do you still dare ask about my identity, Demoness? you haven't-" "Richter-sama... my name is Grayfia Lucifuge and I'm here to conquer your lonely heart" "..." ** ** https://discord.gg/68Entk7Zs7 Feel free to join my discord server to have novel discussions with your peers, get illustrations and participate in polls! Get up to 30 advanced chapters in my pa-tre-on: pa-tre-on.com/photosphere

Photosphere · Cómic
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218 Chs

Fallen God Faction


The battle in the dimensional gap hadn't stopped; it had only become more frantic, the many factions aware of the catastrophe had learned from Asgard and committed themselves to protect their territories. By now, there is not a single powerful god that doesn't know the existence of this gigantic golden dragon.

His battle with Great Red grew bloodier and more personal, both of them ceased their long-range attacks and engaged in close-call combat, it reached the point where Great Red didn't even care anymore, she just wanted to bite at least a chunk of flesh out of this golden dragon before dying, she was bloodied all over, the Golden Dragon had already tasted her flesh, she merely desired to return the favour.



Two fellows chased after the two of them from a distance, already placing themselves in danger, Thor was injured but could still keep up while Vali's armour was cracked, the most ridiculous thing was... Vali had yet to receive a single hit!

Mere shockwaves from the clash had already cracked his juggernaut drive.

[I told you it is impossible, we're unable to divide his power! in order to divide his power we'd have to extract half of it, that is not an amount of energy the divine dividing can handle!] Albion's irritated voice resounded, he thought Vali still doesn't understand the predicament they were in... this juggernaut drive transformation is not long-lasting.

"Tch! what can we do then?!" the devil argued with outrage.

[Fucking flee!]

Thor floated beside him, taking every opportunity he got to evade the beams of gold that came his way while the three individuals ganked on the Golden Dragon, still... the situation was critical, Great Red won't last much longer if this goes on.

"I already respect you for your presence here, White Dragon Emperor... don't die!" He shouted, going closer and ready to engage in a physical fight!

"You too, God of Thunder... if we come out of this alive, let's have a duel!"

"Hahahahaha! LET'S!"



Regardless of allies or enemies, all of the spectators in the dimensional gap shared the same sight, terror and longing.

Terror for this fight, longing that the Ouroboros Dragon, Ophis; would appear from wherever she is to help Great Red surpass this apocalyptic hurdle, 'perhaps... this is the apocalypse?' it is what they thought, recalling the Biblical God and his prophecies.

'But Ophis wouldn't come… her objective is…' most of them were aware of the reason why Ophis assisted the organization Khaos Brigade; she wasn't the defacto leader, as for that man's location, no one knew. Nevertheless, most of them never thought the death of the red dragon was possible; they merely played her game... but now, the keeper of the dimensional gap and protector of the universe was in danger at the hands of some foreign entity.

Nobody knew what to do, they thought that if Ophis came she'd surely stand by Great Red's side to defeat a common enemy. From the distance, a man and a gigantic wolf merely spectated, the man sported a wicked smile.

'Join and help Thor? You must be mad, old man…' The God of Trickery, Loki saw how the White Dragon Emperor joined the fray while Thor kept attacking it like an annoying fly, even if they could win time for Great Red, it seemed that both dragon and god were willing to take the risk.

Three existences were among the peak of the universe, fighting a single foe... and they're at a disadvantage!


The growling of the true dragons, particularly Great Red pained groans resonated.

"This changes things…"

Someone appeared beside him, a skull, or better said… a skull-like humanoid silhouette.

"Hades, we may have struck a gold mine, literally~" Loki said with a smirk, but the amusement wasn't followed by the Greek God of the Underworld who instead had a solemn expression as he regarded the fight with crossed skeletal arms.

"If we get that dragon on our side, conquering the world will be easier than swindling Hercules to work for free. But he's not like Ophis, he's won't be gullible and he's also extremely violent" he stated matter-of-factly.

"What ambitions could a gigantic dragon like him possibly have? Treasures and women… as long as we give him that, he will be content and curious… we have the best around too~ let alone I wonder if Nereid Kyrie would work against him… or Samael's blood. We can always prepare countermeasures against him for when we need them" Loki suggested.

"Indeed," a female voice said right beside them, she appeared from hazy darkness before materialising in all her alluring splendour. The Primordial Goddess of Night, Nyx.

"I-I can't believe this…" Another female, alluring enough to make both Hades and Loki's heads turn, said with disbelief.

The Olympian Goddess of Sex and Love, Aphrodite.

"Aphrodite, what's wrong?" Hades asked when they all saw her aghast expression.

Myriad thoughts went through her mind as she recalled that fight Sirzechs should've had not too long ago. The one in which he got completely obliterated.

"T-That dragon he… has good relationships with the underworld" she said with a frown, her gaze fixed on the dragon who was being pushed back by Great Red inside a portal that she created to some unknown destination, however, before she could push him in completely, he swung his tail, hitting all three of them with a single swoop, thankfully for the God and the Dragon Emperor, Great Red suffered the majority of the backlash.


"How!?" All gods were covered by the incoming shockwave and looked at Aphrodite aghast, especially Hades who had suggested making the dragon into their ally.

Aphrodite looked at the gods that awaited an answer before turning her gaze towards the golden dragon, "I don't know much about him, but he fought Sirzechs in the underworld and also... he has a deep relationship with Lady Calliope and the Lucifuge Clan".

"Impossible… but how can he have good relationships with the underworld if he fucked Sirzechs Lucifer up?" Loki questioned her.

"It was a duel since Sirzechs craved his woman… Grayfia Lucifuge".

"That Satan must be out of his mind, to crave that dragon's mate… what should we do then? If what she says is right, then the Fallen God Faction should be assisting Great Red. Rather a neutral Dragon God than an enemy Dragon God. Great Red may favour us on this occasion as well" Nyx asked, promoting all the gods except for Aphrodite whose eyes had already been enthralled by the dragon, to turn towards the fight.

None of them felt like joining in that catastrophe.

"Hmph! you cowards can all stay here, as for me... I'm joining this fight~"


An unprecedented aura of destruction seeped through, as another individual appeared right before them, an individual that Aphrodite knew very well, since just like the fighting Thor... he was one of her lovers.

The Hindu God of Destruction, Shiva. The de-facto leader of the Fallen God Faction they all belonged to; a god said to be the strongest beneath Great Red and Ophis.

He flickered in a golden-reddish aura of destruction towards the fray intending to join and show everyone who's the boss.

Alas, the God of Destruction was in for a radiant surprise.



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