
DxD: God of the Bible

What if an ordinary mortal was reincarnated as the Biblical God after sealing the Trihexa. ______________ No harem, maybe romance, but I don't think so. op MC, God MC

eternal_angel12 · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: The War (2)

Look at the comments to see Yahweh's clothes.


"Attack, come on...!!!"

"Defend the fortress...!!" A demon shouted with a terrifying voice. Angels, under the leadership of Raguel, from the main fortress of the Malphas Clan of the 72 Pillars of the Underworld, launched a powerful attack against the demons.

Raguel raised his hand and hurled spears created with his holy power at the demons leaping towards him. The light spears killed the demons one by one, turning them into ashes.

"Cursed angel!!!" Lord Malphas looked at Raguel in fear. Malphas Lord tried to flee, but the fear of death had seized his entire body.

"In the presence of God, I punish you!! [Punisher King Raguel]" Raguel, as soon as he used his skill, enveloped the demons in a golden flame. This is Raguel's skill [Punisher King Raguel]. It is the ability of Raguel to punish sinners.

This skill burns sinners with a flame hotter than Uriel's flame. However, the intensity of this holy flame depends on the amount of sin the sinner possesses.

In short, even if a thief is burned by the Holy Flame, they won't die. They only suffer but do not die. However, it completely annihilates those who commit rape or murder.

After Raguel killed all the demons in the fortress, Angels looked at the Raguel admiringly and respectfully. "Our work here is done."

Raguel straightened his chest. He declared loudly, "We will not stop until we eliminate all evil against the Father!!!"

All the angels raised their spears. "For the Father!! For justice!! For Heaven!!!"

Raguel grinned. He spread his wings in all their glory. "Brothers and sisters!! We are here to protect our home!! We are not here for invasion, but to protect our home!!"

The angels cheered for Raguel. Raguel, holding the sharp end of the spear he held towards the south. "Now, brothers and sisters!! We will head south!! We will meet Sariel and his army there, and then head towards the Astaroth clan!!"

Yahweh's plan was to surround the Lucifer Clan, Asmodeus Clan, Leviathan Clan, and Beelzebub Clan from Two different sides of the Underworld.

While Michael battles the four great demons, Uriel will deal with the Bael clan, Phenex Clan, Gremory clan and Sitri Clan.

Under Rafael's leadership, Sariel, Raguel, Sandalfon, Raziel, and Remiel will deal with the rest of the 72 Pillars.

As for the Fallen Angels, Yahweh will personally deal with them.

Anyway, under Raguel's leadership, the angelic army will head towards the Astaroth Clan settlement. After defeating Astaroth Lord and breaking the northern defense line, they will attack the capital Lukifaad.

Raziel, Sandolfon, and Remiel will move towards the capital Lukifaad after defeating the demon houses in the south. Here, they will engage in an open battle with the units of Lucifer Clan, Beelzebub Clan, Asmodeus Clan, and Leviathan Clan.

The units of Sariel and Raguel coming from the north will launch a swift attack on the demonic forces from behind, while the angelic army of Raziel, Sandalfon, and Remiel fighting from the south will engage the demon clans. The units of Lucifer Clan, Beelzebub Clan, Asmodeus Clan, and Leviathan Clan will suffer heavy damage.

However, since the Anti-Satan Faction is crucial for Yahweh's plans, it wants to keep the members of the Anti-Satan Faction alive. It wants to keep some lords like Agres and Sitri alive.

Rafael will personally deal with the sons of the Demon Kings. He will fight against Beelzebub's Bidleid Bashalun, Leviathan's Tsufaame Tereaku, Asmodeus's Damaidosu Zereikel, and Lord Lucifuge.

Gabriel will stay in Heaven to defend it.


"Paradise is beginning to invade the Devil's territory. Should we prepare our armies?" Shemhazai asked in a gentle tone. During times of war, the will of the Grigori's founding leaders was crucial.

"Kokabiel seems very excited for the battle. Like many others." Azazel sighed. Despite not wanting the war, he had to fight. He looked at the Fallen angel with short silver hair standing before him. Shemhazai was extremely loyal to Azazel.

"Even if I don't want to, we must adhere to the agreement we made with the Devils." Azazel stated with firm determination. He might be reckless or deviant, but he was not unreliable. He always kept his promises no matter what.

"Then, as you wish, Governor. Let's go, the others are waiting for us." Shemhazai said respectfully. Then they went together with Azazel to where the other founders were.

Eager for the battle, Kokabiel, calm and powerful Baraqiel, powerful Armaros, followed by Sahariel, Tamiel, Penemue, Satanael, sat around a round table.

They were all partners and founders of the Grigori. At one time they had rebelled against God and fallen.

"Let's begin," Azazel waved his hand and said in a slightly mocking tone. "To our war plan."

They argued for a while. All partners fidgeted in their seats with different emotions. Eventually, they reached a consensus. Kokabiel smiled eagerly. "I'll lead the way!"

Kokabiel slammed the table. With a fiery voice, he declared. Before speaking further, a great aura filled the room. Azazel immediately stood up and looked at the blue portal that had opened before him.

"What is this, Azazel?" Penemue asked sharply. Her beautiful eyes fixed on the portal.

Azazel shook his head vaguely. "I don't know."

Baraqiel calmly looked at the portal. He sensed his Father's energy from it.

It wasn't just Baraqiel. Others thought the same. But they couldn't be sure. Their thoughts ended after feeling a powerful aura emanating from the portal.

Because Yahweh stood before them with all his might. Satanael stepped forward and held his sword to Yahweh's neck. Penemue wrapped Yahweh's hands with poisonous vines. Baraqiel prepared his holy lightning. Azazel, on the other hand, watched calmly.

"This is not a pleasant encounter." Yahweh said, seemingly unconcerned about the tense atmosphere. Then he burnt the poisonous vines with his holy power. He grabbed Satanael's hand and struck him in the stomach with a single blow and sent him back.

Compared to the calm Yahweh, the Grigori angels stood tensely. Tamiel's voice broke the tense atmosphere. "Why have you come here, Father?"

"I have come to propose a ceasefire." Yahweh said calmly. Penemue mocked, "And did you come here for a ceasefire? How amusing."

Yahweh ignored his daughter's words and looked directly at Azazel. Azazel stood with a false calmness under his father's gaze. "Old man, is it after centuries that 'peace' comes to your mind?"

Yahweh ignored Azazel's mockery. He looked at Baraqiel. "You are as I remember, Baraqiel."

Baraqiel said coldly, "As are you, father."

Yahweh's eyes scanned the other angels. "So are you."

"If you didn't come to see us, why did you come?" Armaros asked, pointing his axe at Yahweh and speaking calmly. The other Grigori members also agreed with what Armaros said.

Yahweh sighed. "Can't I see my children?"

"Since you expelled us from heaven, we are no longer your children." Sahariel said angrily. She felt her father mocking her.

"Our decision is final, old man." Azazel stated calmly. "No one can escape from the war now."

"Everything could have been different if you had given the value you gave to humanity to your own children." Kokabiel said angrily.

"You didn't punish the people who betrayed you, who did evil in your name, instead you expelled your sons who were always loyal to you, who defended you from your home!" Kokabiel said angrily. His anger was so great that he trembled. He seemed like he could attack Yahweh at any moment.

Yahweh closed his eyes. He could only sigh with regret. From the memories of the Original Creator, he could remember that his children were always loyal and loving.

The Original Creator could be a lover of humanity. He could even have a love for humanity greater than his angels, but he was not. He would not sacrifice or favor his own children for humanity.

Yahweh opened his eyes. His divine eyes filled with power gleamed. "You're right, I've made many wrong decisions. I have disappointed my children."

Azazel stood there in shock. His dear father was admitting his own mistake for the first time. This was something Azazel would never believe.

Baraqiel, Tamiel, Penemue, Satanael, Kokabiel, Sahariel, Armaros all felt the same. Even the usually calm Shemhazai was shocked. Yahweh's voice broke the deep silence. "It seems it's time for me to leave."

Yahweh turned his back. He turned gracefully and approached the portal. With his back turned to the fallen angels, he said, "Remember this. My children are more valuable than anything in the universe."

With Yahweh's departure, the portal closed, and the oppressive aura in the room dissipated. Kokabiel was the first to recover from the shock. He looked at Azazel, who was staring blankly at where Yahweh had gone. "Azazel, we need to contact the commanders."

Despite Kokabiel's call, Azazel remained frozen in place. He seemed not to hear Kokabiel's voice.

Seeing that Azazel was ignoring him, Kokabiel became angry. "Azazel, don't you dare tell me you're influenced by God!"

Despite Kokabiel's angry voice, Azazel remained there. His mind was lost in deep thoughts.

He thought his father was deceiving him or looking for an excuse to keep him away from the war for a short while.

But that was impossible. The old man never admitted his own mistakes and hated to appear weak in front of another being.

This was a big gamble for Azazel.

Either he would make peace as his father said and avoid a bloody war, or he would engage in a battle to the death with his beloved father.

For the first time, Azazel felt so helpless, knowing that this war would destroy many of his brothers.

Azazel's deep thoughts were interrupted by Shemhazai's voice. "Governor, I would like to announce the decision for the army commanders to go to the Capital Lilith."

"No, the order is canceled. We will not defend the Devils." Kokabiel became angry as soon as he heard this. He immediately objected. "Azazel, you can't make such a decision on your own!"

Kokabiel looked at the other fallen angel leaders with his eyes to ask for support.

The fallen angel leaders all looked indecisive and reluctant. Kokabiel waited a little longer, but when the support he wanted did not come, he became furious. "Damn you all!! You're letting God deceive you!!"

"We've been fighting for centuries, Kokabiel. Everyone is tired of this war now." Azazel said surprisingly, surprising everyone. This was something Azazel rarely did.

Hearing Azazel, Kokabiel looked angrily at the other leaders. "You're all cowards, especially you, Azazel!!"

Kokabiel left in anger, leaving the other Fallen Angel Leaders behind.

Azazel drifted back into thoughts. For the first time in thousands of years, he decided to trust his father again.

Azazel didn't know why he did this, but there was one thing he was sure of. The end of this war would definitely result in the destruction of the three groups.


In Lucifer's castle, four great Demon Kings were engaged in a heated debate. Lord Lucifuge stood respectfully behind Lucifer. Lucifer turned his head and looked at the white-haired man standing beside him, who resembled a middle-aged man. "Explain how the war is progressing."

Lord Lucifuge bowed. "As you command, Lord Lucifer."

"There's a major attack from the south and north. Forces from the Beelzebub Clan and Asmodeus Clan have been able to defend for some time, albeit with difficulty."

"The north is in danger. Two powerful angels, Raguel and Sariel, are preparing to attack settlements of the Astaroth Clan from two different sides. Then the two armies will unite and attack our Capital."

"On the southern side, we have the Phenex Clan, Bael Clan, Gremory Clan, and Sitri Clans. But it seems they are unable to cope with the three major angel armies."

"Also, there's still no news from the Grigori. They probably betrayed the agreement." After Lord Lucifuge finished, Asmodeus slammed his fist on the table. With Asmodeus's power, the table cracked and split in two.

"I knew we couldn't trust those cursed crows!!" Asmodeus said angrily.

"No one expected such a thing." Leviathan said calmly but with inner anger.

"I'm willing to go to the northern front." Beelzebub stood up. He said in a firm voice. The Astaroth Clan was one of the most powerful sub-clans of the Beelzebub Clan. Beelzebub couldn't afford such a loss.

Throughout the process, Lucifer, who had been silent, decided to speak. "Alright, you can go-"

Before Lucifer could finish his sentence, the whole atmosphere suddenly changed.

Leviathan's eyes opened wide. Her beautiful eyes widened in astonishment. "Where are we!?"

"How can beings as powerful as us be teleported so easily." Asmodeus said arrogantly.

"I don't know." Lucifer said helplessly. He couldn't recall anyone besides the Agares Clan being so skilled in space matters. He didn't even think his father had such power.

Lucifer's thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a sudden voice.

"It's been a long time since we last met, Brother." Michael, shining like the sun in the sky with his twelve wings, appeared. He held Excalibur in his hand.

Lucifer frowned. He felt a power from Michael that he had never felt before.

Leviathan's eyes turned to the sword in Michael's hand. "Be careful. That sword looks very dangerous."

"You seem more powerful than before, Michael." Lucifer said calmly, despite feeling tense. Michael seemed stronger than before in a way Lucifer had never encountered.

Asmodeus smirked mockingly. "Did God himself send you instead of coming, Michael."

Michael was unaffected by Asmodeus's mockery and maintained his calm expression. "I am enough for you."

Asmodeus furrowed his brows in anger. He ignited his demonic power with rage. He created a wave of fire that would easily harm a high-class demon and sent it towards Michael.

Michael looked at the incoming wave of fire. He smiled gently. "Ifrit, come forth."

"At last, partner." Ifrit smiled with a warlike spirit. Then it materialized in front of the wave of fire. Despite being the size of a palm, Ifrit emitted a terrifying power. It emitted magical power almost equal to Beelzebub's.

Ifrit licked its lips as if it had eaten a delicious meal and looked mockingly at Asmodeus. "Is this all you can do?"

Already furious, Asmodeus became even angrier. Then he spread his demon wings and attacked Ifrit.

"I'll take care of this, Partner. You deal with the others."

Michael smiled gently. "Alright. But be careful."

Ifrit nodded. Then it quickly flew away to a distant place and started to carry Asmodeus away.

Lucifer spread his wings. But instead of pure white, they were black wings. After Yahweh took the "Morning Star" power from Lucifer, Lucifer became a fallen angel. Now he could only use demonic powers.

No matter how much he wanted to use his holy light, the Holy light seemed to reject Lucifer.

Although Lucifer didn't want to accept it, he no longer had the "Morning Star" powers that he was once proud of. Although his power had decreased significantly, he still had enough power to compete with the Four Demon Kings.

Lucifer surveyed his surroundings. It seemed they were in a dimensional void. What Lucifer didn't understand was how such a large island could exist in a dimensional void. Whatever happened in the dimensional void, everything would either disappear or be destroyed.

Lucifer snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Michael. He knew it would be a tough battle. But he had two Demon Kings by his side. Although Michael was much stronger than Lucifer, he could never defeat three Demon Kings.

Lucifer looked confidently at Michael in the sky. His eyes were serious.

Michael, on the other hand, had lost his calm and gentle eyes, replaced by a serious and powerful gaze.

Michael turned his sword decisively towards Lucifer and the other Demon Kings. "Today, everything will come to an end here."

Michael prepared his wings and attacked towards Lucifer.


The intensity of the war in the southern front was increasing day by day. Under the leadership of Uriel, the Angel Army had almost won all the battles.

As the war in the southern front continued at full pace, in one of the most powerful underground houses of the Underworld in the Southern Front, Zekram Bael, Zeoticus Gremory, Lord Phenex, and Lord Sitri were sitting around a round table in their battle attire.

Zekram Bael was looking at the house lords with grandeur and nobility. The war was going worse than ever.

"Lord Bael, why have you summoned us?" Lord Sitri asked tiredly. The war had exhausted everyone in the demon realm.

"There's news from the Capital. Regarding the Four Demon Kings," Zekram said, more serious than ever.

Seeing Zekram's serious expression, the Lords understood that something grave was happening. Zeoticus asked with a serious expression, "What could it be?"

Zekram explained in a serious tone, "The Demon Kings are missing."

All the Lords were shocked to hear this. If the stabilizing factor of the demon realm disappeared, it meant they had suffered a heavy defeat.

Lord Phenex asked anxiously, "What should we do now?"

Zekram stood up from his chair. He turned around. Then, in a cold tone, he said, "Although the Demon Kings are powerful, they are tyrants who care only about their own interests."

All the Lords had to acknowledge this. None of them spoke up to defend the Demon Kings.

Because apart from Lucifuge, there was truly no one loyal to the Demon Kings. Everyone followed them only out of fear. If they had a chance, they would rebel in no time.

Zekram watched the expressions of the Lords for a while. Seeing that no one said anything, he continued speaking. "It's time for a regime change."

As Zekram continued his speech, his eyes sparkled with determination. "I won't allow the demons to perish because of the unnecessary ambitions of the Demon Kings."

Zekram turned around. He looked at the Lords and said in a determined tone, "Now, it's time to overthrow tyranny."