

This fanfiction will be a crossover of different anime worlds with solo leveling elements, for now, currently, he is in dxd. This is your generic isekai'd story, he will take over the body of one and only Issei Hyodou. He will be strong, extremely strong... with a multitude of cheats like items and powers, [I apologize in advance for my grammar, my first language is not English, so I will probably face problems.]

HentaiisArt · Cómic
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22 Chs


"Violence is always the answer." The other remaining Orcs watched in fear as their chief's head was separated with one swing of the human.

[Gluttony skill Activated]

[Stats increased: Magic: 16,000. Strength: 800. Stamina: 600. Agility: 250. Perception: 590. Skill added: Gravitation Magic Lv 13, Hexes: 12+]

A smile of contentment formed on Issei's face.

[You have level up] [3X]

[You have slain the Boss]

"Idiot, did your arrogance make you so blind?" Gravitation magic would have given the boss some leverage, but the fool was so blinded by arrogance that he forgot to use it. The Yeti king was a far better opponent than this pathetic boss, the Yeti king lasted longer than this piece of shit.

Oh well whatever, let's just hunt down the rest and get a class. A few orcs realized they are going to die and tried to run, but I immobilized them by casting this hex.

[Hymn of Lethargy:

MP Consumption: 2000.

Range: 100 yards.

Upon casting the hex petrifies multiple targets in place for a minute.

I shuddered a little, if I hadn't been the buff my fate was already decided. My death wouldn't be an easy one, I can tell you that much.

I fucking dodged a bullet there.

[You defeated an elite High Orc]

[You defeated an elite High Orc]

The remaining collect few High orcs also joined their already departed comrades.

[You have slain the last enemy; the following rewards have been granted]

[300 Million gold points]


[The class change quest has been concluded as all monsters from the first floor and up to the 30th floor have been defeated]

[Your class will be determined shortly]

[Depending on the amount of kill counts accumulated, it will be possible to change your class to a high ranking one]

[The suitable class will be bestowed upon the player after your past actions have been thoroughly analyzed.] Yeah, yeah, hurry the fuck up! I have 70 more floors to clear.

Just don't give me something stupid as archer or bard.

[The following two classes are available for hosts "Assassin" or "Necromancer"] No hesitation, I picked up the latter. Necromancer has some pretty badass skills, and marching with an army of the dead with me seems more beneficial than heading headfirst into the higher floor.

[Will you accept this Class?] Yes, I am happy with Necromancer Class. The amount of powerful dead bodies this whole quest will provide me will be countless, I can't miss this opportunity.

[Your class has been set]

[You will now be given the opportunity to evolve the class to a higher-ranked version through the amount of kill counts accumulated.]

[Calculation has begun]

[1… 100… 1000… 5,560… 8,900]

[Rating: SSS+++]

[Additional rewards will be given]

[The following Title has been granted]

"The Merciless One"

Rank: Legendary

The Skill is only able to be activated when the targets lose their will to resist. Once that condition is met, from that point on, at any time the holder wishes, the holder can reap the marked target's Soul, even if the target has recovered their will to live and fight in the meantime.

[Weapon Pass] [Rank Mythical]

[Host can choose any one weapon completely free from the Mythical weaponry section] Oh my, damn. When did you become a philanthropist?

Those are some sick rewards.

Soon, another flow of messages popped up making me excited like a little kid.

[A "Safehouse" has been granted]

Rarity: Epic.

MP Consumption: 50,000.

The host can summon a building to use it as a safe house, the safe house comes with the following function: Teleportation Circle [Host can use the circle to teleport back to his own dimension], epic tier defensive runes.

System I love you man, I can finally leave this fucking hell hole for a while.

[Your class has been upgraded from 'Necromancer' →→ shadow Sovereign'.] Shadow Sovereign? I kept my cool and didn't get into any assumptions just because an unknown term was laid before my eyes.

The system is not a scammer, I do have faith in it.

[The following Class-Specific skills have been granted]

→Shadow Extraction Lv1:

→Aura of Darkness Lv 1

→Shadow Save Lv 1

→Domain of the Monarch Lv 1

→Sense death Lv 1

[Skill Tree has been unlocked, the host can exchange unused stats points for skill points]

Ah so it's the beefy version of Necromancer skill, instead of bones it extracts the mana from the deceased lifeforms and creates a shadow soldier.

The newly summoned Shadow soldiers can be saved inside my shadow, which acts as a whole Spatial realm for my army, which saved me lots of space and transport problems.

Pretty cool I guess, I will check out the skill tree later, right now I want to see how I can raise the dead.

At this point, I noticed something odd about the corpses.

The boss and every corpse Inside the floor were radiating a black aura, a few seconds ago they weren't there but now all of a sudden my eyes can see them… This aura seems alive.

[Shadow extraction is possible on the selected target]

Okay, then extract.

[Please set the command phrase to activate the shadow extraction skill.] I need a command phrase to activate the skill?

By the command… Nah too flashy, need something short… Rise up… still doesn't sound right, ah Arise, it sounds natural and far better than the rest.


The shadows of the Orcs began wiggling as if they were still alive. I scanned my surroundings once more. All the shadows found near me were beginning to move as if they were alive.

Soon enough, a black hand rose up from one of the shadows. It pressed down on the ground hard, and slowly, the arm attached to it rose up.

What came out is an orc with a glowing reddish body, the colorful markings on their bodies were replaced by a shade of charcoal black, their hands hold the phantom construct of their weapons, this Orc look more intimidating than when it was alive. Slowly, all 40 dead Orc, including the boss, climbed out of the shadow of the dead bodies.

A quick scan of their level made me realize that they have lost around 10 levels which isn't that much of a problem right now. Their stats remained the same, so basically it doesn't make any difference.

"Orc Chief: Tusk"

Lv 140

[Rank: Elite]

Wait a minute, if I reaped the boss stats and magic how come he retained his original prowess? This does not make any sense. But then again all these recent turns of events don't also make sense. There were so many questions I have in my mind, but no one was there to answer- I must be a fool when a thing that can talk is right before me!

"What is this place?" I asked the boss who stood before me like an obedient child. [My Lord, this is one of the many dimensions in the chaos realm] Thank god he still has retained his ability to speak.

"Chaos Realm?"

[My lord, we are beings born from Chaos, before the creation of all life there was but one face of nature in the entire universe, whom we called Chaos. It was a rough & uneven mass of Destruction, in which there was nothing except idle weight and the congealed, dissonant seeds of unstable things. We are one of those unstable things or you could say it's creations]

"Huh, what about the tower of Chaos?"

[It's a prison for beings like us]

"Prison? Who trapped you here?"

[Omnipotent beings]


[Destruction is in our nature, it's in our blood and essence, chaos created us to bring destruction into the universe to root out all the sources of life, but not all are fond of your dealings and our actions, so the overseers of a particular universe banish us back here to keep his/her world safe] What do you expect? Greet you with warm hugs and applause.

"So I was right this whole tower is a mix of dimensions." I knew it.

[My lord, your assumption is wrong. This is just a small dimension and each floor on the tower acts like a pocket dimension or spatial cell. There are countless other dimensions within the chaos realm that holds creatures far beyond our comprehension.] The orc chief says with a tremble in his voice, what thing did he meet to make that kind of expression.

I swallowed down my saliva on hearing this shit, beyond comprehension, I can already visualize the elder gods from H.P love craft becoming a real thing.

Shit, that will be a fucking nightmare. Thankfully, I calmed myself down and choose to act oblivious for now, sometimes it's better to leave matters like this to the future self, but I can do one thing that might ease my worries and this is to keep on growing more powerful.

In any case…

Let's just summon the safe house here, the orc chief and 10 Orcs will be coming with me and the rest will guard the house in my absence.

I activated the shadow save skill with the intention of storing the chief and the ten highest level Orcs.

Tusk and the ten selected shadow soldiers all returned to being a blob of shadows. Those eleven shadows then gathered beneath my feet next and seeped inside my shadow.

It was a fascinating sight, but I am so mentally drained that I didn't give many thoughts to it. All I want is to return back home, back to the comfort of my soft bed.

I accessed my inventory and clicked on the house icon, immediately a pop-up message appeared in my line of sight.

[Would the host like to summon the "safe house"?] [Y/N]


A small wooden cabin materialized inside the boss room. Upon entering the safe house I found a small bed, a set of wooden table and chairs, four oil lanterns are lining the walls.

It also has a fireplace & a clay stove. My eyes then moved on to the magical circle on the floor, it was painted with fluorescent blue liquid and in the middle of it was a large blue gem.

Upon using observation on the gem, I found it was the catalyst that not only erect barriers around the house it was also powered the teleportation cycle.

I stepped into the magical circle and as expected a system pop-up message appeared in front of me.

[Please set your destination]

My room

Immediately I was transported back to my room, the first thing I noticed was how light my body was, it was brimming with unbridled strength, I never felt this ease and calm when I was in that chaos dimension; I always felt an invisible force on my being, it's as if something is constantly trying to stop me from reaching higher levels.

I will just ask Tusk about it later, right now all I need is a night of good sleep. I checked the time on my phone and this time there was a slight time difference, I left around 3:50 in the noon, and now it was showing 6:51. That means one month there are like three hours in this my real world.

"Is this your original world, my lord?" The orc chief voice echoed down from my feet. I looked at my feet and then noticed something awful, an exact copy of the circle was curved down on the wooden floor.

Fuck mom is going to tie a noose around my neck if she saw that. Fucking hell, the system has no regard for room maintenance.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"This world mana is far weaker than the upper realms… is this truly your homeworld?" The chief asked with a doubtful tone.

"I don't know what this upper realm you are talking about... But my world is not totally normal, it's home to different races such as devils, Angels, Youkais, and gods." I replied and took my dirty clothes off.

[A/n: I chose to erase the HP from the stats after some of you pointed out that it doesn't make sense if he doesn't have a gamer body, so in a day or two I will correct the earlier mistakes]

Level: 114

Class: Shadow Monarch

Title: 10+

MP: 210,000

Tiredness: 0


Strength: 12,201

Stamina: 9,133

Agility: 7,663

Intelligence: 150

Perception: 5,833

[SP: 600]

[A/n: I will post the skills and abilities tomorrow]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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