
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 47 : A collection of Zombies fell off Legion,

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This resulted in two things, first a collection of Zombies fell off Legion, second was Legion roaring in pain, which admittedly, nearly threw me off the creatures shoulder.

"Nice one!" I shouted to the duo as my Zombies finally reached Legion and were trying to bite it's foot off before they got kicked a mile away and died.

then another set of zombies showed up and ignored Murayama and Katase and began to climb up Legion… Which gained 50 HP when one of the Zombies settled in at the heel.

"It's healing!" I shouted, "Kill the zombie's before they reach Legion!" Seriously Damage Sponge Bosses are annoying enough, give them a healing ability and then they are my #1 most hated boss type.

I impaled Muramasa into Legion's neck and held it there, dealing 84 damage and aimed my 1887 at the creature, the first shot did a beautiful 143 damage, You gotta love the shotguns and how ridiculously powerful they are a close range. I fired the remaining 4 shots into the creature, dealing a massive 783 damage to the creature before I had to put it away to reload.

"Katase!" I head Murayama shout, causing me to look down to see that Katase had been kick away, followed quickly by Murayama.

"Girls!" I shouted in panic, pulling out Muramasa I jumped off Legion's shoulder onto it's back, where Murayama and Katase had been launched, the health bars they had in my vision were blinking red, but they were still alive thankfully. After I jumped off Legion I turned around and dug Muramasa into is shoulder, causing it to groan as I dealt 79 damage to it, that number was quickly replaced by an ever growing number as I let gravity pull me to the earth, Muramasa cutting into Legion as I descended.

While I was doing that I was sending out my Sniper Puppet, as well as as MANY Shades as I could to cut down the massing swarm of Zombies trying to climb Legion.

Once I reached the ground I gave Muramasa a twist before pulling it out of Legion, dealing a grand total of 869 damage during my descent.

Rushing toward the building Murayama and Katase had crashed into I saw them slowly eating the Chocochomp bars I gave them, their nice new Katana's broken on the ground.

"Shit, are you two okay?" I asked, "Scratch that dumb as shit question." I added shaking my head as the two finished off the bars, "I'm sorry, I underestimate Legion and overestimated how much damage we could do to it. Go find someplace to hide, I don't want you two dying here."

"No way." Katase said getting up and grabbing her broken Katana, "I'm going to get stronger, that way Murayama and I can protect each other if one of those Stray Devils attack us."

"I'm not giving up either." Murayama said picking her broken weapon up, "If I ran away from this I'd never be able to look at anyone in the Kendo Club in the eyes again!"

With that the two raised their weapons, despite the sweat on their brows, ready to charge back at Legion.

Right then two zombies shuffled into the building we were in and the Kendo duo charged forward, right before their weapons reached the Zombie's necks the broken Katana's flashed.

The Zombie heads rolled as Murayama and Katase held brand new katana's in their hands.

"What is…" Murayama asked, "It feels, dark, yet comfortable…"

"It's so… light." Katase said, "It feels like a part of me almost."

I used Observe on the blade in Murayama's hand.

[Sword Birth Katana]

My eye's went wide as I looked at Katase's weapon.

[Blade Blacksmith Katana]

I was dumbfounded at the SHEER ODDS! I know for a fact that there are multiples of some Sacred Gears, due to both Kiba and Jeanne having Blade Blacksmith, which also taught me that some people can have two Sacred Gears.

But the sheer odds that not only do both Murayama and Katase have Sacred Gears, but that they are BOTH sword type Sacred Gears that parallel each other.

Murayama and Katase probably parallel each other too, I'll need to get to know them better, if individually for best effect.

"Sacred Gears… Both of you have one!" I shouted in shock.

"Wait, these are Sacred Gears!?" The duo shouted.

"Murayama, you've got Sword Birth, you can create Demonic swords based on your imagination and power. Katase you've got Blade Blacksmith, same thing but with Holy Swords." I shouted standing back up and running up to them. Then I realized I'm gonna need to return to my Sanctuary before I head to the real world.

Murayama and Katase looked at the weapon in their hands, Murayama closed her eyes for a moment before her weapon flashed and was suddenly a katana made of fire, when she opened her eyes she grinned.

"Now you both have something against these Zombies." I said, that's when Katase held out her hand and created another katana in her hands, though from the sweat on her head it pushed her to her limits.

"H-here." Katase said, "A H-Holy sword might… B-better than that one."

I nodded and took the katana, simple looking but I could feel it's holy energy, so I sheathed Muramasa and put it in my inventory before we returned to the fight.

"Only attack Legion when you've got a mile wide opening!" I shouted, "Other than that help my Shades with the zombies!"

Returning to the fight I noticed Legion was down to 9864 HP, my Sniper Puppet and Shade's doing some damn good chip Damage.

Once I reached Legion's heel, as it was focused on trying to take down my Sniper Pupper, I unleashed a Power Thrust into it's heel, dealing a magnificent 412 damage to the creature.

'Note to self, put a light element shard into a sword.' I thought with a grin as Legion buckled down to it's knee's.


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