
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 32 : "Dead man's volley."

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"Incoming!" I shouted as we all jumped away, only to get caught in the after shock, I took 12 damage from it, not much but still something to be careful of.

The Shadow Wraith laughed as it raised it's hand once more and created another ball of electricity… Then I recognised this scene.

"I hope this works." I muttered pulling out my steel Katana and stood still with my sword held in front of me.

"What are you doing!" Misha asked.

"Toss Rogue a knife." I said, "And get ready to do what I do."

Misha nodded and tossed Rogue the knife, "And that is?" Misha asked as the Shadow wraith threw it's orb.

"Dead man's volley." I said before swinging my sword at the orb. The result being the orb flying back at the Shadow Wraith, which reacted well enough, batting the orb at Misha with the back of it's hand.

"I see." Misha said grinning as she slashed the orb back at the Shadow Wraith.

This repeated a few times for each of us before I used a Power Slash to reflect the orb, and the Shadow Wraith couldn't react fast enough and was struck by it's own attack.

Not only did it take a solid 100 damage from the orb itself, but it was thrown to the ground.

"Now! Pile on!" I shouted running toward the Shadow Wraith with Rogue.

My first strike was a quick single handed draw attack with my Katana, which did 32 damage and got me a skill

[You've created a new Skill]

[You've created Draw Slash]

[Draw your Katana for a quick and effective that can stun enemies, but not Bosses]

Putting that aside for later, Rouge slammed her claws into the Shadow Wraith just as Misha threw a set of ten daggers at it while I used a Power Slash, the total damage was 212.

Right after that though the Shadow Wraith vanished before reappearing in front of me… And charging at me.

"Whoa!" I shouted and dove out of the was as it punched Rogue and sent her flying."Rogue!"

"I'm good!" Rogue shouted as she stood back up, "Misha duck!"

Misha's body reacted quickly as she ducked under the Shadow Wraith which tried the same punch on her, only to instead slam it's fist into a tree that broke in half.

"Thanks!" Misha said as she stood up.

I glanced at the broken tree, "Misha, Rogue, grab the biggest part of that tree you can lift and throw it at the Shadow Wraith when it appears!" I ordered and began looking in a circle for the Shadow Wraith.

"Ready!" Misha shouted as the two lifted what I could assume was half a tree.

I turned around to see the Shadow Wraith barreling at me and the two behind me, "Now!" I shouted dropping to the ground as the two hurled the tree.

The chunk of wood slammed into the Shadow Wraith, causing it to twist back and do a backflip as it took 137 damage, vanishing soon afterwards.

"Nice job you two." I said standing up.

"Thank you milord." Misha said.

"I knew we could do it." Rogue said patting Misha on the back.

"It's not dead yet." I warned as the Shadow Wraith appeared at ground level.

"OoOoOoOoOoHhHhHhH!" It roared, sending out another shock wave that knocked me down. I stood back up in time for it to point it's palm at me, which briefly hold a black vortex and blast me in the chest with a short beam of darkness.

I took 101 damage from that.

"Shit that hurt." I groaned as rolled back to my feet as it aimed it's palm at me again, "Don't let it's attack hit you!" I shouted pulling out my Shade revolver and shot the vortex in it's palm.

This actually created a backlash of energy to the Shadow Wraith, causing an explosion of black smoke in its hands that did 34 damage to it.

"Nintendo must have had a hand in creating this." I muttered, causing Rogue to snicker.

"That was a terrible pun." Misha deadpanned.

"Oh no, he wasn't trying to pun." Rogue said, "I'll tell you later, it's aiming for you."

Misha snapped to the Shadow Wraith as it opened its palm to her, only for it to receive a dagger to the hand, causing another backlash that dealt it 37 damage.

Next it opened both it's palms to me and I did not want to be in that attack so I pulled out my Shade revolver and shot both it's hands. This caused one hand to fizzle out, but the other exploded with twice the force, dealing 71 damage.

It then opened both it's palms again, while Rogue was sneaking behind it, to me and Misha, I shot and she threw creating two explosions on it's hands that dealt a total of 79 damage to the Boss.

The Shadow Wraith had learned it's lesson and raised both it's hands into the air, causing a large dark beam to form in the air.

"Run!" I shouted to Misha as it began to swing downward.

Misha reacted and started running away from the path Rogue was sneak, and toward me, as the dark beam reached where she was standing and the Shadow Wraith began to slowly turn toward us.

Then Rogue slammed both her claws into the Shadow Wraith's back, cancelling the beam and dealing a critical 145 damage to it.

"Now!" I shouted dashing forward to the stunned Boss, "Sayonara!" I declared using Power Slash on it's hood, bringing its HP to 0

[OST End]

[You've reached Lvl 21]

[You've reached Lvl 22]

[You've reached Lvl 23]

[You've reached Lvl 24]

[You've reached Lvl 25]

The Shadow Wraith was frozen for a moment before it lurched upright and grabbed it's head while slowly floating into the air.

"UuUuUuUuUaAaAaAaAaGgGgGgGhHhHhH!" It cried out as the darkness inside it began to dissipate, it's robe burned away, and it's hands crumbled to dust.

When those things were halfway done the Shadow Wraith exploded into black smoke.

What fell was a small black glass orb with a swirl of dark red, green, and blue moving within it.


want to read ahead or want to support you can join my patr-eon and u will be able to read ahead by 10 chapters
