
DxD: Gamer in ttl would

Everyone had boring life and will be there are no exception in this if someone is telling you a story then it all started with a shifty previous life just as mine. I had a pretty shitty life and now I am in a world of dxd where if you turn your head you will see a girl with big tits and exposing thighs and where you get those lucky encounter like in anime. but there is a twist I am not just simply here I am here with a gamer system and I am gonna make the most of this life enjoying this world. so I am Vincent lane and this is my story.

Fanfiction_fan · Cómic
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56 Chs

Chapter 30 : Gamer's work

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We all leaned away from Kuroka slightly, "Rough experience?" Misha asked after a minutes.

"Let's just say next time I go near the Phenex estate I'm disguising myself as a man." Kuroka growled.

"I don't even want to know." I said, "But if I join Rias's peerage I know for a fact I can beat Riser."

"How?" Koneko asked.

"Simple." I said smiling, "I found some information on Devil Magic after I encountered that witch and learned it's all built around imagination correct?"

"That's right." Koneko said nodding her head.

"Gamer's work on a similar basis, except we have to focus our mana and sometimes we don't quite get what we want." I said, "However if I were to combine the two effects I can basically get any effect I want just by imagining it and having the proper Mana stores."

"Ooh ooh!" Kunou raised her hand, "If you get strong enough with magic you could potentially make an ability to cancel out Riser's regeneration."

"I love this kid." I said chuckling, "She's a genius."

Everyone else was in a state of shock at this.

"The potential to create any kind of spell…" Kuroka mused, "But how can you make sure you have enough magic energy to create those spells?"

"Again with Gamer powers." I said grinning, "Basically as long as my Intelligence stat Increases, so does my Max MP, plus these things usually come with passive effects that basically say the more magic I use, the more I'll be able to use."

"You could potentially defeat anything with that." Koneko said wide eyed… Misha and Rogue had similar looks of shock, though Yasaka and Kuroka had looks of lust in their eyes.

"Plus remember, I play video games, and holy crap there are a lot of trick you can learn from them." I said, "Like say… If the enemy is just too strong, chop off some of their power and even the playing field. A couple of Games I've got have you fight Dragons that are so powerful it's part of the main quest to find an artifact or spell to weaken them drastically and even then they are still tough as nails."

I swear I saw dampness on Kuroka's kimono.

"Now then." I said straightening up, "I'd like to see some combat prowess from Kuroka, Misha, and Rogue."

"Why not me?" Koneko asked, "Or Yasaka?"

"Well for one I've already got an idea for how powerful Yasaka is." I said, "Second you are in another dimension right now, I need you to go tell Rias that Yasaka was visiting and offering to create a barrier to hide presences but I denied it after she showed me."

"And the rest of us Milord?" Misha asked.

I looked back to Misha and smiled, "After I dropped them off we are going boss hunting."


"So." I asked as I took Misha and Rogue to my Sanctuary's market, specifically the Weapon shop, "What kind of weapons do you two prefer?"

This was something I actually wanted to know, because my knowledge of the Werewolves in the DxD world is this… Sona's got a half werewolf in her Peerage, and they are rivals to the vampires… Literally, that's it. I don't even know if they can transform at will or not.

"Don't worry about getting me anything." Rogue said grinning, "Unlike full blooded Werewolves we half blooded Werewolfs can transform whenever without needed to train like hell."

"So does that mean you've got to strip for milord before you're any kind of help?" Misha asked with a twitching eyebrow… Oh this in not going to end well is it?

"Nah." Rogue said, "You ever seen a female Werewolf when we're sanely transformed? This things don't just go away." Rogue emphasized her chest by grabbing her tits, "I begged mom to get me a suit that stretches with my body because everytime I transformed my tit's were swinging everywhere and it was sooooo embarrassing."

I… have no idea what to say to that, so i turned to Misha, "So, how about you Misha?"

"Knives." Misha said, "I'm no murderous psychopath, but I do fancy myself a good knife thrower and knife fighter." Misha puffed her chest up in pride with that, "Why Carmilla decided to give me a sword is beyond my comprehension."

"Does that chick really think you guys are just cannon fodder?" Rogue asked tilting her head, "Cause that is really dumb. That's like buying the wrong ammo for a minigun, it won't be shooting anything… But I suppose if you whack someone in the head with it you can kill them…"

I quickly bought a set of 50 throwing knives, with belt holsters, and a Combat Knife for her to use close combat.

"Thank you milord." Misha said attaching the belts and putting the combat Knife on her thigh, "So what are we hunting to show you our capabilities?"

"I'm going to open up an Instant Dungeon filled with creatures." I explained summoning a Shade, "In that Dungeon there will be an infinite supply of these Shades, all hostile. That's what we are hunting."

"How many are we killing?" Rogue said as she, literally, dropped her pants, revealing as black suit that was skin tight and reached her knees… And by skin tight I mean if I were to focus on her I could probably trace her lower lips through the contours of the suit.

I thought on the Shade killing for a moment… "About… As many as I feel." I deadpanned, "I need a lot of Shade Cloth, because that stuff is damn good for weapon modification."

"Why is that?" Rogue asked throwing off her shirt, revealing the red of the suit holding her breasts back and the sleeves being non-existent.

Instead of answering I pulled out my Shade Revolver and fired it at my feet, making a hole in the ground with no sound.

Misha whistled in approval, "That explains why we could never hear the sniper from the attack." Misha said.

"Let's go then." Rogue said, "I feel like I'm getting rusty with my claws." She then gave a feral looking grin, teeth glinting in the light as her canine teeth appeared much larger than the rest.


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