
DXD: Flames of a pervert

A man was given Pyrokinetic abilities from Fire Force. Now he must try to survive this horny ass world with only his flames. ############################ Also English is not my native language, so the grammar will be bad. but, I'm counting on you to critique my work in order for me to improve.

Shoegazer · Cómic
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5 Chs

Ch: 3

The prospect of going to Matsuda's house is quite strange.

I mean, I did hijacked the boy's body, so of course it's gonna be weird. Maybe, his soul is somewhere in my mind. I wonder if he has any parents? The anime didn't exactly show anything about Matsuda's life, his screentime is only like… 3 episodes.

After those episode he just kinda disappeared, maybe he transfered to a another school I don't know.

No point in thinking all those useless ideas.

This street is actually pretty nice. There's no noise it has good view, and there's no trash littered in the streets. Unlike my previous place, this is like heaven.

Walking, I spotted a black cat on someones fence. it's not really anything strange, I did see a couple of stray roaming around this neighbor hood.

I patted it, and he seems to like it he's pretty cute it, though those eyes feels weird to look at.

"Do you wanna go with me little fella?" I lifted the cat.

Well I'll be damn, this cute lil' fella is a lady in disguise.

"Oh you're a female" I said.

The cat giggled?

What? Last time I check cats don't giggle, but this is a anime world, so it could be a cute quirk in this reality.

Seeing no collar on the cute little thing, I think it's okay to bring her home. I mean no ones around, sooo, you're coming with lil' lady.

"You're my friend now" I said hugging the warm fluff ball

She didn't seem to mind.

I hope there's food at home


I eventually reach "my" home, if you're asking how I find it remember I have his memories now.

Taking out the keys, I opened the door.

This house is weirdly quite.

Putting the cat at the kitchen, I go upstairs to my room to change my clothes, I go back down.

Roaming the house I find no one. No mom or dad, nor sibling.

Is Matsuda an orphan?

Going through his memories, the vision of his parents are blurry as fuck. I tried harder to think, but it became more blurry, I think something is blocking my memories of them

A sudden headache pounded my head, although unlike the previous one I had, it's not really that painful, it's more uncomfortable then anything else.

I stopped thinking about this for now. the headache thankfully stop.

I go to the kitchen, seeing the cat is still there -although it looks irritated maybe she's hungry?

I opened the cabinet and took out a can of sardines. cat likes fish right? I don't really know, this my first handling a cat after all.

Putting in a container, I give it to her. The cat stares at the food and smell it, I was pretty nervous if she don't eat it, I don't have any other food to feed her, but she thankfully started to eat it.

Now that's done. I sat down at the kitchen table and started think how should I train my powers.

I remembered from the Fire Force anime, that there's 4 types of pryrokinetic users:

The first is, 1st generation is basically the Infernals; it's stated in the show that Infernals are former human who suffered spontaneous combustion turning them into demonic fire monsters.

Second, are the 2nd generation: although they cannot create fire on their own they can control existing flames. I remembered how versatile this is in the show.

The third is, you guess it, the 3rd generations: they can create there own flames and manipulate it, although unlike the previous gen they cannot control existing flames.

Now the final generation, this where the bullshit start, basically 4th gen can fucking defy laws of physics they can fucking stop time, go light speed and end the fucking world; tldr: it's fucking hacks!

So my question right now is… which generation am I?

Well there's only one way find out, I pointed my index finger upwards. closing my eyes I tried to visualize a gas stove; imagining myself turning the switch on.

Turning it to low heat. I feel warm air hit my face, smiling, I opened eyes and see a small fire at my finger tip.

Daisy(Yeah I name her), looks up confused, her eyes watch the small flame in curiosity.

Smiling in excitement. I imagine turning it to high heat. The flame grow bigger and the temperature a higher degree; similar to the heat of a bonfire.

'So I'm a third gen,' I thought.

No I remember the slot machine didn't exactly specify which generation am I, It just says pyrokinesis.

Standing, I immediately go to the stove on the kitchen. Turning it on I tried controlling it. And lo and behold I can in fact control it.

My face flashed a childish glee. Focusing my Control, I turn it into a ball.

"Hahahah- Daisy you see this?" I exclaimed in joy

Daisy on the other, hand tried to catch the ball of flames.

Widening my eyes, and Scared that daisy might get burned, I immediately distinguish the flames

Picking up daisy I examine her body trying to find a injury, there were none, I sigh in relief.

"Girl that was dangerous!" I scolded the cat while patting her head.

So I'm both 2nd and 3rd gen. This is powerful, if I trained this constantly I could be strong enough to protect my self.

And maybe, I can become 4th gen but I don't have a adolla link, and this is whole ass different reality I don't think it applies here.

Although it's not really needed, I mean I'm not trying to become the strongest here, I just want the power to protect myself.

And seeing I'm both generation, I could maybe copy or replicate Benimaru's techniques and maybe the others to.

But, that's for another day, I should focus on increasing my control over my flames, and stay low for a while.

Hey, and maybe get a girlfriend.

"Won't you agree my cute daisy?" I ask the cute lil' kitten in my lap.


"Haha, aren't you the cutest!" I hug daisy.

But immediately regret it, as the accumulated smell from the streets garbage and rotten food assaulted my nose.

"Eww! You stank daisy!"


Daisy taking offense at my rude remark, bit my hand.

"Aw! Sorry!" I shouted, "aren't you a snowflake."

"Brrrr…" daisy response in annoyance.

I picked up daisy, and go to the bathroom filling the bath tab with water. I thoroughly

Washed daisy. And I'm surprise! daisy seems to like water.

"You really are the best daisy, " I said.


daisy seem to agree with me.
