
DXD: Dreams X Divinity

A Self-Insert in the world of High-School DxD. With some Dream manipulations. And maybe some Divinity? Who knows. Check it out. -------- Writing for the first time, give me suggestions. Also might make a discord server later. I'm gonna be pretty engaging with readers, so comment if you have any opinions. ---------- ----------- Not my characters except for the protagonist obviously. Cover is also not mine, I found it on the net. If the guy who owns it sees this, then contact me for removal or other stuff.

TED69 · Cómic
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5 Chs

Rias's Day

(**Rias POV**)

"I'm sure you'll get tired of my personality pretty qu-"


Suddenly, a noise came from Harsh's watch, jolting me from my words, as it was a bit sudden as the classroom was quiet with only the teacher speaking and a few students whispering.

I blinked in surprise, getting goosebumps on my arms from being caught off-guard by the unexpected interruption. Glancing around, a few heads were turning to look towards us.

Seeing him stand up with a sheepish expression and apologize was much funnier than it had any reason to be, causing me to giggle behind my hand. As he sat down, he gave me a shy smile, which matched well with his handsome face and his toned body.

Thinking about it, I don't know why I found him interesting. Was it because this was the first time a male student had a chat with me at school, which could be because he is new here? Or was it something else? 

Anyway, a new experience in my Japanese Highschool life! Handsome Transfer Student Go!

This setup feels straight out of an anime.

Yamanaka Sosuke-san, our class teacher, was once again arguing with Masumi. This is an old routine that has been going on since the first year of High school when Yamanaka-san was just our language teacher. It was always a good fun distraction in class from the monotone lectures.

Still, he is a good teacher, at least better than some other teachers on whom you sometimes have to use hypnosis magic to get out of the classroom. Now that Sona has become the Student Council President, I wonder if I can get her to make some kind of class-skipping pass to skip the magic process.

Their argument was just finished, and Yamanaka-san started getting everyone ready to go for the assembly.

As everyone was getting ready to line up, Harsh suddenly leaned toward me, whispering in my ear, "Let's continue our talk later."

His voice was barely audible over the chatter of the other students, and I could feel a shiver run down my spine due to our close contact and his low voice and hot breath. Who is the devil here?!

I can practically feel Akeno looking over here in amusement, she will definitely tease me about this later.

Looking up and meeting his eyes, for the first time I feel like cursing my height. 5' 8" is a good height but I feel like a little girl in front of him. This guy has to be 6' minimum.

Note to self. Practice more shapeshifting.

 "Yeah, let's talk later," I replied with a smile. I'm pretty sure I embarrassed myself here, now I just need to go back and gather myself.

As the class filed out of the room, everyone gave way to me as I passed, and I fell into the line behind Akeno.

"Rias, I saw that you were having fun with the new student?" As usual, Akeno started teasing me about something using that magic that made her eyes twinkle. Very poor use of magic to put anime expressions on yourself. I want to learn this, but Akeno doesn't teach me. 

Before she teased me about my new favorite anime, and now this...

Just because I like Pikachu doesn't mean I want a mouse familiar~

"No, we were just having a normal conversation... you know the one where two people peacefully talk to each other." I retorted while rolling my eyes, with sarcasm in my voice.

"Didn't look peaceful to me when you were blushing like a tomato. Fufufu..." Akeno's laughter rang in the air, teasing and carefree as always. She always had a knack for picking up the subtle things I did, even if I didn't know them.

I sighed, knowing Akeno wouldn't let this go for at least a week. "It was nothing, you know. He is a new student here and my deskmate. He looked a bit nervous, so I thought to make him comfortable."

"Do you think he's supernatural?" Akeno asked, picking up on my words.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, thinking about the possibility. "There's something different about him. I couldn't quite place it. He didn't seem anything out of the ordinary, but then again, if we can pretend to be students, others can also do that."

Akeno's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Well, if he is, I'm sure you will find out soon enough. You have a knack for attracting all sorts of interesting characters, after all."

I rolled my eyes, unable to deny it. It seemed like trouble and troublesome people had a way of finding me, regardless of whether I wanted them or not.

But these troubles also made me meet my precious peerage, so I suppose they're worth it.

We just reached the assembly hall, and Akeno and I could see Sona getting ready to make a speech. She stood near the podium tall and composed, her presence commanding respect from all the students and teachers. She still had her fake glasses that shined on command on her face.

Even if Sona says she does it to maintain her authority, I'm 60% sure she watches the Leviathan's magical girl shows and is copying the pose from there.

"Or you can just ask Sona about his background. I'm sure if he has contacts with Supernatural, she will know as the student council president. Especially since he's from India, if he's from any pantheons from there they should have informed us before he came here." Akeno suggested thoughtfully.

I nodded; it was a good idea. Sona usually handled the matters related to school things and probably has already investigated the new students. She really takes her goal seriously, which is pretty admirable if nothing else.

"That's a good idea," I replied, my mind thinking of how to approach Sona. "I'll talk to her after the assembly and see what she knows."

As we took our seats as the last class to arrive here, Sona began her speech, her words carrying her usual authoritative tone.

Throughout Sona's speech, my mind wandered, thinking about the new student, Harsh. There was something about him I couldn't put a finger on. His name is pretty common in India, and I don't know his last name. If he was indeed connected to the supernatural, he could be from any of the pantheons, as India is a melting pot regarding these.

Maybe from the Hindu pantheon, with its diverse pantheon, or from the Abrahamic pantheon, connected with the angels or fallen, maybe even some other devils. Or he could be from other faiths like Sikhism, Buddhism, or Jainism, which while connected to other myths are separate from them. 

Damn, India is complicated. They should just be like other countries and practice a single religion. Learning Indian History was a chore back home and I'm sure mother only gave the introductory books.

 What does it mean that you're the heiress of the Gremory and will embarrass the House if you don't know about every pantheon and religion?! I'm sure that idiot Riser doesn't even know India is a country!

Being an heiress is exhausting, constantly dealing with the need to uphold the honor and reputation of my house. It would be good if I was as strong as my brother and just destroyed those boring lectures and MEANINGLESS ARRANGED MARRIAGES!!

Whoops, too much wrath, tone it down Rias, otherwise, the Power of Destruction will destroy everyone here. Focus on the lecture, ah no, the assembly.

With a deep breath, I forced myself to not think about the new transfer student anymore. Straightening my posture, I listened to Sona's speech that was just about to end.

"-values that define us as individuals and as a community. Let us strive for excellence in all that we do and support each other on our journey towards growth and success in this new school year."


Sona's voice echoed in the hall, commanding the attention of everyone present. As her words came to a close, everyone clapped, whether it was because they liked the speech or because the assembly was ending is debatable.

As everyone was getting ready to disperse, I took a look at what Harsh was doing. It looks like he was having a fun chat with Masumi, and I could hear their conversation if I concentrated. Well, time to be a voyeur... 

That thought feels weird. Let me just skip it.

I made my way through the crowd, determined to catch Sona before she got busy playing student council president.

Navigating the crowded hallways, I finally spotted Sona making her way toward the student council room. I quickened my pace, eager to discuss the matter, and finally put this all behind me.

"Sona," I called out, catching up to her just as she reached the door of the student council room. She turned to face me, her expression her usual calm and attentive.

"Rias," she greeted me with a nod, her eyes looking at me curiously. "What makes you come here?"

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "Do you know about the new international students? I'm pretty sure that you were the one who approved their applications and selected them."

Sona listened to my words while opening the door to the council room, gesturing me to come in "Let's sit down and talk about it. A game of chess?"

"Sure," I followed Sona into the council room, which had changed its decor from last year. Looks like Sona is really invested in being the student council president. Maybe I should also start doing something other than the Occult Research Club.

"Where's Tsubaki?" The council room feels pretty empty with only Sona in it, and she doesn't really go anywhere without her Queen.

"She is taking the new international students on a tour of the complex. The one in your class had his tour yesterday," she told me while setting up the chess board.

 I took a seat opposite her, already thinking about how to beat her this time. "Ah, I see," I replied. "It's good to have a tour, it will help them get used to the new environment."

"What do you want to ask about them? If they have any sacred gears or other things, you know the rules." Sona remarked, her fingers moving above the board as she contemplated her opening move.

"Yeah, yeah." I rolled my eyes at Sona's rule-following attitude, she really needs to get that stick out. "You chose that Saji guy last time for your peerage, this time it's my turn to invite someone. But I'm just curious about their backgrounds, you know, if they have any contact with the supernatural."

"Why? Did something happen? They had a normal background check and didn't look to have any contacts." Sona moved her pawn as the first move, this is usually her default. "Although if they have some ancestry or are only recently awakening, we can't really search anything about that."

"Yeah, nothing happened. Just some weird feeling I guess." I moved my pawn in response. "Still, if you get to know something later, just inform me."

"Got it." Sona replied, making another move. "Are you still thinking of getting out of the marriage?"

"Hmm…" So poor attempt to mess with my emotions Sona, I won't fall for it. 

"I have plenty of time till after college, anything can happen during that time."

"Fair enough." Sona conceded, moving her knight.

Just like that, and some casual conversations later…

I settled comfortably on the chair, finding myself in a favorable position and… "Check, Sona."

Sona's eyebrows went up in surprise, but she maintained her composure. She made her next move, her eyes never moving from the board. 

"Checkmate, Rias."

"Good game, Rias. You're much better than before." Although she said this with a warm smile on her face, I can see the smirk she's trying to hide.

"Mou~ you beat me again." I grumbled, feeling annoyed. I was just here to get some info, not to be irritated.

Sona used the magic on the chess board to pack it up, and got ready to do her council president duties.

"Send me a copy of the info about the new students later." I requested, getting up from my seat.

"Will do," she confirmed while nodding.

With a soft click, I closed the door of the council room, leaving Sona to her duties, while I went back to the classroom.

Although I really want to go to the ORC and have a nap and a shower, but I can't really start skipping classes on the first day. 

And I want to beat Akeno in chess later to feel comfortable.


Author Note: Here we have a Rias pov, I hope I got her character across correctly. A few chapters are gonna be pov chapters, mostly of the protagonist, and some of the other characters. Maybe then I will try writing in 3rd person. Haven't really figured out my style yet. Another thing, the first few chapters are pretty slow pace, I'm still figuring out how to properly do the time skips and other things, along with not leaving behind any character interactions and dialogues. Give suggestions on what you want with the plot, I have not really decided where to take this story yet.

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