
DXD: Dreams X Divinity

A Self-Insert in the world of High-School DxD. With some Dream manipulations. And maybe some Divinity? Who knows. Check it out. -------- Writing for the first time, give me suggestions. Also might make a discord server later. I'm gonna be pretty engaging with readers, so comment if you have any opinions. ---------- ----------- Not my characters except for the protagonist obviously. Cover is also not mine, I found it on the net. If the guy who owns it sees this, then contact me for removal or other stuff.

TED69 · Cómic
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5 Chs

End of the Day


My introduction to the class went well, and unexpectedly I got the famous protagonist seat by the window, sitting right next to Rias Gremory.

She feels much more approachable and eager to chat than I thought, not like someone who would deliberately let someone die so that she could reincarnate them. 

Still, that was just fanon, and I can't really judge her based on some anime I watched. It's quite interesting to see how people behave differently than their supposed characters once you get to know them. The guys in the church like Mother Quarta are a good example of this. I miss drinking her milk... with some cookies.

"Alright, everyone, let's head to the school assembly. Follow me in a line, please. Girls in the front and the boys in the back! And don't wander here and there! Let's go."

It wasn't long before the teacher's voice jolted me out of my monologue, signaling that this class was over. With the instructions clear, the class began to move, standing up and falling in line to make the way towards the assembly hall.

Standing up, I leaned towards Rias, my voice barely hearable against the chattering of the class. 

"Let's continue our talk later," I whispered, did Rias just get goosebumps? It looks like she's pretty pent-up from something if I can have this effect on her so quickly. 

Maybe the pressure from that arranged marriage she had with the blonde guy? What was his name, Ravel? Raser? Something like that.

"Yes, let's talk later." While looking into her eyes, I could see that she was turning slightly red, I wonder what she's thinking? This feels oddly adorable. I want to pinch her cheeks.

Not acting on the intrusive thoughts, I quickly fell into the line for the assembly, standing behind that guy who was arguing with the teacher. He had a thoughtful look on his face, but I figured now was as good a time as any to get to know other people.

"Hey," I said, extending my hand for a handshake. "Harsh. Nice to meet you."

He glanced back at me, as if surprised that the new guy talked to him, before he shook my hand with a grin on his face. "Yo! Masumi. How are you doing bro?"

"I'm good, settling in here. Anything interesting I need to know about the school?" We started chatting with each other as we walked in line. This guy seems fun.

"Heh. I should ask you that. You started talking with The Rias Gremory the minute you walked into class. Respect." Masumi commented, with a grin on his face. Looks like this is his default expression.

"I honestly don't think I've ever seen a guy hold more than a few seconds of conversation with her," he added. 

I chuckled, yeah, this guy is good. "Yeah, it's just the natural charm."

Masumi nodded, moving his head in agreement. "Hm, you don't look like a pretty boy. Maybe she likes the beard?"

"Who knows," I said, running a hand over my face. "Without this, I look like I'm gay, so I prefer this thing."

"You look handsome bro; I think I also want one now." I could see him tracing a finger on his cheeks. Probably the Asian genes are not growing facial hair. I need some of those, or maybe some power where I don't have to trim every week. 

"Thank you, you're also good-looking, brother." I grinned at his comment. "If you need any advice, just ask me. What happened back there with the teacher?"

Complimenting new homies is a good thing. Everyone should do it.

"Hm? Yamanaka-sensei? Oh, nothing, it's just an old routine. He used to be our language teacher last year and we've always had this sort of thing in our class. He's a good guy once you get to know him."

Just like that, we started talking about random stuff till reaching the assembly hall. Sona Sitri was already at the podium, getting ready to speak on the stage. I heard this is her first year as the student council president, good for her, I guess.

Scanning the room, I couldn't find Tsubaki. Maybe she already went to give that tour to the other new students.

 I wonder if Sona has already recruited all her peerage that was in canon? I don't really recall who was a part of it except for that Vritra guy and some girl named Momo. To be honest, I wouldn't even have remembered her if she didn't have the same name as the MHA character.

Momo Yaoyorozu is the best MHA waifu, you can fight me on it. Even if now I'm rich af, having a sugar mommy is one of the best experiences ever.

Hmm, aren't Sona and Rias rich as well? And Rias has a pretty motherly personality with the way she cares for her loved ones...

I'm speaking for anyone who can read my mind and hear me monologuing, firstly, go touch grass instead of hearing other people's thoughts. The other, I don't have any mommy issues.

I just like not putting the effort into sex every once in a while, okay? 

"Good morning, everybody, and welcome to the new semester," Sona's voice pulled me out of my ramblings, echoing across the hall. "As we all gather here today..."

Damn, even here the assemblies go on and on. "Does this happen a lot?" I asked Masumi who was standing beside me, gesturing towards the stage.

"What? Not really. You're lucky though, I heard this time Shitori is going to speak for all the others like the principal," He whispered back. "Usually, we have to stand here for like half an hour, today we might be free in like 5-10 minutes."

"Oh, wanna play rock-paper-scissors?" I suggested, wanting to distract myself from the boring speech.

"Come on! Rock-Paper-Scissor!" 

After what felt like an eternity of speeches, the assembly finally concluded, with everyone returning to their respective classrooms. Masumi and I walked through the crowd, eager to go back to the class.

Right now, I started my 3rd Year of High School, meaning I only need a year more of school, and then I can go to college or university.

Although thinking about it, now that I know which world I reincarnated in, does it even matter?

I feel like I should focus on training my abilities more, at the least being able to turn Dreams into Reality like the Great Red. Not like right now, where I have to get into the heads of people who are more powerful than me in one way or another to even affect their dreams while sleeping...

The conditions of my Dream Manipulation power are something like this; I can easily manipulate the dreams of people weaker than me. By that I mean normal humans, humans who only unlocked sacred gears recently, low-class devils, and the like.

To manipulate middle-class devils like Tsubaki, I only need like 3 minutes of conversation with her.

It kind of works like if someone is constantly thinking about me for some time, and I know it, I can focus on them and increase the progress bar. Once it gets to 100%, I can manipulate their dreams any way I like. Having conversations with people is the best method I could find till now to do this.

High-Class Devils like Rias, she took like 5 minutes of time, and I haven't been in her dreams yet, so let's see how that goes tonight...

Hm, Ultimate-Class... Have I met someone that powerful? Does Mr. Strada count? But I haven't tried my powers on him, so who knows..?

As for the above... Those big bosses aren't going to bother with me when I'm still so weak. Technically, I can fight with the Ultimate Class power level with some difficulty, still, it's mostly dependent on things like physical skills, situations during combat etc.

If you go by life level, I'm still a puny human.

Just like no matter how powerful Vasco Strada became, even being called the strongest human, he still couldn't increase his lifespan other than being healthy with Touki and stuff.

While I was thinking about what to do in the future, and talking with Masumi on the side, we reached the classroom. We both went to our respective seats.

I took my seat, still lost in thought.

It looks like Rias didn't come back from the assembly; maybe she went to her supernatural club.

Classes started, with the first class being mathematics, and the day moved forward with lectures, some breaks, talking with new people, and the usual stuff that happens in school. Rias came back during that time, and we had a good time chatting about different things like anime, which I knew she liked.

Hours passed by like this, and before I knew it, the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school. Everyone gathered their belongings, with the students who were part of clubs staying in school, while the members of the go-home club like me made their way out.

I was making my way home with Masumi, when he asked me, "Hey, Harsh, you got any plans for the evening?"

"Not really," I replied, loosening my tie from my shirt. "Just going to head home, work out a bit, and maybe some gaming or reading. How about you?"

"I'm going to hit up the massage parlor with some friends," he said with a sly smile. "You should come along; I'll introduce you to the best ones there."

I shook my head, "Oh no need, I don't do stuff like that." 

I would never go for the public bus, who knows what kind of diseases and passengers she's had?

Masumi shrugged, accepting my opinion. "Suit yourself, bro. But if you ever change your mind, just hit me up."

Our conversation continued as we walked, talking about girls at school and our hobbies, and before I knew it, we reached the place where our way home diverged.

"Well, this is where I lose you," Masumi said, gesturing towards the street on the right. "See you later, bro."

"Bye bro," I replied, offering a wave before heading towards my house.

I bought a new property here when my transfer application was improved, registered under my own name, naturally. With money, even if you're 15 years old, you can have many properties under your name.

Although I'm 17 now, I bought my first house when I was 15. Additionally, you can't really keep all the money in the bank now, right? Need to have some assets like villas and stuff like gold, otherwise, the money's just going to depreciate due to inflation. This is just liquid cash I'm talking about, the stocks and bitcoins are not included, those things keep changing value all the time.

With thoughts like this going around in my mind, I barely even noticed when I arrived at my doorstep.


Author Note: This chapter was just a continuation of the last chapter on the MC's thoughts. The next chapter is a smut, so get ready for that. In the sixth chapter, I'm thinking of exploring the protagonist's power some more. Give suggestions.

P.S. Today's my birthday :) 

Power stones, Collections, and other stuff.... Do it.

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