
DxD: Dragons, Monsters, Me and Magical World.

I hadn't been overly special in my first life. When I'd died, I'd expected nothingness - oblivion. Instead, I rose again with the powers of a phoenix in a world of magic, monsters, and all-powerful Dragon Gods. If I wanted to avoid dying again, I would have to use everything at my disposal. This story will keep you engaged till the end. If you want to know well, you should add this book to your library and read it.

Real2024 · Cómic
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59 Chs

Chapter 45 You're welcome

Raising an eyebrow, I said, "I'm not sure what you mean by that. But you are always free to act however you–" I couldn't continue. My lips had been captured by Yubelluna's own. Her arms snaked around me to pull me closer.

I was shocked, but not so shocked as to be unable to return her affection. I pulled her close and titled my head into the kiss.

When she pulled back, Yubelluna's smile was as bright as if she'd just walked across the surface of the sun. "Thank you, Riser. You didn't need…Thank you." she finished, pulling me into another hug.

I held her close, leaning towards her ear to whisper, "You know, if that's what happens when you act inappropriately, you should do it more often."

Yubelluna pulled back, a playful smirk on her face. "I will keep that under advisement, my king." She bundled up the cloth and held it close to her chest. "Thank you, Riser. I will see you at dinner."

"You're welcome." I said as she left the room, a warm smile lighting up her face.

I watched her leave, then set about outlining some plans. I had a mutation bishop to take advantage of, and I was not going to lose this chance.


I clenched a magical stone in a death grip as I walked towards the iron gate barring my way closer to the Victorian manor in the distance.

The sun had risen just an hour ago; the morning light angled down towards the manor like thousands of spears holding a prowling wolf at bay. This was the best time to attempt what I was trying, but that didn't make it easy.

Trusting Clarissa's assurance that the stone would work as intended, I leapt over the ten foot gate, passing seamlessly through the wards as if I didn't exist. Landing on the other side of the fence, I let out a relieved breath, letting the now-ordinary stone slip from my hand. Clarissa did good work.

I'd gotten in. That was the easiest part.

Slinking my way over to the gate, I crouched in the shelter of a hedge and assessed the current guard.

Two, bored-looking human males stood on either side of the gate. Each of the four men held a rifle. I needed to take care of them quickly. Our window was closing.

I placed my hands on the ground, cutting into it with my Wind and sending Hellfire into hole created in the soil. My fire split into eight strands once it was beneath the surface, each tunneling underground towards an unsuspecting guard. I waited until two of my strands were positioned directly below each guard before acting.

Eight tendrils of flame rocketed out of the ground. Four tendrils ripped rifles away from shocked hands while the rest shot towards the guard's heads. These were basic humans. They didn't possess the toughness the majority of the supernatural did. The moment my tendrils made contact, they scorched holes through each of the guards heads. My tendrils wrapped around the bodies, catching them before they could make too much noise, then gently tugged them into the nearby brush. The bodies wouldn't stay hidden for long, especially here, but pulling them out of sight would buy us enough time.

Emerging from my hiding space, I dashed towards the gate, unbarring it and sliding it wide enough for a person to slip through.

Two cloaked figures quickly slid through the gate then helped me close and bar it behind them. The wards of the estate did not stop people from entering through the gate, a design flaw that would prove costly for the manor's denizens.

Clarissa removed her hood, kneeling down where the guards had stood not a moment ago. She pulled four silver disks from her cloak, placing one in the space each guard had fallen. A small spell circle shattered in her hand as she activated her trinkets, and the silver disks glowed. Suddenly, it was as if the guards had not been killed. Four identical men stood in their place. The illusions wouldn't stand up to any close inspection, but they would quell the doubts of anyone who took a quick glance out of a window. Once the disks were in place, Clarissa dropped a small, glowing, green stone on the ground.

Moving silently, the three of us rushed towards the western side of the estate. We didn't know exactly where our target was, but we knew it was underground. The easiest way to get to the manor's lower level was to break through the outer wall.

Reaching the blackened brick, Clarissa pulled a fist-sized orb from her satchel. It glowed a faint red with swirling pink clouds shifting through its opaque surface. Clarissa summoned a spell circle. She pushed the spell through the small object, shattering the orb into thousands of glistening fragments…only it made no sound.

I had not realized just how much noise was around me until it all vanished. The gentle wind combing through the grass, the chirping birds, the rustle of our clothes as we moved – all of it was gone.

Knowing her role, Yubelluna removed her hood and silently stepped forward. She summoned two spell circles before her and began blasting into the wall at a downward angle, though no matter how devastating her explosions became, not one of them made a sound.

Soon enough, a crumbling hole was made in the wall, allowing the three of us to slide through into the depths of the manor. Our perception of sound returned once we left the radius of Clarissa's charm.

We'd landed in a storeroom. Sacks of flour lay piled in the corner next to shelves filled with ale jugs and fruit. A simple wooden door was the only exit.

Clarissa held up a hand, halting us. She slunk towards the door, retrieving a green crystal from her robes as she did. She amplified a spell circle through the stone and her eyes flashed the same color as the crystal. She held up four fingers. She pointed three fingers to her right, and one to her left.

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