
DxD: Beware my Power

Will. Hope. Rage. Fear. Compassion. Love. Greed. Death. These accompany Elros Eärendil as he crashes on Earth with powers unlike any the Three Factions have seen. His arrival brings about new friendships and romances - as well as deadly foes. How will Heaven and Hell react to the man who fell from the stars? The Age of Heroes is nigh.

SpecterOfFire · Cómic
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52 Chs

Two Weeks to Paradise

"Ugh!" Issei groaned as he got back to his feet again. After he and the others had time to cool off for a night after Elros's training, Tannin had whisked him away to the mountains. The Blaze Meteor Dragon was more than week into the process of putting Issei through vicious hell, making the young Red Dragon Emperor push his limit further and further. Issei didn't know if it was like this because Tannin was solo training him, or if Tannin was just a fucking asshole; but he was wishing that it was Elros training him.

"If you think that you're worthy of wielding my old friend, you will have to prove yourself, Issei Hyoudou. It seems that the training with that man in your peerage has done you some good, however. You're not nearly as whiney as Azazel initially represented you to be," Tannin said.

"WHINEY?!" Issei exclaimed. Was that what everyone really thought of him? That he whined and complained a lot. As he found his footing, his heart fell slightly. It hadn't occurred to him before just how much he did whine - whether about girls, about his lot in life, about training, about fighting, or anything else. He was beginning to see Elros's point.

"Often it is the case that you cannot change what is happening; you must accept it and take it in your stride. Complaining only increases the burden on you; it doesn't deter the opposing force. This training, for example - the more you complain, the harder I shall be upon you. Your complaints about my technique certainly won't deter me in the slightest; however, the mental and emotional impact it will have on you will only weigh you down. Accept that this will be painful and hellish, and you will be all the better for it," Tannin said. Issei considered what the dragon said. There was no way he'd get out of this without disappointing everyone that was relying on him. Taking a deep breath, he nodded.

"BOOST!" Ddraig sounded; Issei began to charge his powers up again and shifted into Scale Mail before attacking Tannin again. Tannin waited for the optimal moment before he sidestepped Issei's attack and whipped him into a mountain with his tail. Issei quickly recovered from the crash, however; unwilling to be downed in such a manner again. He flew back at Tannin, who smiled inwards; his charge was certainly improving.

'I can't let the others down. They're counting on me, after all. Asia. Rias. Akeno. Koneko. Xenovia. Gasper. Kiba. Elros. Don't worry, I got this!' he cheered himself on as he continued to boost, sending a flurry of explosive bombs towards Tannin.

Suddenly, Issei remembered the gift that he was given by Elros as proxy of Michael. Ascalon.

"ASCALON!" he roared. To Tannin's surprise, something erupted from the Boosted Gear; a beautiful sword with a silver blade beset with a stunning purple-lavender jewel that was surrounded by gold.

He flew towards Tannin, who was still frozen in surprise, and connected with the dragon. He recalled how Xenovia and Kiba's swords did nothing to the dragon; he simply deflected them with ease. Ascalon was a different matter, however; he tore through the side of the of the dragon, bathing himself in blood as he cut a clear line across it. The attack surprised no one more than Issei, whose mouth hung open as he saw the damage he so easily inflicted.

"HOLY SHIT THIS SWORD IS AWESOME!" he cried out happily. Tannin gripped the side of his neck, now stinging with pain. However, he wore a smile on his maw as he turned to Issei, who suddenly felt a bit of dread go through him.

"That was most excellent, Issei Hyoudou. Now that I know you can damage me, I will be turning up my power considerably," Tannin said, his eyes glowing a terrifying lavender as he let out a low growl.

"Oh, crap," Issei sounded as he felt Tannin's power radiate off of him.

"Oh, crap indeed," Ddraig agreed.


Asia was kneeling in the center of a dark cave, only two light sources available; one was from the moon, which shone through a large crevice. As she looked up at it, her heart filled with a sense of dread and wonder; out there was a different world, one that was a lush green and where her friends roamed. But in here, she was alone and in solace, her prayers reaching out but not being heard.

The second was a beautiful great light that emanated from her heads as they were clasped together in front of her chest. Closing her eyes, she instead focused her prayers on making this particular light stronger. Her Twilight Healing was one of the most important assets to Rias's peerage, a trump card that few others wielded. Whenever her teammates were injured, she could heal them.

However, she had her particulars to train. One problem that she faced was that while she could heal small injuries quickly, larger injuries - such as Koneko's in the fight against Tannin or Elros's in his fight against the three eyed monster - were much more difficult for her. Another was the difficulty she faced in overcoming her fears when alone or in a scary situation. She knew that such fear would hinder her ability to help. She had to overcome it at any cost.

"Don't worry, guys. I'll get better at this," Asia said determinedly. She was working on a particular ability that Azazel had suggested to her - an area of effect type of heal where she could send out a burst of Healing Aura to assist injured allies.

Concentrating with all her might, Asia made her first attempt at the power. She closed her eyes tight as she began to push the energy out in the area around her. A green glow enveloped a small area of roughly two feet from her in all directions before she unclasped her hands and fell forward, breathing heavily.

"Darn it," she berated herself tearfully. The area wasn't close to being large enough to have a significant impact on her allies; it would barely help anyone that wasn't hugged her. However, her will would not break. She clasped her hands in front of her chest again and started it from the top. As she did, her mind wandered ever so slightly - to a certain boy she was infatuated with.

'Issei,' she thought with a loving smile playing on her lips. The thought was enough to give her a let extra power. Whenever Issei got hurt, she would fret over him more than the others. She was quickly on scene to help him out however she could. She was even willing to overcome his perverted nature, if only to get a bit closer to him. For a long while she was jealous of Rias, who captured the attention of every man that they came across - Issei in particular for the beginning. But now that she was with Elros, Asia felt that her path to her inamorato was clear.

As he crossed her mind, the green glow strengthened a bit, drawing more power from her increased feelings. Concentrating again, Asia began to push out the Healing Aura as a burst around her - and achieved a significantly more powerful result. An area of around five feet from her in every direction was covered with the green glow. Had any injured persons been there, they would've been healed. Asia let out a small cry of joy at her ability before recomposing herself and taking it from the top. She had to achieve these results consistently.


Azazel's initial plan for Gasper was to leave him smack dab in the middle of a busy street in the Gremory Territory and try to help the boy overcome his fears of being in public. To the Fallen Angel's surprise, however, Gasper had overcome this particular fear to a significant extent. Grinning, he traced the solution back to Elros. He had little doubt that part of the reason Gasper was beginning to come out of his shell was because of the special relationship the young vampire shared with the Lantern.

Taking it in stride, Azazel had dummies set up for Gasper. They would operate on their own and Gasper would do his best to stop them in their tracks. Wielding the weapon that Elros gave him tightly in his hand, Gasper had a look of determination that was rare for him. He would narrow his eyes slightly ever so often and activate his Forbidden Balor View, stopping multiple dummies dead in their tracks. With every cast of the power, Gasper improved slightly - adding milliseconds and eventually seconds to the overall time he could keep them stopped.

Gasper knew that he had a couple of obstacles to overcome still. He remembered that in the fight against Tannin, his fear overtook him completely; he wasn't able to hold the dragon in check for more than a half a moment. But the fact that the dragon was free hardly registered for him; his mind almost immediately went to Elros and thought about how disappointed the Lantern might be in him for not being able to hold his own. The thought stuck with until the moment when they began to climb the rock face; he recalled what Elros had told him when Gasper mentioned how scary it was.

"I know it is, kiddo. But it's important that we learn to face our fears and overcome them. Heights are scary for a lot people; I imagine for some of us here as well. But it's gonna be alright. I know you can do it, little buddy," he remembered Elros saying to him as he made them climb the rock face.

'Don't worry, Elros! I'm gonna make you proud!' Gasper declared to himself. He knew that if he improved - even if it was bit by bit - Elros would be proud of him. Using the thought, his next cast of Forbidden Balor View had a lot more oomph to it; the target he focused on was frozen solid for a duration that Gapser hadn't achieved until now - a solid 20 seconds.

"YAY!" he cried, jumping for joy. Settling down after doing a short jig, Gasper did so again, focusing on improving little by little for the rest of his training. He was eager to show Elros what he had learned when they saw each other again.


"What're you doing here?" Koneko asked, eyes narrowed as she sensed another presence within the forest she was training in.

"Relax, Shirone. I'm here because Azazel asked me to help you," Kuroka said, walking through a thicket of trees and towards her sister. She bit her lip as she saw Koneko standing there, resolute but dissatisfied at her presence.

"My name isn't Shirone. It's Koneko Toujou," she replied. Kuroka was about to open her mouth to speak on the subject but closed it, putting her hands up as a peace offer.

"I didn't come here to snatch you away or anything… Koneko. But I don't have to say why I'm here. You already know, don't you?" Kuroka asked, eyebrows raised in a knowing fashion. Koneko bit her lip before turning her back on her sister.

"I don't need your help," she said as she got back to punching trees. The mighty oaks and yews cracked as easily as sticks and twigs, unable to withstand the might that Koneko's tiny fists had behind them.

"Azazel showed me the video of you all going up against Tannin. What the hell were you thinking? You know you couldn't take out a dragon that easily. Even the pervert couldn't scratch him," Kuroka said. Koneko paused for a long while before replying.

"I… didn't think," she seethed.

"Yeah, that much is obvious. You're lucky that Elros caught you, otherwise you would've cracked against that mountain," Kuroka said. As soon as she said his name, Koneko turned to face here, a surprisingly curious look in her eye.

"What do you want with him?" she asked.

"With who?" Kuroka asked.

"Elros," Koneko said.

"What makes you think I want anything with him?" Kuroka asked.

"I saw you hug him before you left," Koneko deadpanned. Kuroka blushed at that, thinking she and him had been a bit more discreet.

"I… that's not your business, little sister. That's not what I'm here for either. I'm here to help you get control of your powers. You're about the right age now," Kuroka said.

"I'm not going to be like you," Koneko said, her voice carrying over like a sudden chill.

"Whether you want to or not, that's who you are," Kuroka said.

"No, it's not. I'm Koneko Toujou," she repeated.

"Sure. But you're also something else. It doesn't matter how much you try to deny it. You can't change it. The only thing that you can control is whether you control your change or it controls you. Just remember that if it's the latter, things might not be as rosy anymore," Kuroka said.

"Is that a threat?" Koneko asked.

"It's a promise," Kuroka replied coolly.

"I don't need your help," Koneko stated again.

"You do," Kuroka said.

"Why should I trust you?" Koneko asked.

"I'm your sister," Kuroka replied.

"Some sister you are," Koneko said, her voice cutting. Kuroka couldn't help but recoil a bit as the words reached her. They hurt more than anything else she had come across - if only because they were true, she thought. She was hardly there for Koneko for the past several years. Regardless of how good or and her reason was, Koneko was forced to grow up without the last of her family. Kuroka thanked her good luck that Koneko did indeed find someone like Rias to help her; despite the problems she had with the Gremory Heiress, she couldn't deny that she took great care of Koneko.

"You're right," Kuroka said softly, surprising Koneko.

"What?" Koneko asked uncertainly.

"I said that you're right. I wasn't there for you when you needed me. It doesn't matter what my reason is… I wasn't there," Kuroka said. Koneko didn't reply, still keeping her eyes on her sister.

"And I'm sorry for that. But I'm here for you now, to help you learn how to control your powers," Kuroka said.

"I don't even want to know how to use them," Koneko said.

"We both know that's not going to cut it. If you don't learn how to control them, you know what can happen. Besides, if you knew how to use and control them in the first place, you might've been able to dodge or at least take the attack from Tannin a bit better," Kuroka said. Koneko pursed her lips as Kuroka mentioned that.

"If I refuse?" Koneko asked. Kuroka thought about her answer but gave no voice to it; she simply shrugged.

"Mmm…," Koneko hummed, thinking about her answer.

"If you take the training, you could be an even bigger help to your friends. You can help take care of that tiny blonde and the vampire better, even. Otherwise, you're going to cap out eventually. Raw strength can only take you so far, little sis," Kuroka said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Koneko pondered her answer for a long while. Kuroka patiently waited; as much as she dreaded what it might be, this was the longest amount of time she was able to spend with Koneko in years. She couldn't help but smile at the recklessness Koneko showed in attacking Tannin. Her sister was growing up powerful and headstrong, more than willing to leap into battle when it called. She had a strong inkling of what she was going through right now; the changes that were taking place in her body as her natural powers would soon begin to rise. To help protect her friends - as well as herself - Koneko needed to learn to control them.

"Fine," Koneko replied, turning on her heels and heading back into the forest. Kuroka was surprised by the answer but decided not to press the point; the fact that she got the affirmative was enough for now. Smiling wide, she followed.


"Thank you for taking the time to train with me," Kiba said with a happy smile as he locked swords with Karlamine. She nodded and smiled back at him, happy that the two would be able to spend these two weeks together, even if most of the time they would be locking their swords. While most would scoff or turn their eyes up at such quality time, it worked for the two Knights. Karlamine felt that true passion could be expressed through swordsmanship; after all, it was one of the things that drew her to the handsome blond in the first place. Her friends would agree that she was fanatical about the sword and immensely respected those who were skilled enough to write poetry with it.

She found Elros to be a striking and handsome man. She was surprised to learn that he was able to wield a sword with grace, locking her in battle with a gentility she didn't expect from him. But just through watching their techniques, she knew that Kiba was undoubtedly the better swordsman between the two men. His sword birth was unlike anything else she had seen before, and the way he handled himself in combat was much like her - he was cordial and respectful of his opponents, albeit still prone to boasting as so many Devils were.

She recalled the way that Kiba and Issei teamed up to beat her during the unsanctioned Rating Game between Riser and Rias. Issei boosted Kiba's Sword Birth, erupting swords from the ground that pierced her body without mercy. She felt the pain he had suffered as a child through his attack, something that she was horrified to learn in the time they spent together.

As they grinned to a halt, both were breathing heavily - smiles plastered on their faces.

"Let's take five," Kiba said. Karlamine nodded and went over to his side, giving him a passionate kiss between taking his hand and leading him to the edge of a lake they were near. Sitting down, she rested her head on his shoulder.

"You're improving quite a bit. You seem to have increased your speed a bit, as well as your overall power," she said.

"Thanks. Having you as a training partner seems to be doing me a lot of good," Kiba said.

"I'm happy to hear it," Karlamine replied.

"I just hope the others don't find out that I wasn't completely focused on training these two weeks," Kiba said.

"I won't tell if you won't," she giggled in return.

"Something tells me Rias wouldn't take to happily to that. Issei probably wouldn't either, now that I think about it. Hope he's doing alright with Tannin," Kiba said, grimacing as he imagined his friend training with the Blaze Meteor Dragon.

"Akeno probably wouldn't mind. And I think Elros would actually be very approving of how we're spending our time," Karlamine said.

"I still have to find a way to thank him for setting us up. Honestly, I never really imagined that I would see you again. Would've been a shame. You gave me one of the best fights I've had," Kiba said warmly. Karlamine blushed and smiled at the compliment.

"You're too kind," she said.

"I'm serious," he replied.

"I suppose I thought much of the same. I don't think I've met another man who wields the sword as gracefully or with as much passion as you do. It's quite remarkable, to be honest. Were you and Elros to fight in strictly a swordfight, I've no doubt who would come out the victor," Karlamine said.

"I suppose it's because I've trained with it for much longer. You seemed to do really well against him during the Duel as well, though. I think you had the edge on him. At the very least, he was still relying on his flintlock, as well as his other power," Kiba said.

"I suppose it's just as well that it turned out how it did. We who chose to come over to his side… to some extent, at least parts of us were hoping that we'd lose that match after we learned about the wager Riser made," Karlamine said, a shiver going down her spine as she thought about her former master. Kiba held a bit tighter, something she was grateful for. Leaning a bit closer, she rested her head against his chest and smiled as she felt the calm heartbeat.

"I am curious… do you intend to move up in you ranking? I mean to Middle-Class or perhaps High-Class Devil?" Karlamine asked.

"Hmm… I haven't given it any thought, but I would, yeah. Why do you ask?" Kiba wondered.

"I wish to join your peerage should that ever be the case. I… understand that this is rather sudden and early, but when you do make the move, I would like to continue being with you," Karlamine said, blushing. Kiba was surprised to hear that but smiled and held her a bit tighter.

"I would like that," he replied.

"Truly?" Karlamine asked, hope shining in her eyes as she looked at him.

"Yeah. But that might still be a ways off. What about Elros's peerage? At the very least, he's going to become a High-Class Devil really soon, I think. He's going to have 15 spots ready to be taken. I think a lot of people are going to want to join his peerage. You might have an advantage over them," Kiba suggested.

"I did consider that, but I don't think so. I truly care about Elros. He's… quite an interesting man. But I do not feel about him the way I feel about you. He's given me something that I cannot quite repay, but I think I would do him a disservice if I didn't take the blessing he gave us. It's you I wish to be in such a position with," Karlamine said.

"I… would like that. I'd like that a lot," Kiba said. Karlamine smiled as she changed positions once more to get comfortable. Laying him on his back, Karlamine continued to rest on his chest and the two were soon dozing off.


Wielding her massive sword, Durandal, Xenovia cut through a massive boulder as though it were nothing. Getting back on her feet, she was breathing heavily. She took her training extremely seriously and would work herself to the bone. She knew that slouching even a bit wouldn't turn out well for her or her friends. To that effect, she had to become stronger and stronger still.

'I can still get a bit more power out of that,' she thought with a frown. After another moments rest, she brought Durandal over her head again before bringing it down on another, larger boulder. She cut through it like a hot knife through butter, but didn't stop there; she continued to shred it until it was nought but ribbon and pebble on the ground. Smiling at her performance, she went over to an outcrop of rock and leaned against it.

Drinking some water, she let her mind wander for a moment before she had to get serious again. She thought about the events that had happened over the last several months. She joined Rias's peerage and was reincarnated as a Devil after learning that God had died; Elros landing down on them when they were going for a little reprieve and his joining the peerage almost immediately afterwards, much like herself; mending her relationship with Irina and the subsequent fight against the Khaos Brigade; Elros's rise in the rank of the Underworld, and in a couple of weeks, the Rating Games that were to begin. Not to mention the fact that she learned about the existence of aliens - and that some of them seemed to be making their residence on the Earth.

Time seemed to have flown by these past few months, not allowing her any time to get her bearings or digest it. As much as she was using this time to train, she also took moments to reflect on where she was in her admittedly short life. Still in her teens, she and her friends shouldered the type of responsibilities one would expect to find in myths and legends, not schoolchildren in Japan. From her service in the Church, to her current service to Rias Gremory, life seemed to have an odd sense of humor, trying to run her ragged from one point to the next. However, she proud of the fact that she took it in stride; that, despite what plans life had for her, she was at least able to carve out her own destiny.

'It's only going to get more difficult from here on out, I think. Perhaps the Peace Talks might do something to ease tensions between Heaven, Hell, and the Earth, though. Then maybe Irina and I could partner like we used to. That would be nice. I wonder what she's up to now?' Xenovia thought with a fond smile. She and Irina were much like sisters, eagerly willing to do anything for the other. Although she felt that Irina was always more headstrong in her faith, it did nothing to lessen the bond between them. Especially was the case when it came to their trainer and guardian. As Xenovia thought about her, she quickly sprung up.

"CRAP! Gotta keep training!" she thought, beginning to swing wildly at the boulders yet again, erasing them completely.


"What are you doing here?" Akeno snarled as she stood upon a pillar of rock that jutted through low-bearing storm clouds. Thunder and lightning rumbled and whipped around her, growing wilder still as the elements felt the passion and anger that trimmer from the Priestess of Thunder.

Standing opposite her was a middle-aged, gruff-looking man with black hair, a black beard, and a muscular build. He wore a skin-tight black suit which was mostly covered by the gray-black robe that he wore. His clothes had a yellow trim to them, resembling the lightning that cackled around him, yearning to be free. Most spectacular, however, were the ten feathery, pitch black wings that erupted from his back, signifying his rank amongst the Fallen Angels.

"Azazel asked me to train you. You need to accept the other half of your heritage," he said calmly.

"I don't need your help. I can do well enough on my own. After all, I've had to for a long time already," Akeno replied coldly. The man had no reply to that; he simply looked at the clouds below him, downcast. The very elements seemed to mimic his emotions.

"Be that as it may, I am here and I will help you as best I can. I know your feelings towards me. But that doesn't change the fact that I am more powerful than you," he said after a long pause. Both pairs of Akeno's wings erupted from her back as she took a fighting position. As she did so, she couldn't help but think of Elros and his relationship with his own father.

Was this man who stood opposite her that bad? If she was honest, she would have to say no. Regardless of what she said to him, he would never raise a finger against her with the explicit purpose of doing her harm. In the time they did spend together, he was a loving father and a kind man. However, that didn't change the fact that he wasn't there during the moment that her entire life changed; during the moment that she needed him. Nothing could change that.

Raising her hands to the sky, Akeno brought a powerful burst of thunder down on the man. He hardly moved from the spot, the attack seemingly not doing any damage. He simply took it for a while before snapping his wrist and dissipating it. Soon, both he and Akeno took to the skies - this would be a long week, they thought.


Rias sighed as she had her nose buried in a book in front of her. As the King of the peerage, her responsibilities were enormous. She had to take care of her peerage and make sure that they were able to achieve their own dreams, not just win in Rating Games for her. She had to be able to use their powers to the fullest, not wasting an ounce of energy if she could help it. That meant that she couldn't just focus on significantly improving her Powers of Destruction; she also had to be more intelligent than who she faced, able to switch strategies on the spot if the situation called for it.

Asia was her Bishop and healer. She had an ability that on one else could match any time soon. It was imperative that the group be able to protect her, otherwise they would lose a significant advantage. Koneko, Issei, Xenovia, and Kiba would all likely need healing during the matches they were in as they would be the ones most locked in combat.

Gasper was her Bishop as well, and brought with him a powerful ability. Stopping time for their opponents could give them an edge - even if it was just a second. That would be all they needed in some cases, able to turn the tide or end the match completely. In addition to Asia, it was important that they protect the vampire from elimination.

Kiba, Xenovia, and Koneko were much the same, although the former two were Knights while the latter was a Rook. The three served as lines of defense to protect her and the Bishops, but would also be the ones who dented the other teams they fought. They were all significantly strong and had a long way to go before they reached their peak abilities. It was important that she utilize their abilities to their fullest.

Issei was her Pawn and one of the most powerful, if latent, pieces on her board. The Red Dragon Emperor had sufficient skill already and it would no doubt only grow further. She wondered how he was doing with Tannin - no doubt having one of the hardest training regimens of them all. All factions took an interest in him and it was good fortune that she was able to bring him to her side before anyone else could. He had significant potential, Rias thought. She sighed sadly as she thought about the events that brought him to her - his death at the hands of Raynare was about the worst way she could think of for the young boy to be introduced to the supernatural world.

Akeno, her Queen, was easily on par with her in terms of pure power. She could take control when needed, but was otherwise able to follow stratagem to a 'T'. She had done well against Tannin, Rias thought; and if another situation like that arose again, she would no doubt be able to handle that well. Her power over the elements would grow with time and soon she would be a High-Class Devil as well. Rias had no doubt about that; Akeno could one day start her own peerage if she wanted to. They functioned on the same wavelength; she was one of the few that Rias didn't need to strategize too much for.

And finally, Elros. She smiled as she thought about him. A week without him didn't do her mood any favors. She often found her mind wandering, wondering what he was doing and how he was training. She had discussed it with Azazel and both came to the same conclusion: let Elros be Elros. It wouldn't do well to try and pigeonhole him into a strategy, especially when she considered that he had a lot more battle experience than her. Most of the Devils they came across likely wouldn't be as powerful as the ones that Elros had already faced. After all, there were High-Class Devils that stayed in that position for decades before becoming Ultimate; Elros faced that choice within a few months of becoming a Devil. She had been a High-Class Devil her whole life and would only soon begin her journey to becoming an Ultimate; Elros, it seemed, had around leaped and bounded her. His legend would only grow, she thought.

Leaning back in her chair, Rias looked up at the ceiling. Deciding to take a little break, she walked towards a window and looked out at the beautiful vista around her. She smiled as she imagined Elros walking up behind her and putting his arms around her stomach. He'd kiss her along her neck, moving to her cheek before passionately kissing her lips. She'd rest her head against his and they'd whisper sweet and loving words to each other before looking ahead. The thought brought great joy to her and she couldn't wait until the week was over so they could have some fun. After a little bit longer, she went back to her table and buried her nose in her book again.


The space around Elros was burned and charred. He observed the damage of his attack with interest. Time seemed to have flown by and he had significantly improved his Demonic Powers, his control over them now significant. If the situation called for it, which it might, he would showcase them during the Battle Royale, otherwise he would keep them hidden until the Rating Games. Whenever he demonstrated them, though, it would be interesting to see what the reactions would be like.

Rias had her Powers of Destruction, already some of the most impressive in the Underworld. Riser Phoenix had Immortality while Issei was the Red Dragon Emperor. Elizaveta had significant control over thunder and lightning, as did Akeno; while Anders had his Demonic Transformation and Bastion his Weapon Creation. No doubt other Devils and their own proclivities and peculiarities.

As cool as those sounded, Elros felt none of them offered him the range he needed as a Lantern. As fun as being a Devil was, it would always be second to his most important duty - which meant that whatever he did as a Devil, he wanted to try an export to being a Lantern. Using his imagination and sheer will, as well as with the help of Constantine and Scorn, he created a set of powers that would serve him extremely well in any situation. Although he didn't claim it as such, the regenerative ability that he was able to use when wearing his Blue Ring was directly tied to his Demonic Power. It could also be used as a burst of power in the area around him to do damage. But more important than that was the move he used to beat Riser in their Duel. He had built upon it considerably as well as extended its effect and power while at the same time lowering the pain threshold on him. He was eager to finally use it; no doubt it would serve him well as a Lantern.

Taking a seat on the ground, Elros opened up the pocket dimension in which he kept his Lantern. Reaching in, he felt around and soon withdrew two objects. One in each hand, he opened them at the same time and observed. In his right hand was a red ring and in his left, a yellow ring. He hadn't used either yet, but he would soon have to learn to do so. He had a few days left to go, after all. Sighing deeply, Elros deposited the red ring for now and simply observed the yellow. Finally, getting up, he removed his green ring.


Everyone was beginning to congregate in the Gremory Household, a day before the Young Devil's Gathering.

"ELROS!" Gasper cried out loudly as he rushed his big brother figure. Elros grinned wide as he leaned down and scooped the little vampire up, holding him up high and flying him around like an airplane.

"Hey, little buddy! I missed you!" Elros said.

"Me too! I've gotten so much stronger in the last two weeks. I can't wait to show you!" Gasper said excitedly as he hugged Elros.

"Oh, I bet kiddo. You're going to kick ass and take names like no tomorrow. Honestly, I kinda feel bad for how embarrassing it's going to be for other Devils to have their asses handed to them by you. Just make sure to leave some fun for the rest of us, alright?" Elros said, ruffling the vampires hair. He soon leaned down again and picked up Koneko, giving her a kiss on the forehead.

"How about you, Koneko? How was your training?" Elros asked kindly.

"It was alright. I… trained with Kuroka for a bit," she said, looking down as she said it. Elros nodded and held her a bit tighter.

"Was it alright for you?" he asked.

"I guess. She taught me some things. She didn't try to hurt me or anything," Koneko said.

"She really loves you, you know. She just has a hard time communicating it. But I'm happy to see that you two are improving your relationship, even if it's just a little. Whatever you end up choosing to do, however, I'll support you," Elros said. Koneko beamed at him before giving him a tight hug as well.

"Elros!" Issei said, jogging up to him.

"Issei, my man. How was training with Tannin? Everything still where it's supposed to be?" Elros asked with a chuckle. Issei grimaced but nodded; the training was supremely difficult.

"It… went well. Anyways, do you think we can talk for a second? In private," Issei said.

"Sure, man. I'll be right back, guys," Elros said, putting Gasper and Koneko on the ground. He and Issei went through a door where they could talk privately.


"What's up, man?" Elros asked.

"You… uh… remember what you told me when we were sparring? About… training?" Issei asked sheepishly, rubbing his head. It embarrassed him to come to Elros, but the Lantern was extremely approachable.

"Yup," Elros nodded.

"Well, I did some thinking during my training with Tannin. You were right. I… did complain during the training. A lot. And you're right about me fighting Vali. The guy is strong. Really strong. But I'm still adamant that I want to face him - one on one - when the time comes. Until then, though… I need to get stronger. If your offer still stands, would you consider training me?" Issei asked.

"Sure," Elros said.

"What? That easy?" Issei asked in surprise.

"Of course. Why would I refuse? I want to make sure you have the best chance possible at winning. We'll work out a training regimen and begin after the summer, alright?" Elros asked.

"Sounds good. I took your advice, though! I got rid of that tail thing!" Issei said proudly. Elros grinned and clapped Issei on the back.

"Good man. I can't wait to see what you're made of once we get to the Rating Games. This should be fun," Elros said cheerfully, exiting.


"Hi Issei! How was your training?" Asia asked kindly as the two walked out.

"I think I got a lot stronger! What about you?" Issei asked with a smile, falling into easy conversation with Asia. Meanwhile, Kiba and Xenovia were already in deep conversation with each other. Finally, Elros heard the sound he wanted to hear.

"Elros!" Akeno and Rias cried out at the same time, rushing him. Akeno edged out her best fired by a second and soon had her legs wrapped around his waist, kissing him passionately. Elros happily responded with his own kiss, drilling his tongue into her mouth as he gave her a hard spank. He quickly pulled Rias in with his other hand, feeling her from behind before locking lips with her, letting Akeno kiss his neck. It was a wonderful feeling, all three thought. Breaking apart, they saw how red their friends were - except Gasper, who just looked on innocently as ever; and Koneko and Xenovia, stoic as ever. Iseei, Asia, and Kiba, meanwhile, were red as all hell.

"I didn't know you guys were into voyeurism!" Elros exclaimed.

"WHAT! You can't blame this on us!" Issei groaned.

"Of course I can. Anyways, enough talk. Upstairs. Now," he ordered Akeno and Rias, both of whom giggled. They were about to exit when the Gremory's walked in, smiling at the group.

"Welcome back, everyone. I hope your time was well spent," Lord Gremory said.

"Yes, sir! Is that all, sir?! CAN WE BE EXCUSED, SIR?!" Elros asked rushingly, eliciting a raucous laugh from Zeo and Sirzechs.

"Almost, my son, almost. I thought you'd like to know that the decision regarding your promotion has been made," Zeo said, smiling wide.

"Oh? What's up, Mr. G? What did they decide? I'm actually kinda curious," Elros said.

"Well, from what I hear, the plan was to promote you to a HIgh-Class Devil. The committee felt that beating Riser, Anders, Bastion, and Elizaveta, as well as getting to Rank Five, that would be the correct position," Sirzechs said.

"Oh! That's pretty sweet, then! Rias and I are both High-Class Devils now!" Elros said excitedly, kissing her atop her head.

"Congratulations, sweetheart," Rias giggled, kissing his neck and biting him gently. While she normally wouldn't in front of so many people, being separated from his touch had a significant impact on her. All she wanted to do now was make passionate love with him.

"Not quite, dear. That was the original plan. However, the prevailing rumor is that Luke chimed in again and recommended, in no uncertain terms, that you be promoted to Ultimate-Class Devil. I hear that the committee actually ended up agreeing with his point that otherwise, it would be more than sufficiently embarrassing if you easily beat another Devil that was being promoted to High-Class," Venelana said with a proud smile.

"So he's being promoted to Ultimate Class?" Rias in surprise.

"Indeed. Your test may begin as soon as you'd like," Zeo said.

"Oh… crap," Elros said, turning white.

"What is it?" Sirzechs asked.

"Uhh… Mr. G, you mentioned that part two is a written test regarding the history and government of the Underworld?" Elros asked.

"That's correct," Mr. Gremory nodded.

"I think I might need some help on that to fill in the parts I don't know," Elros said.

"Which parts don't you know?" Mrs. Gremory asked, knowing full well the answer.

"Oh, I don't know. I think literally all of it might be a good place to start, though," Elros said with a goofy grin, eliciting a chuckle from the Gremory's.

"I'd be more than happy to tutor you, dear. And of course you have complete access to our library," Venelana said.

"Oh! Really?!" Elros asked excitedly, his eyes shining bright.

"Certainly. Please feel free to use it whenever you wish. I should've let you know that last time," Mr. Gremory said.

"Thank you so much, Mr. G, Mrs. G!" Elros said happily. He couldn't wait to get his hands on some of those books.

"Wait! I can teach him about the history of the Underworld as well, mother," Rias said, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Sweetheart, he's supposed to be learning during that time. I get the feeling you two will do very little of that," Venelana giggled, turning Rias red.

"Oh my gosh. Is that all, you guys?!" she squealed at her parents.

"Ha. Yes, that's all for now. Get some rest before the Gathering tomorrow," Mr. Gremory said, waving at them before they left. As soon as they did so, taking Elros by the hand, Rias quickly led him to her room. Not wasting a second, Elros soon had her up against the wall as he kissed her with a furious passion.

"Two. Fucking. Weeks," he said in a husky tone as he stopped for a second to look her in the eyes.

"I know. Shut up and kiss me," she ordered. Elros grinned and acquiesced to her demands. Throwing gentleness to the winds, he soon tore her clothes off and had her on the bed, his head between her legs, as he ate her out with glee. Rias screamed and squealed in pleasure, her hands running over her breasts she felt him go wild on her most sensitive area. Moving up, he began to suck on one of her breasts, squeezing the other with one hand while he massaged her clit with the other. Rias quickly tore his shirt off before pushing him back and bringing his jeans down. Not wasting a second, she quickly hiked a leg up and guided him inside her. Gasping as he entered, Elros soon picked her up and was bouncing her up and down at a rapid pace. He took great pride in the pleasurable cries he eliciting from her. Rias dug her nails deep into his back, drawing some blood. He soon had her pressed against the wall, her legs wrapped around his waist as he had full access. Rias felt him hitting deep, each thrust better than the last. Tasting his lips again, she felt her mind become a whirlwind.

"Oh fuck. That feels amazing. Harder, harder," she said. Elros obliged, going in further and further. Rias leaned back, letting him kiss her breasts again as he held his head there, wrapping her fingers through his short hair.

"Yes, yes, yes. Please, don't stop. Keep going, keep going, keep going," she said, holding him tight as he speared through her. Rias didn't know how long it was until she clenched around him. She felt him slow down, letting her experience the sensation that was going through her in its fullest. She relaxed her hold on him as she felt her body go limp for a bit, overridden by the ecstasy. Gently carrying her, Elros soon threw her on to the bed. She smirked as she saw the primal look in his eye, having a feeling of where this was going. He pulled her closer to him by her legs, having her lean 90 degrees over the bed. Entering from behind, Rias let out a little cry of pain before it eased out. She felt him begin gently before ramping it up. Elros reached around and grasped her breasts tightly, reining her back as he kept going. He hoped that Rias had cast a soundproofing spell in her room, otherwise everyone would hear her.


"FUCK!" Rias screamed at the top of her voice as she collapsed on top of Elros, her breathing ragged as sweat dripped off of her. Looking at the clock, she saw that they had been going at it for a record time. Finally, however, they had to come to a stop, her body more sore now than when they were training. She stayed on top of him, still feeling him inside her, dripping. Elros brought his hands to her ass, massaging and spanking her as he kissed her with a passion.

"How are you still able to do anything?" Rias asked as she pressed him down, wiggling a bit.

"Stamina, babe. Let me know when you want to go at it again. I am ready and fucking able," Elros said as he flipped her on her back, thrusting a few more times. Rias quickly stopped him, giggling as brought him in for a tight embrace.

"Mmm, I'm sure you are. But let's rest for a second, 'kay? As nice as this is, I just want to hold you for a while," Rias said.

"Ha. As you wish, my lady. You want to clean up real quick, though? Maybe get the sheets changed as well. As fun as that was, the after effect of disgust might hit us soon," Elros said. Looking down, Rias grimaced; she went real wild.

"Yeah, let's do that," she said. Elros whisked her up and princess carried her to the bathroom, drawing a long bath for them. As they got it, Rias let out a pleasurable exhale.

"That was amazing," she said, kissing his chest.

"Don't have to tell me twice. Fuck, two weeks without you or Akeno. I'm lucky I didn't lose my sanity, honestly," Elros said.

"I could tell. Fuck, I wish we could sleep in tomorrow. I'm gonna be so sore," she grumbled, remembering the various positions she had tried. Elros was kidding about what he told her in the train; he had twisted and turned her in ways she never imagined she would bend. The power shifted between them constantly; at times, she was in complete control, whereas at others, she was at his mercy - and she enjoyed both experiences to the max.

"Good. Or maybe not. Cat might be out of the bag, then," Elros said.

"Fine with me. After they find out I'm not a virgin anymore, a lot of people are going to be turned off, I think. It's important to a lot of Devil males that they be the first," Rias sighed.

"Ha. Losers," Elros chuckled.

"Tell me about it. There's a stigma that's attached to being second or third or whatever, although that's only when it comes to marriage," Rias said, tapping on his chest.

"If all they think about is sex, it won't work out well for them. It's so much… better when you love the person and there's a connection. The deeper the better," Elros said, kissing her atop her head. Rias smiled at the touch and held him a bit tighter.

"I don't want to be separated from you that long if it can be helped," she said.

"Nor do I. Talk about cruel and unusual punishment," Elros replied.

"Seriously. But this kept me going. What we were going to do after we saw each other again. Mmm…," Rias hummed.

"I hope you got some work done, though. Even if it was just barely," Elros chuckled.

"Yup. Mostly strategy, though. A lot of reading and writing," Rias said tiredly.

"Maybe you wouldn't mind giving me some lessons then? Could be fun, Professor Gremory," Elros chuckled, nibbling her ear.

"Mmm, that works for me," she said, caressing his lips with a finger.

"I love a naughty teacher," Elros chuckled.

"That reminds me-," Rias was about to begin before Elros put a finger to her lips and shook her head.

"Please don't bring your mother up. Especially not like this," he said.

"Fine. Just keep that in mind. Otherwise-," Rias said, her hand splashing down and grabbing him tightly.

"Oh ho ho. Not being gentle, I see. I like it," Elros said, winking at her.

"Ugh, you're the worst," Rias grumbled.

"I love you too, sweetheart," Elros said, tilting her chin up to look at him and giving her a passionate kiss. Rias giggled as she felt his tongue enter through and soon found herself on top of him.


Sheets changed, Rias and Elros were both lying in bed together, simply looking at each other. Here and there, one would lean in to the kiss the other, going on for a bit, before they would resume said position.

"I've a question," Rias said.

"Shoot," Elros replied.

"How do you feel about fighting Sona and Tsubaki? I mean… you're with them as well, but there's a strong chance we'll have a Rating Game against them," Rias said.

"Good question. I don't know, actually. I didn't give it much thought beyond the fact that it might come to that. I'm… certain it won't impact our relationship, if that's what you mean. As much of a rivalry there might be, it seems to be in good fun. I've fought other friends like that and if anything, it's brought us closer," Elros said.

"I agree. Sona doesn't have as big an ego as other Devils," Rias said.

"As big, you say?" Elros asked.

"All Devils have some kind of an ego. It's going to be our duty to cut it down to size," Rias smirked.

"I am yours to command, my lady. After which, you're mine to command," Elros chuckled, getting on top of her again, resting his head between her breasts as he looked up at her.

"I felt like I was pretty in charge there for a while," Rias said, stroking his hair.

"You don't have to tell me. Man, you and Akeno can get really rough sometimes, you know," Elros grumbled. Rias had used some of her powers during their passionate session; coupled with how deep she dug her nails in and how much she bit him, he was quite bruised all over.

"Like you're one to talk! I'm pretty bruised as well," Rias grumbled, pulling her shirt down a bit to reveal the marks on her body. Elros grinned and kissed each and every one before looking at her.

"All better?" he asked with a chuckle.

"Yes," she giggled. She brought his head up to hers and kissed him softly. Elros felt the tender touch and kept his own kiss soft and gentle as well, resting his head against hers as they ended.

"I love you," she whispered to him.

"I love you too, Rias," Elros replied, just as soft. Getting off, they continued looking at each other.


Excusing himself from Rias, Elros quickly went to an adjacent room and smiled at what he saw. Akeno was waiting for him, her clothes a pile off to the side.

"I thought that we could get straight to it when you arrive," she said, getting up from the bed and sashaying over to him. Suddenly, she found Elros pointing his ring at her.

"Oh, you and I are gonna have a blast," he said. Suddenly, rope began to shoot out from it. Akeno soon smiled wide as the green rope began to tie itself around her limbs, gently tightening as Elros walked over to her. Tilting her head up, Elros gently caressed her cheek before leaning in to kiss her.

"Mmm. Two. Fucking. Weeks," she said, licking his lips as he pulled away.

"I know. I missed you quite a bit," Elros said as he wrapped his hand through her hair and pulled her head to one side, kissing her along her neck. His other hand soon trailed down and began massaging her clit, eliciting moans of pleasure. The pleasure was heightened by the fact that Akeno couldn't clench her legs or move much otherwise; she was completely held in place by the ropes.

"The ropes are a nice touch," she giggled, biting him on the neck gently.

"I thought you'd be a fan of them. Don't worry. You'll get your turn later. Until then, however…," Elros trailed off, drawing himself to full height as he towered over her, beginning to take off his clothes. She smiled as she looked him up and down, biting her lip as he pushed his body against hers, his hands exploring her back.

"Mmm… until then, what?" she asked.

"I think you already know. I hope you're not to sore, otherwise you might not be able to move later," Elros chuckled as he leaned down as the ropes pulled and suspended her in the air. Wrapping her legs tightly around his neck, Elros soon got to work - taking great pleasure and pride in the moans and groans of ecstasy from Akeno.


"Mmm. I can't believe it took us this long to do this," Akeno said as she rode Elros wildly. His hands and legs were tied to the bedposts and he was completely at Akeno's mercy. Otherwise, however, he was having the time of his life as Akeno did all the work. Her breasts bounced wildly as she drove herself to climax, slowing down as she came before speeding up again, riding him through the orgasm. Both of them dripped in sweat, their passionate session already going on for several hours.

"Tell… me… about it," Elros said as she leaned forward and held her lips an inch from his, licking them. As Elros tried to kiss her, she leaned back.

"Oh, that's cruel," Elros groaned.

"To bad," Akeno said as she continued, her hands passing over his body before going up hers. She kept going for a while longer before finally grinding to a stop. With him still inside, she leaned forward and untied him, letting him flip her on her back as he kissed her. She giggled as he hiked one of her legs up.

"That was amazing," she whispered.

"Tell me about it. Oh God, I'm screwed tomorrow. I won't be able to move. At all," Elros said.

"You mind?" she asked.

"Kidding me? I'd give up hundreds of years of immortality just for another hour with you," Elros said.

"Always know what to say, hmm?" Akeno asked, tracing his lips.

"My silver tongue at work," Elros winked.

"I'll say," she giggled, her hands passing over her body. "Pretty sure you kissed every inch of me," she said, biting her lip.

"I certainly hope so. I'm more than happy to review my work, however," he said, kissing her neck.

"Down, boy. We need some rest before tomorrow," she said.

"Whaaaat? Come on. Where's your sense of masochism? Push through the pain, sweetheart," Elros said.

"I daresay I already did that. Ugh, I'm not going to be able to sit tomorrow," she grumbled.

"I certainly hope not. Otherwise, I'll have to remedy that," Elros said.

"You're disgusting," she giggled.

"I know. And Rias said that being a Devil didn't do anything to change ones personality. Pretty sure you and I did some things that'd make Eros blush," Elros chuckled.

"Got that right. Good thing you and I are Devils. I'm looking forward to doing this for a long, long, time," Akeno said, clicking her tongue.

"As am I," Elros said, gently kissing her again.

"Hmm… is it just me, or did you not finish?" Akeno suddenly said.

"In my continued genius, I forgot wrap up. Again," Elros said.

"Can't have that," Akeno giggled. Bringing a hand to his chest, Elros was suddenly zapped back with another powerful bolt of lightning - one of the many he had been on the receiving end of this night. A moment later, Akeno had engulfed him with her mouth yet again, tonguing his member every which way. Elros groaned in pleasure as he held her head down, feeling the back of her throat. Akeno was able to work magic with her mouth, he thought; it wasn't long until he climaxed. Looking down, he grinned as he saw her swallow, licking up the rest of what remained before hopping off and sashaying to the bathroom. He watched her walk away and soon, rested his head back on the mattress.

"Oh, thank you God," he said with a clap of excitement before following her. Shutting the door behind him, if anyone entered the room, they'd hear Akeno's continued moans and groans and giggles.


"We should probably get to sleep soon," Rias said as she and Akeno were in the bathroom. She relaxed in the tub, while Akeno took another shower - her last attempt to do so interrupted by Elros yet again.

"I know. Hell, I'm so sore," she said happily.

"So am I. That was the most fun I've ever had," Rias giggled.

"Mmm, what'd you two try?" Akeno asked.

"Everything," Rias smirked.

"We might've had the same experience. He tied me up right as he got in," Akeno giggled.

"What!? Wait, he didn't do that to me!" Rias grumbled.

"Probably because he knows you might not like it as much. He was definitely a lot rougher than the first time. Look at all these bruises," Akeno said with a smirk as she stepped out, showing her body off.

"Then we're in the same boat. But I think he's probably got it worse than us," Rias giggled.

"Oh, that's for sure. I made sure to use some of my powers on him. Burned him a bit before shocking him a bit. A LOT of fun," Akeno giggled.

"I wanted to ask you, though… how was your training?" Rias asked. Akeno let out a deep sigh.

"It was… alright. Azazel had Baraquiel teach me. I could've done without that. What about you?" Akeno grimaced, changing the subject quickly.

"I see. Mostly reading for me. Did almost no physical training," Rias said.

"Working on strategies?" Akeno asked.

"Yeah, mostly. I think we should be in a good place for the games," Rias said.

"I'm sure we'll win. Asia and Gasper are the two best supports I think any team could have. Xenovia and Kiba are wonderful Knights while Koneko is an absolute tank. I mean, she took that attack from Tannin and was still conscious. Issei is pretty powerful, and I think a lot of Devils might underestimate him. You and I take care of business, and of course Elros is Elros," Akeno said.

"I know what you mean. I look forward to the Games," Rias said with a smile.


"You two showered without me?!" Elros asked, aghast that they would do such a thing.

"We needed to actually get clean. Not your idea of clean," Akeno giggled as she rested her head on his chest.

"My idea of clean is great, though!" Elros countered.

"Your idea of clean is dripping wet in something other than water," Rias told him, slipping her hand under his shirt.

"Like I said - great!" he said.

"Disgusting," they countered.

"Whatever. Puritans…," Elros grumbled.

"If we were even remotely Puritan, we definitely wouldn't have done all that," Rias said with a laugh. She hadn't heard of many Puritans that could pull off the positions she tried with him.

"I guess. Ah, this is nice. Two weeks without my loves. Fucking horrible," Elros said, kissing them on their head and bringing them in.

"I know. But, we're here now. And all I want to do until morning is sleep with you. No distractions, no diversions. Just us and you and a warm bed," Rias said.

"Fine with me. Good night, Rias," Elros said, kissing her passionately.

"Good night," she said with a smile.

"Good night, Akeno," Elros said, kissing her passionately as well.

"Sweet dreams," she said with a giggle, snuggling close. In no time at all, all three were dozing off.