
DxD: Ascension of Sword God

Brinjal Bottleguard(Name changed after reincarnation), a renowned Politician, who is killed.....how? why? If I wanted to tell you that right now then why would there be chapters? BURNNN!!!!! anyhow, Our Boy Brinjal is reincarnated into the world of DxD. Feel his adventures while sitting on your asses! Ciao!

Battlexray_Gaming · Cómic
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16 Chs

The Birth of Resolve

So, one of our fellow readers pointed out that while not knowing which Anime our MC is in, How does he know what Sharingan and Gates of Babylon are. Now, it is quite simple to answer this. The MC was a politician, he watched anime when he had the time, so watching normal anime like naruto and Fate series, but not titty powerup class anime like DxD. Hope you liked the answer. Anyhow enjoy the chapter


*3rd POV*

*Timeskip: 6 months*

Arcane could be seen with a representative sitting in a meeting room, giving his final middle school certification test issued by the japanese education council to a 4 year old(almost 5), which is usually given by 14 or 15 year olds. How did this happen, you may ask?

Well, Arcane had a chat with Silas, telling him that he wanted to end his primary education early so that he is able to concentrate on his modelling career. However in reality, he just wanted to start training and didn't wanna waste his time with little kids and formal education that he was already overqualified for. The reason for taking six months was that if gave the exam and got good grades without ever studying, he would generate suspicion, which he wanted to avoid if he could. So rather than passing the exam outright, he thought of taking multiple tutors, impressing them to the point they started thinking whether they even knew how to teach or not.

He then told Silas to request an early graduation with all the tests his tutors had taken as proof. To which the Japanese Education Board complied and here we are, Arcane sitting and giving his middle school graduation certification exam at the age of 4.

The proctor was very certain that this kid would fail, I mean who wouldn't be? a 4 year old passing the Middle school Final exam? It was unheard of. The 3 hour examination was finished in an hour and 15 minutes.

Arcane took another 10 mins to recheck his answers and then looked up to the proctor and said, "Proctor-san, I am done, you may check the paper." The proctor frowned and looked at his watch 'hmph, of course, the kid didn't even know half the paper.' thought the proctor.

He took the paper in his hand, took out a Red pen and started checking. With every page his eyes became wider, but after a few pages, he reached the limit of eye widening and started rubbing eyes thinking he was seeing stuff.

After checking all the subject papers, Arcane's total percentage came out to be 98.8%, which he could have scored 100% but that would just be overkill. The proctor then just bowed and left, told them the graduation certificate would be printed and delivered in a few days.

Arcane was happy, now he could start practicing, but Silas was happier, why? This action showed the main family how much of a genius Arcane was, and not even wasting a second Silas wrote a letter pertaining the events to the main family in the UK.

Now finally, Arcane decided to leave everything else to the back of his head and called

" Dronacharya!"

"Hello Arcane, I have been waiting for a while for you to call me, although I saw you were busy, so I think it is okay for you to take your time. Now, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Dronacharya, I am known as the preceptor of the Pandavas(5 warrior kings from the Hindu Mythology), I am proficient in Advanced Military arts and usage of Divine and celestial grade weapons. I have a experienced battles which would make this world's great war feel like it was fight between kids fighting over who would get the toffee. Due to this system, I have sufficient knowledge of the current world and will help you become stronger." said the old man in a stellar voice. His voice was alone tell that he was speaking to man known as the Eternal Teacher.

Arcane was stunned. He only named the Teacher function because he is one of the most famous and successful Military teachers in history. He didn't know that the soul of the actual Dronacharya would come to teach him. This was a honor.

"Lord Drona(Dronacharya was also called Drona), It is my humble pleasure to be in your tutelage. If you could teach a normal prince like Karna to be so powerful, I would like to see where your guidance will take me." said in a respectful manner.

"Tell me son, what do you want to become?" asked Drona.

"A swordsmen, Lord Drona." said Arcane.

"And your reason for becoming one?" Drona asked in succession.

" To protect myself and to maintain peace and tranquility. Also to make a name for myself." Arcane said truthfully.

" What do you consider peace to be?" Drona asked.

"Peace to me is a state of mind. When a person can go to sleep at night without thinking that the moment he closes his eyes, him and his family might be killed. When there is no constant state of fear in the general public, I consider that state to be peace." said Arcane without even a second thought.

"Hmm...Very well son, you are honest and rational, you do not seek godhood, neither are you in denial of reality. You are someone who will do well as my student as you have the right mindset. I, Dronacharya, the preceptor of the 5 Warrior Kings, hailed as the Eternal Teacher, shall take you, Arcane Tempest as my student, and nuture you to best of my current abilities, to be a powerful swordsmen and man worthy enough to stand next to the 5 Warrior kings!" announced Drona.

"Yes, Lord Drona, I will be in your care" Arcane said.


=Next Morning=

After doing all morning chores, Arcane was standing in small forested area in his huge compound.

"Now son, before we even touch swords, you need a body that is in peak physical condition and is able to deliver powerful strikes to the enemy while shattering his/her defence. For that for the next 3 months, we will concentrate on just physical strength. We will not infuse, chakra or mana into your body. The physical training will only stop when a single punch is able to down 10 trees. Then we will concentrate on hand to hand combat. Once done with that we will start with the basics of sword slashes. Rest of the details I will tell you when you have completed the previous ones." said Drona laying out the plan.

All Arcane said was " Yes Lord Drona" with determination in his eyes.

*Timeskip: 2 years*

It took Arcane more time than Drona expected, being a politician in the last life, he had the knowledge required to rule, but not the techniques or power required to fight.

During these 2 years, initially, having a slow growth rate, Drona penalized Arcane by making him down 15 trees rather than 10, then for hand to hand combat, Drona suggested to ask Silas for help, Arcane was confused as why Drona wanted Silas to help, but when he started training with Silas it became apparent, Silas would whoop Arcane to no limit. Silas was happy that his young master was trying so hard to become strong. Drona had also explained the power systems of this world.

Arcane was surprised to hear it. This was a world where the Age of Gods continued to exist. Drona told him about the Biblical faction, namely, the Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils. Then the Norse Faction, the Shinto faction, the Hindu Pantheon and many others. He was told about Dragons, Dragon Kings, Heavenly Dragons and Dragon Gods.

During this time, Arcane became a really famous face in the fashion industry and on Social Media. A child with a Face and body like that was something people at first thought was image manipulation, but when it was found out that it was indeed his actual face, he had a lot of job opportunities. He became a millionaire at the tender age of 6. A famous magazine even covered his story. Silas was of course very happy seeing his young master work so hard. They both would play shogi a lot. Silas was a Grandmaster at shogi and he taught Arcane how read moves and tactics and respond properly.

After the training regimen set by Drona was completed, Arcane sat under a tree and opened his status

"System Status!" thought command was given.

[ */ STATUS /*

Name : Arcane Tempest

Race: Apex Nepheloid Homo Sapien

Gender: Sigma Male

Age: 6(in Years old)

Title: Partial Soul bearer of the World tree, Creator of All's Favorite Mortal

Occupation: Swordsmen, Model

Level: 32(420/3600) (Mid-Class supernatural entity ranges from 26 to 40)

Scared Gear: Gates of Babylon

HP: 26020/26020 (Regen Rate: 1000 HP/sec)

MP(Mana Point): 12400/12400(Regen Rate: 800 MP/sec)

CP(Chakra Point): 8340/8340(Regen Rate: 600 CP/sec)

EDP(Extra-Dimensional Point): Infinite(Regen Rate: Irrelevant)

STR: 448 (Base Strength - Without Energy amplification)

DEX: 612 (A/N: On his way to be a speed Demon)

INT: 120

WIS:510 (Due to being taught warfare by Drona)

CHA: 84(Due to age, even then the average human stat is 30)

SP(Stamina Point): 9000 (Enhanced to due to regenerative abilities)

Sigma Male Abilities(Racial): "Eye of Intuition(L)" "All-Seeing Eye(R)" "Lie-Detection" "Born-Leader" "Decision-assistance" "Aura of Respect" "Killing Intent Nullification" "Primordial Human's Ambition(Haki)" "Karen-Repel(Omniversal Grade)" "Schlong Enhancer(Disabled)"

Hand-to-Hand Combat Proficiency: 92%

(A/N: This level of HTH proficiency makes it so, if the MC was to go against Sairaorg now, he will still be able to defeat him with ease, not due to brute strength of the MC but because in Hand-To-Hand combat, a master of HTH Combat can make the brute strength of the opponent useless by redirecting the power or using the opponents strength against him)

Basic Sword Proficiency: 97% (Basic Slashes and thrusts honed to near perfection)


Drona being a part of the system was also able to see this. He was happy with his student. For a 6 year old, he held pure physical strength close to a High-Mid Class Supernatural being. If you count his 'godlike' speed, he could take on Low-High Class Supernatural beings and if you add in a sword he could take Mid-High Class Supernatural beings. His speed was fast enough that it made his class skip past Peak-Mid Class directly into Low-High Class.

Drona being satisfied by his student's performance said "Son, you are now ready to step into the supernatural world, lets talk to Silas about this and get his approval, after all, he is your caretaker."

"Ok, Lord Drona, I will trust your decision." said Arcane.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Silas walking towards him with a calm expression.

Silas greeted him with a slight bow and said "Young Master, there is a certain person in the meeting room, he says he has business with you."

Arcane listening to this tried remembering if he had an appointment with someone today, but nothing came to his mind. He just shrugged his shoulder and asked Silas to lead to meet him.

Silas walked into the meeting room, followed about after 5 seconds by Arcane, who was currently in Black track pants and sweaty grey sports T-Shirt which had sweat spots after the intense training. Sweat was glistening down the sides of his face. He walked into the room and saw a slightly fat Non-Japanese Person. He was a Caucasian man, about 5' 6", he was bald and had a slight stubble indicating he hadn't had the time to shave his beard properly and was probably travelling. By no means was this person any familiar associate. So Arcane had a neutral expression towards him.

The man looked at the boy who was supposed to be a 6 year old. As soon as he walked in the one thing that the slightly fat foreigner said in his mind was 'The photos don't do him justice'. The kid standing in front of him was probably what god intended humans to look like. His eyes were wide open, the kid was supposed to be 6 year old. Then the man bringing himself out of his stupor thought "won't this kid just outshine the main star?" he uttered in a inaudible voice, but due to having enhanced senses and being able to sense emotions which were surprise, adoration and conflict, Arcane was able to understand what the man said.

"So hey kid....." as soon as the man said so Silas raised hand making a traffic stop sign. To which he continued "Mr. Rogers, I apologize for not making this clear when you came in, young master is a part of the main branch of the Tempest family, even if that fact was ignored, he is an established professional who has made his name in the industry without any external help. He is a professional and I would like it if you treat him as one. Age is just a number, Its power, skills , knowledge and character, which determine whether a person is worth of respect, and multiple people across the world recognize young master worthy of being treated with respect."

I widened my eyes at Silas. I never realized Silas had such a high opinion of me. Even Drona said "I agree with Silas". But not trying the lose the topic, I quickly looked towards the man with a neutral slightly disappointed look. I mean, isn't he supposed to be a professional. A professional in what? Lets ask him.

"Well... its fine, lets leave that behind and save ourselves some time. Firstly, allow me to introduce myself, my name is Arcane Tempest, I belong to the main branch of the Tempest family(Why did Silas ask me to introduce myself like this, it makes me sound like a narcissist). I am currently working as a model for ZZZ Clothing Enterprises, based in the UK itself. Now with that, would you mind introducing yourself?" I asked while introducing myself.

"Ahh.... yes, of course, I am sorry for my previous way of addressing you, I didn't know you were from the Main branch of the Tempest family, also as a professional, I did something I shouldn't have, and for that I apologize. My Name is Mike Rogers, I am the Assistant casting director for a particular film which will start its shoot in a months time. I am here with a casting opportunity for you, would like to hear it?" said Mike.

'Not lying, doesn't have any ill-intentions, just feeling nervous' thought Arcane analyzing the man standing in front of him.

"Very well Mr. Rogers, lets have a seat and allow me to listen to your proposal." I said while pointing to the chair, to which he nodded and sat.

"Master Tempest(in case you are not aware, minor students and scholars are given the prefix of master in the UK and other places where UK English is followed), first of all I would like you to sign this NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement) to make sure that none of this conversation is leaked outside." he said pushing a file towards me, to which after reading the terms, I nodded and signed.

The one thing that caught my eye on the NDA was the amount of penalty money. It was quite a lot, which means that he was representing a large studio house. It made me quite interested.

I asked him to continue to which he nodded and continued "Master Tempest, I am going to go ahead and get to the point, I would like to offer you a supporting role in the upcoming James Bond movie. If you agree, You will be casted as the female lead's son. Of course the payment would be much better than any shoot you have previously done, not to mention, this is a Bond movie, the exposure you will be able to achieve with this would far surpass any amount of money."

'Now I understand the need for the NDA' Arcane thought.

Arcane frowned and went into thought, after which he looked at Silas for a second opinion but he just had a smile on his wrinkled face. Silas had always trusted his young master to take proper decisions and to his satisfaction, that never turned out to be the wrong move.

"Can I see the exact details, depending on that I would like to formulate my final decision." Arcane said.

Mike was surprised, a supposed 6 year old was behaving as if he had the experience of veteran professional, he expected him to just start jumping at the name of James Bond. But instead the Kid took a cautious approach and tried to get in more information. He gave another file to Arcane, to which he read, then looked up to mike and asked,

"How long is my shooting period?" to this mike replied,

"A month at max taking a substantial number of Retakes into account." to which Arcane nodded and further inquired,

"What is shooting location?" to which Mike hastily took out his phone and tried finding a memo in which the details were written.

"The location is the Vatican for your role." he replied.

Arcane analyzed the details in his head and replied,

"Then I would like a substantial raise in payment." said Arcane with a stern face.

A part of Mike was happy that Arcane accepted, even though Mike didn't say it out loud, Arcane's looks were otherworldly, he would be a great addition to the cast and Mike would probably get praised by his boss for scouting such a 'godlike' looking young man, but a raise in pay was something that he was not expecting a 6 year old to demand, it was already a lot of money for a kid, yet this one was asking for more, he wondered for a second and asked in a deep inquisitive tone,

"May I know, why you want a raise?" to which Arcane replied in a calm manner,

"Firstly, your accountant has made errors in calculating the Euro to Yen Ratio, because if what he has calculated is true, you are paying me way under the table(a way of saying below the minimum standard), which if I accepted right now and then filed a case later, would be something your studio will have to deal with the Independent Workers Welfare Association(IWWA), Secondly, the travel time from here to the Vatican on a Direct flight is 12 hours 20 mins, for which I will have to go to Osaka and take a separate flight for more than a day's worth of travel time and as you are employing a Minor, I hope you know that you will have to pay me for that as well, plus my guardian here will have to accompany me for international travel, making him take time off from his work as well." said laying out the details.

Mike looked at him as if somebody forced him to swallow a lemon, then leaned forward....and they kissed.....No they didn't no gay or pedophilic shit in here. Mike leaned forward and took the file in his hands and took a second look at it, after looking at it for a few seconds, he got up while taking his phone out made a call and walked out for few minutes. After coming back in, he had a embarrassed expression. He sat down and said,

"I am extremely sorry, even the boss wasn't aware of this, to which I would like it for you to find it in your heart to forgive me and the studio. So how much would you like to be paid? My boss has already given me the liberty of deciding a Paypoint." said mike apologetically.

"Exactly 4 times the previous amount." said Arcane in a solemn voice.

"4 times! That's way too much! by no means can I do that!" said Mike.

To which Arcane smirked and replied,

"Are you sure about that? Just by trying to pay an employee under the table your studio is commiting a crime, even if I can't speak publicly about this meeting, the dynamics change if I ask the IWWA to represent me in a court of law, then the NDA will be voided as the conversation will become a court statement and hence, evidence, plus if it is known that a Multi-Million Euro studio was trying to Dupe a minor by paying him under the table, the reputation of said studio will plummet below the ground, hence actors will stop signing deals with you as people would not want to associate with you."

Mike's look became dejected and helpless, then it turned into a look of horror while looking at Arcane's smirk. 'Is this kid the soul reaper or something?' was what was going through Mike's mind.

As a former politician, if he didn't take revenge on the other party for trying to dupe him, he was not qualified to be called a politician, plus he had good knowledge of how the law worked.

Mike just sighed and agreed. He drew up a new contract which satisfied Arcane, and the deal was signed.

"I will be heading back now, the shoot starts in a months time, be sure to be there a week in advance." said mike while leaving, "Oh and I'll send someone to pick you up at the airport."

They gave each other a farewell for now, and went there own ways.

"The Vatican, huh? Well, here I come!" said Arcane enthusiastically.


So I hope you enjoy the chapter, and if you can leave some power stones behind, they help quite a lot. anyways CIAO!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Battlexray_Gamingcreators' thoughts