
DXD: As a OC Primordial

Usernamemustbe3_18 · Cómic
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31 Chs

Chapter 22

The fun nearly took us away from an important event, but thankfully we were on time or Prometheus might have been disappointed.

I was very content in my life and with the discovery that the moon humans, which I helped to create, have made. It was incredible that they managed to conciliate the contradictions between science and magic.

Science could explain well how the world works when magic was not involved as magic could screw with the logical rules of reality. One such conciliation was the new definition of chemical elements. In traditional chemistry an element was determined by the number of protons it had per atom, this was not disproven, but the concept of a magical coefficient was introduced, which was related to the amount of mana an atom bared, it was called the magical coefficient, and was measured by the percentage of neutral energy the mana is related to in an atom. Silver and Mythril had the same amount of protons per atom, but quite different properties. The core difference was that silver had a magical coefficient than Mythril, silver metal had a magical coefficient under ten percent, while the version with a coefficient between ten and fifteen was higher quality silver, which name may vary as magical silver or holy.

A magical coefficient just above fifteen percent forms an extremely low-quality Mythril, while the ones above this and below twenty-five had average quality, and the ones above high quality.

A one hundred percent magical coefficient was impossible because the mana would be highly unstable, the only exception would be if it was used to forge a metal league that allowed to stabilize the atoms before the coefficient degraded. It was such a mythical endeavor may only be possible to a very high-level blacksmith god.

This day was the launching day of the moon human space program. Soon we were on the Prometheus Space Agency, in honor seats.

Although Medusa and Medea had a seat of their own, they shared a place in my lap, while their legs extended to their chairs, which were positioned to my left and right. I had to control my erection as this gave me the desire to fuck them again, but that was not the time.

I was not the only one being the seat to a lover, Selene was also a seat for her husband Endymion.

He was variously a handsome Aeolian shepherd, hunter, or king who was said to rule and live at Olympia in Elis. He was also venerated and said to reside on Mount Latmus in Caria, on the west coast of Asia Minor.

There is confusion over Endymion's identity, as some sources suppose that he was, or was related to, the prince of Elis, and others suggest he was a shepherd from Caria. There is also a later suggestion that he was an astronomer: Pliny the Elder mentions Endymion as the first human to observe the movements of the moon, which (according to Pliny) accounts for Endymion's infatuation with its tutelary goddess.

Consequently, Endymion's tomb has been attributed to two different sites. The people of Heracleia claimed that he was laid to rest on Mount Latmus, while the Eleans declared that it was at Olympia.

However, the role of lover of Selene, the Moon, is attributed primarily to the Endymion who was either a shepherd or an astronomer, as either profession provides justification for the time he spent gazing at the Moon.

It said that Selene found Endymion so beautiful that she asked his father, Zeus, to grant him eternal youth so that he would never leave her.

Alternatively, Selene loved how Endymion looked when he was asleep in the cave on Mount Latmus, near Miletus in Caria, that she entreated Zeus that he might remain that way.

In some versions, Zeus wanted to punish Endymion for daring to show romantic interest in Hera (much like Ixion). Whatever the case, Zeus granted Selene's wish and put Endymion into eternal sleep. Every night, Selene visited him where he slept, and by him had fifty daughters who are equated by some scholars with the fifty months of the Olympiad.

Different from the myths, Endymion was not put on eternal sleep by Selene's request, which liked his beauty while sleeping; but was just incredibly lazy.

He was not her dildo, while asleep, just a man who liked to be dominated by Selene, enormous lust. I would be envious, if not for Medusa and Medea, which I not only love but have to admit were very hot.

He was also a minor god of sunset. He was however previously a human, with his divinity being granted by Olympus, in exchange for a favor. This favor ended up in the future Selene's seat being taken away from her, which she could not refuse because she was bonded by oath.

Prometheus and Atlas occupied the other honor seats.

Our seats were on a podium, to the right of an enormous television, where one could accompany the lashing of the rocket in 4K. 

Below stood a row of journalists, prepared to have an interview with Prometheus after the event ended and maybe with one of us. The rocket launching and later the recording from the astronauts were being transmitted to the country, while all citizens focused their attention on their TVs.

All this publicity was meant not only to show the nation the technological advancements of the scientific ministry but also to stimulate the competitive spirit between the scientific and magical departments.

Although there was no sort of conflict between Medea and Prometheus, there was a strong sense of rivalry between the workers in their department. Both of them focus on keeping that rivalry going, but in check to not develop into enmity, after all, there were projects where both ministries collaborated. The rivalry was also useful in creating extra public motivation to work with each department member.

This project was an answer from the science department to the magic one about the recently lashed Modern Horoscope Magic System, a modern version of the horoscope system, considering heliocentrism, and mathematic precision on the planet's location, which showed a scary premonition ability. We kept confidential the fact that it predicted the death of the God of the Bible and the four original Satans. 

The launching was uneventful and in eight hours it reached and landed on Earth, more specifically on Antarctica, which was a neutral territory with little to no influence from the pantheons.

As the astronauts all could breathe fine on Earth, they were not wearing astronaut clothes, just heavy coats, pants, boots, and glasses to protect them from the snow.

Although moon humans would be fine even deep inside the Antarctic Ocean, the extreme cold was still annoying.

"It may be a small step for a human, but it is a great leap for humanity." Miss Dzvezda, said for all citizens on the moon to hear. I asked myself if in the future she could sue Neil Armstrong for plagiarism.