
Chapter 2: race and genetic

Hmmm, so this is my level.

System why my Sacred Gear is unknown?

[The host must wake it up to find out what it is]

I understand.

Can you give me a description?

[Yes host]

[Lineage: The lineage is the race and genetic tree of the host, it can be changed if the host acquires another one, each lineage has different abilities. ]

[Titles: Titles are nicknames given to the host for doing certain missions or reconnaissance, each title has its unique property]

[Hp: It's your hit points. It is variable for each lineage.

If it reaches 0, the host dies]

[Mp: It's your mana points. It is variable for each lineage.

If the mana reaches 0, the host faints]

[STR: These are the physical abilities of the host. Strength, endurance, longevity, durability, healing time and combat skills]

[VIT: It's your vitality. Mental, physical, spiritual and sexual health]

[INT: It's the intelligence. Ability to learn and reason and process information]

[Dex: It's your dexterity. Agility, reflexes, senses, speed, precision]

[LUCKY: It's your luck. This improves all social aspects of the host]

Hmm, I understand, but I didn't know that each bloodline and title gave unique abilities.

Can you tell me what I get with my bloodline and title.

[Yes host]

[Lineage: Demigod: The bloodline of Demigod gives its user the ability to have the Physiology of a Demigod.

- Physiology of Demigods: The user is or can transform into a demigod, mythological beings with partially divine status. Children of gods with mortals, people born from the union between a mortal being and a divine being, and inherit this power from their divine parent.

They can gain from powers associated with the domain of their divine parents, even gain a domain of their own, or else just acquire generic powers from transcendent beings.

System which Goddess was Gilgamesh's mother?

[Gilgamesh was born from the union of the King of Uruk, Lulabanga and the Sumerian Goddess of Healing also being considered a Goddess of Love, Rimat-Ninsun, so the host is able to exert his power over these domains]

I see, so what skills do I gain as a Demigod?

[Abilities acquired from the possessor of Demigod Physiology are:

-Decelerated aging.

-Supernatural condition.

-Improved Agility.

-Improved strength.

-Improved reflexes.

-Improved directions.

-Improved speed.

-Improved Vigor.

-Improved strength.

-Regenerative Healing Factor.


-Induction to Lust.

MY GOD!!! That's a lot of skills.

Well, if you analyze them they really belong to many Demigods.

System can you give me a description of them?

[Yes host]

[Name: Decelerated Aging.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100

-Description: The user either ages slower than normal for his species or is a species that has an extended shelf life.


[Name: Supernatural Condition.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: Users are brilliant, naturally superior to their race because their abilities go beyond the natural level; Making them immensely stronger, faster, thunderously agile reflexes, more durable and intelligent than normal members of their species can achieve by any training method and stay that way with little or no maintenance.


[Name: Improved Agility.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: The user with this skill can effortlessly move from one move to another, effectively dodge attacks, easily give mortals, climb walls, make air vents, and countless other gymnastics, athletics, and martial moves with little effort.


[Name: Improved Strength.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: The user's ability to resist damage is extremely high, allowing them to take several internal or external blows before succumbing to its effects.


[Name: Improved Reflexes.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: The user has tremendous reaction speed, allowing him to dodge bullets, catch flies in the air, dodge complex attacks, catch falling objects, block damage and instantly react to what others take longer to react.


[Name: Improved Senses.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: Improved Senses is the ability to receive amplifications in all 5 senses, aiding in combat, defense and escape.


[Name: Improved Speed.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

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-Description: User can move much faster than a common member of their species, some close or at the speed of sound, or even faster. However, this power has negative effects as it can harm the body, although some users may be resistant or even immune to the effects of high speed travel, including friction, inertia and so on.


[Name: Improved Stamina.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100. Findd new 𝒔tories on nov/e(l)bin(.


-Description: The user is able to do most sudden actions for several hours without getting tired, that is, for longer than a normal person could.


[Name: Improved Strength.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: Users have a high strength and superior to their species, being able to perform acts that common members of their species would not have the strength to perform. This level of strength can sometimes be achieved by various training methods.


[Name: Regenerative Healing Factor.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: User can regenerate quickly. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, sometimes slowing down, or even stopping, aging.

The rate and amount of scarring varies widely. Some can rebuild lost limbs, others must put the limb back in place for quick regeneration.

They are generally in good physical shape as their bodies are constantly returning to a healthy state, giving them almost inexhaustible strength and vitality.

At higher levels, users can regenerate not only their cellular tissue but also their DNA, undoing genetic mutations and degradation, as well as maintaining youth by extending telomeres. It also gives them immunity to disease and infection, dispelling any unwanted symptoms, as well as providing a form of self-support that precedes oxygen needs and food intake.

If advanced enough, the ability will cause the body to stop aging as cells are regenerating and dying in balance.


[Name: Healing.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: The user can make living beings return to their full state of health, recovering them from various types of ailments in their body, such as injuries, damaged bones and limbs, diseases and even the effects of toxins. The level of healing power can vary, but powerful users can even cause their targets to have

entire limbs rebuilt or recover from illnesses considered incurable.

The Cure is divided as follows:

-Basic Level: User can do anything normal healing would do, but at an accelerated rate.

-Expert Level: User can do anything that normal healing and modern medical knowledge can do as well.

-Advanced Level: User can heal in ways that even current medical knowledge cannot.

-Master Level: User can heal anything as long as the target is alive.

-This ability is due to the host being a child of the Goddess of Healing.


[Name: Induction of Lust.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: User can induce sexual arousal in others to make them lusty and with aggressive sexual desires for sexual interaction by attacking the libido of others. This power can work with both sexes, sexual interests and people of any age.

-This ability is due to the host being a child of the Goddess of Love.

My god, that's really a lot of skills.

But most of them are not combat oriented!

Well they are the skills of the demigods.

System what is this passive and active and rarities?

[Abilities are divided into Passive and Active.

-Active: These are combat-oriented abilities or skills that the host needs to activate in order to be used.

-Passive: These are skills that are always in use and the host doesn't spend Mp to use them.

[Abilities are also divided into rarities.



-Super Rare.

-Mega Rare.

-Ultra Rare.

-The higher the Rarity, the more expensive and powerful the skill.

I understand it really makes a lot of sense.

And the System titles?

[Titles: Titles are nicknames given to the host for doing certain missions or reconnaissance. ]

What titles do I have and their system effects?

[The titles that the host has:

-King of Heroes.

-King of the Golden Rule.

[King of Heroes: This title gives the host 50% more respect with other heroes and their descendants.

-King of the Golden Rule: This title gives the host 50% improvement in the skill "Golden Rule"

I understand.

Can I use more than one title at the same time?

[Yes host]

I understand.

But system and my abilities from the Gilgamesh bloodline.

[Host should say "Skill"]


[List of Host Skills:

-Golden Rule.

-Gate of Babylon.

-Sovereign of Magic Wands.

-Mellammu Dingir.

I see, there are a lot of skills. Can you give me a Description of them System?

[Yes host]

[Name: Golden Rule.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Super Rare.

-Level: 100/100.

-Description: The Golden Rule. It is an Ability that refers to the measure of one's fortune to acquire wealth.

Being destined for a life full of riches, he can live like a millionaire. Gilgamesh lives the life of a nabob and has no financial problems his entire life.

In legend, he claimed all the treasures of the world as his own and is said to have infinite wealth in his Golden Capital. The originals of Noble Phantasms preserved in his treasure were collected during this period.

Although this ability appears to be unrelated to battle, it plays a large role in arming Gilgamesh.


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[Name: Gate of Babylon.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Ultra Rare.

-Level: 100/100.

-Description: Gate of Babylon: The King's Treasure is the "Golden Capital" that Gilgamesh's "King's Treasure" and, furthermore, the golden key attached to it. His main Noble Phantasm, is the warehouse Gilgamesh built to store all the world treasures he claimed in his life, known as the "Divine Gate".

It connects the space of reality to the vault, opening an "invisible door" between dimensions that allows content to pass through at the command of its owner. Allowing easy access to treasure items, he is able to choose and use them as he pleases.

Noble Phantasm's rating changes from "E~A" due to reflecting the treasure's content ratings. It is a noble ghost that becomes more powerful with the user's wealth, but therefore would not be useful without a wealth of valuables.

Weapons appear through golden ripples around the user, which can be used one at a time, or rain showers on the enemy. Gilgamesh is known to have collected all the treasures in the world while alive, acquiring a perfect treasure that lacked nothing.

-Weapons are separated by categories and by Mp.

-Ex Rank - Mp Cost: 1000.

-Rank A - Mp Cost: 800.

-Rank B - Np Cost: 600

-Rank C - Mp Cost: 400.

-Rank D - Mp Cost: 200.

-Rank E - Mp Cost: 100.


[Name: Ruler of Magic Wands.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Super Rare.

-Level: 100/100.

-Description: Ability that denotes Gilgamesh's way of being as a Caster who manipulates various mystical codes. Gives bonuses to magic type attacks.

He will take care of the tools with care in case of a fight as long as he keeps an eye on them. He was a king.


[Name: Mellammu Dingir.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 100/100.

-Description: Melammu Dingir: Signal Cannon of the King is the noble ghost of Gilgamesh in his Caster form. It is a long-range bombing of the Uruk Citadel.

A prodigious cannon shot that concentrates not only Gilgamesh himself, but also the full strength of the people of Uruk who lived in the Age of Gods.

I understand here are all the Noble Phantasm from Gilgamesh.

Hmm, but by far the main one is the [Gate of Babylon].

All the treasures in the world.

Just imagining makes me happy!

Well, well everyone, as even Gilgamesh admitted that he didn't have any like Karna's Vasaki Shakti and Excalibur Avalon's scabbard.

But it's amazing!

[The host has an initial package. Do you want to open it?]

[Yes] [No]


[Opening Package. .

. ]

[Open package]

[The host received 5 skills:

-Player body.

-Player's mind.

-Mana manipulation.

-Magic Proficiency.

-ID Create.

Hmmm, very good system.

Can you give me a description?

[Yes host]

[Name: Player Corps.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Description: Ensures a body that allows the user to live real life as if it were a game.


[Name: Player's Mind.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Description: Allows the user to think calmly and logically in each situation. Allowing a state of mental peace as well as immunity to psychological effects.


[Name: Mana Manipulation.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Level: 01/100.

-Description: The user is able to generate, shape and manipulate mana for a variety of purposes and can create objects including platforms, force fields, etc. Because mana is present in all living beings, the user is able to detect life.


[Name: Magic Proficiency.

-Type: Passive.

-Rarity: Rare.

-Description: The user has a natural ability to learn the ways of magic, being a talented wizard even with little or no training or help from veterans. He is able to intuitively assimilate any form of magic and master its use with few observations, acquiring a range of powers thanks to this gift.


[Name: ID Create.

-Type: Active.

-Rarity: Super Rare.

-Description: Allows the user to create an instantaneous dungeon filled with several different beings. Its main objective is for the user to increase their level.

Hohoho many useful skills.

Right now I should calm down and analyze what I'm going to do.


Yes, system?

[The host has the original Gilgamesh memories]

[Would you like to receive them?]

I widen my eyes.

This I did not expect.

Why do I have them system?

[The Goddesses made available to the host]

I understand, does it take a long time to receive them?

[1 hour]

I see, start system.

[Starting Process. .

. ]

[Process started]

i just see everything go dark when i pass out