

My name is Key. That's my name Key a tool just like me.

As anyone can predict I was used as a key to anything I was human but I was still used as a key.

When I was a child, My mother sold me for money obviously but ended up getting status, money, and more, I was a key.

I was adopted, I thought they were the perfect family but to my surprise, they had a dungeon for torture.

Every day every night every waking minute I was tortured they came up with amazing ideas but I couldn't remember I didn't want to remember.

Then it happened I was killed finally I was free, Or so I thought.

Ho ho, what do we have to here a human no a disaster more like that.

Hello in short you died I'm God and you will get one wish.

"Who and what are you," I said but nothing came out.

Ah sorry, I couldn't hear you well nevermind what do you want.

Why are you doing this? I asked in a raspy voice

Well, it's my job as God.

Yo kid what do you want?

I answered "I want to disappear" in a cautious voice

Well ok, reincarnation it is.

"Wait what!" I yelled breaking my voice

You actually think I was God you idiot there is 7 billion of you and that's just one universe why would God do that.

"I'M THE DEVIL," he said in a devilish cackle.

Have fun HAHAHAHA.

Well, that's how we are here now.