
Valiant Venus

Hairum drops me and Cairo at home and heads to the academy to fetch the car. Seems like I have damaged his favorite car which he lends me just because I said I liked black. No ! I ain't guilty about it!

Before walking into the house I pause for a brief second looking at him. It's going to be now or never. I walk up to him and stand a few feet apart " I'll protect you" I almost whisper-tell him. The huge grin on his face says he heard it. But doesn't reply anything to it and just leaves. Those were my first words uttered to him.

Cairo just looks at me astonished. "My little baby sister ? " he enquires. "What ?!" I question back distantly. He shrugs off and walks into the home.

"Assalamu alaikum" greets our mum. My dad must be taking another nap by now.

" Walaikum asalam" both of us echo.

"Get some rest. I will hear all about it from you about the banquet later " my mum calls after us. I drag Cairo with me to my room. " So, Who is she? " I interrogate

"You mean Jazeera ? " he asks in the most innocent way.

"Uh yeah! "

" Well, I met her when we were there. She was looking for Rum and I was looking for you. We just you know got acquainted." He says it off like it's nothing of great concern.

"You don't casually talk to any woman. What happened to that policy ?" I ask him curiously.

"Look I'm aging old. Let me find someone for myself." He states as a matter of fact.

"This is not acceptable." I lament.

"That's right! So, please just help me this once and accompany me when I'm going to meet her." He remarks.

" Okay !" I groan and he grins and jumps and runs off to his room.

I get a call from a familiar number. I pick it up hoping it is from Enz.

"Hey!" Came a girl's voice.


" I am safe and it was a prank. I didn't know Enz would get so serious about it. Sorry for um involving you in this" she speaks in between her giggles.

"Yeah!" I just nod. I have no clue how I am supposed to respond to this.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Something about her gratitude is genuine and sincere. I could tell from her last words that she was in danger and I did save her. She just doesn't want to admit it.

"No problem." I play along and just disconnect the call. She is safe and that's what matters to me the most. I just get to my bed, I need to rest before going anywhere.

We walk to a park near our home after a few hours to meet her. Both of us take a stroll until we reach a table set out in the middle and take our seats close to each other. Jazeera might be running a bit late or maybe she turned it down. Some lady in her twenties sprints towards us hastily in her pink maxi which she matched with a purple hijab. She seems to be valiant and sleek.

"Hey, Salam! I'm Jazeera " She grins greeting us. I take her hand and shake it firmly but she does a sandwich handshake. Which means she trusts people too easily. Just not Cairos type.

I look at Cairo. Who is shifting uncomfortably on his seat? He is blushing as if I slapped either of his cheeks too hard. I shake my head. It hurts to watch him like this.

Jazeera seems to be having a good conversation with me than him. She doesn't seem to be that loquacious now. Rather she talks unpretentiously. I like this part of her and maybe I'm shipping her with Cairo.

Cairo is just sitting there, Staring at her blankly not knowing how to start or end a conversation. In the end, He wasn't able to convey anything and she leaves bidding her farewell.

"She seems to be fond of you and not ME!" Cairo Shouts.

I look at him astonished. " Calm down!" I yell back at him.

" Give her some time and get to know her better." I suggest to him.

"So, I talk to her for about three days and then ask her for her hand in marriage? " I choke a little on his question.

" You are not going so fast. Slow down will you?" I wonder why he wants to get married so quickly.

We sit there quietly for a while. He seems to be reflecting on his thoughts. I decided to sit there and just watch him. I wish I could do something to ease his confusion. But this is his life and he needs to decide on his own.

" She seems to be valiant who has come for me from Venus." He stupidly remarks and I facepalm. This is not going to be good is all I know. As if she heard his words. She walks with this radiant moonlit smile on her face and comes to us. Me and Cairo gape at her. She sure looks beautiful. It's getting darker by the passing minute and she seems to be glowing in the dark. " Can I ask for a favor?" She looks at Cairo with shiny eyes. Seems like Cairo is screwed by her shiny eyes.