
Striking Scatter

I descend the stairway of the shooting academy exhausted. I practiced for long a duration. My hands ache from my shoulder to the wrist. My car is perched near a boxing club. I walk a few blocks down and I reach for my car.

"Wanna practice?" I turn to look at a familiar face.

"Hey!" I say with no tang.

Amber towers me a good few inches.

"It's a good pastime trust me," She says swinging her arms in all directions. I can't even move my finger. I stare at her for a while. She takes hold of my arm and pulls me inside the club.

"Hey Hey! My hand hurts, let go of it!" I scream.

"Okay! Calm down!" She says slowly letting my hand drop.

The club looks enormous. The fighting ring in the middle looks like a vast square. They have all kinds of professional gear.

"You wanna try it?" Amber asks wiggling the boxing gloves in her hand.

I choose drape. I wrap it in my right hand and look at her for instruction.

Amber teaches me a few basic jabs and I try it mid-air. It's really entertaining to practice but my hands couldn't handle it for too long. I loved the hook punch she taught me. You swing your arm forward in a hook shape. All I could think was punching a jerk face. My shoulders get stiff and I stop.

"That's enough. I'm good" I tell Amber.

"We just started" She says amidst the chaos in the ring.

"Nah, I'll pass!" I start ambling outside towards my car.

Amber sprints and gives a little push forward.

"You can drop by anytime you want." She says with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"I'll think about it" I tell her but I really feel like taking up sessions.

Someone is walking towards us. But I don't turn. Maybe they are just passing by. Amber freezes in her spot for a while and widens her eyes.

"Hey, Amber!" Comes a deep voice. I couldn't recognize it until I turn to look at him. A perfect jerk face just to be punched. Amber turns on her heels and starts stomping her feet heading towards the boxing club.

"You're really good at it, aren't you?" I inquire him folding my arms.

"In what?" Rum asks with a proud puffed chest.

"Getting on someone's nerve" I tell him and reach for the door handle of my car.

"We need to talk" He says pressing his long palm on my windowpane. He seems to have more nerves and lean long fingers. I thought of letting him get in the backseat while I sit in the driver seat so that we could have a private conversation.

Voila! Few men were watching us. Hairum was not the only one who looked suspicious. There were four to five men roaming all around us. I don't think Rum noticed until a bottle came swinging towards me. I was standing facing the side view mirror. So, I could see the green bottle targeted to my head through the mirror. Rum's eyes widen. If I duck my head, Rum might get hurt. I only have a training bag with me. This is the second time I'm hitting him with a bag. He takes a few steps away from me.

I duck my head at the right time and the bottle hits the side mirror and scatters. One of the glass pieces cuts through my left cheek. I can't feel any pain. I can only feel the blood dripping. I hunch down and kick the man who was about to attack me. He falls and I can literally see Rum pounce on him. Rum punches the man furiously. We have got enough notoriety by now. The other men run to a car and hastily get in. We can't make it if they are going to chase us down with a car. I sprint to the driving seat. Rum gets in shotgun without my permission.

"Stay away from me" I hiss at him as soon as we get in I rev my car.

"Okay!" He says hands mid-air.

"Fasten your seatbelt" I yell at him.

He sits properly and fastens it like a kid.

I roll down the windows. I need some air. The aura is amazing. My adrenaline rushes all over me. I speed up to the maximum.

"Hey! This is illegal! You hear me, woman?" Hairum screams right into my ear. I try ignoring him. But he doesn't stop.

"Stop it! Lady!" Oh, now I'm getting younger. I turn to glare at him.

"You have a death wish?" I ask him agitated.

"No! That's why I'm asking you to curb it down." He says. What a rabbit pants?!

I search in my pocket. Now, The time has come. I toss a card at him and he catches it.

"Professional Racer under the license of racing and drifting 2010????" Harium's jaw drops. He gapes at me as if I'm a star model. I snatch the card from him and stuff it in my pocket. He knows too much about me. My mind starts to plot his butchery. I have to borrow a suit from the rubber man.

The car is still following us. It looks like race care. I own a BMW M8 GTE in plain black. Rum should have got an idea by that. He must be really ignorant about such facts. I keep my hands at 9 and 3. I don't care about cars ahead of me. I focus on the car following us. I learned a few tricks on my own after getting a license which permits me any speed limit. The car is frosting. Rum wraps both his arms around him. Such a pity creature!

I roll up all the windows. The car following us has come adjacent to us. I slow down to his speed for a while. I get a little closer and dash in the side. I have safety gear installed. It wouldn't damage my car but theirs would have a good blow. I step on the gas and speed up. I reach as far as possible and take a turn abruptly. The man behind us wouldn't want to crash head-on. He slams on the brake and comes to a halt with a screeching noise.

Whoever is behind the wheel is definitely a racer. Nobody would have halted the car at the precise moment without crashing. He gets down the car and I do too. His headlights are shining on my face and it's hindering my sight. I'm standing on a spotlight right on my face.

"Zee! Is that you?" Someone asks with enormous intensity. Again, I can't recognize anyone by their voice.

"Finally I got you" He says again.

I wonder what on earth he got now...