
chapter 12: mastering more of the necromancy art & learning about the anointed

It's been about 3 days since the battle with the goblin raiding party and I've been practicing necromancy since then I finally have gotten create undead to mastery level of understanding meaning I had now have a blank spell token I took a look at the necromancy spell list and I noticed I had access to two new tears of the necromancy spell list the first new tier which was 3 when I highlighted it it said "necromancer's sculpture this passive buff a plus five to your maximum amount of undead minions you can have it also increases attack and defense by 25% increases speed by 10%" which seems like it automatically unlocked when I looked up to the next year there was three spells the first being called"tainted ground Castor kurupts the ground around a certain area and all creatures that died on this area become undead minions but they have less health in a normally created undead minion specifically 25% less Max HP damage defense and speed" the second spell was called" undead influence the castor creates a special connection between him and one undead this special connection will allow the caster to give detailed and complex orders to they're chosen undead that this connection is formed with. And the caster can also channel necromancy spells through the chosen undeadas well any knowledge that the undead learns will automatically be learned by the caster" and the last spell which I found the most interesting what's called "undead influence this spell affects the land itself with the increasing number of undead that come under your control so does the effects of the Len will change as well the more undead minions you have the stronger they will be on this naturally changing land the longer a group of undead or in a Pacific area the more easier it is to tell that the land is starting to grow darker from the presence of undead crops will grow slower on this affected land and living creatures will find it harder to live on this land" I thought to myself for a good long while "if I use undead influence I could quite possibly sabotage the two other kingdoms largest and most productive farms to make it more easier for me to buy them out because who would want to own cursed ground this could be fairly useful but if I do use this tactic how Will I benefit if I have trouble feeding the living people I have joining my nation that will join anyway I need to be extremely careful but the undead influenster could be a very useful spell especially giving I will probably be using undead for a lot of things such as scouting there is a lot of good choices here I could end up getting both spells eventually" I decided to get the undead influencer spell and I got that familiar notification "congratulations you have learned the undead influencer spell" then to my surprise I got a second notification "you have received alduin minor blessing you're undead minions are 25% more effective and have 50% more HP" this caught me by surprise completely considering I didn't think all the wind would consider granting me his Blessing considering I pretty much said I was going to disobey him and his purpose for me I had to ask system about this I smoked up "system I have a question" the sound of system waking up played "greetings friend what is your question?" I spoke calmly "how does blessings work?" She has her usual Happy tone "well certain gods are the patrons of certain Magic's and the terms of Lord aldwin he's the patron god of necromancers and akatosh is the patron God of healers when you learn a certain amount of spells from a Pacific magic that our God is the patron of they will grant you a small blessing to increase your effectiveness with that magic" that did make sense so flirting a certain type of magic "system what type of Magic's are there that has a God for their patron?" She made a happy noise which meant she liked my question most likely "there are only four magics currently that has a God for their patron we have necromancy which has alduin as their patron God the healing magic has akatosh as their patron God then there is the atomical Magic which has Zeusmir the god of technology and progress and finally the last type of magic is thaumaturgy Magic which has the god Arceus god of chaos" this sounds extremely interesting I'm done want to "how many gods are there that are worshipped here?" System would simply make a few more noises "there are five guns you already know of four them the last deity of this continent is the goddess solace" which means if I wanted to do what alduin wanted me to do I would have to wipe out 4 different religions which honestly sounded a little Overkill if it was just his rival akatosh it would make sense and be more easier to do but for now it's time to set everything up I began to move towards the watchtower where paarthurnax and Luna are typically are when I stepped up to roof of the tower I noticed Luna wasn't here paarthurnax was standing watching over the rest of the town I raised my hand to him "undead influencer" I could feel the connection form between me and paarthurnax and I could hear him in my head so I would speak through my head"go to the body storage room and begin to raise undead soldiers" he seem to react to it unconsciously almost like now he was just a standard undead mindless but I didn't notice under his name and status he had his own capacity for undead minions which brought a smile to my face instead of having to resurrect 25 I could have up to 50 undead minions nowthen I would notice the caravan was starting to return bigger than before so I begin to make my way to town this would be proven profitable if I could greet them as the leader of the village as I made my way down I saw the new arrivals started moving into some of the houses that were already finished built one of each of the three groups seemingly stand of the caravan master the caravan Master smiled and pointed towards me as I made my way to him the three with him seem to be elderly men two of them were Dewar's and the third was an elf they seem to be waiting for me as I approached the caravan master I spoke to "welcome back and who made these three be?" I would say in a curious tone to not sound defensive the two dwarfs step forward "well I'm drilling and this is my brother delavan we're Miners by tried thanks to our friend here we heard your village needed some sources of income so we brought our families as a favor to him do you still want looking for or in that sort of thing don't know why the elf have but it'll probably tell you why" as the dwarf finished the elf step forward "my name is era I'm a Hunter me and my family came here because well our friend needed Hunter's for this village" I smiled as I looked at the three "I welcome you three and your families to this village I am its protector my men and I will mainly be active during the night but if you need any disputes settled just ask Leo or Drake they will act as the third-party end the dispute I am currently planning an attack on a goblin camp and if I wasn't I would have acted as the third party to help end the dispute" I smiled as three elderly man seem to not it but the elf spoke up again "alright thank you no who else lives with in this village?" This question seemed to catch the dwarfs attention as well "well era there are my men and the caravan master and his people now including you 3 and your family's that's it" this caught era off-guard I guess he was expecting more in the terms of a population but it didn't seem to affect the dwarves very much "now we do not have a mine so and your family to have to start working on that you can put it anywhere as long as it's close to the fort so we can quickly get there if bandits attack " delavan the dwarf who did not speak begin to move to look around I'm guessing he's looking for a good spot to dig drilling bound politely to me as he chased after his brother probably the help or to drag his butt back the elf era look disgusted at the doors which kind of made me figure about The stereotype between elves and dwarves hate each other was pretty accurate in this world I began to make my way back to the fortress and think to myself "now I need to practice necromancy some more I have mastered the create undead spell the raise dead spell and the necrotic cloud spell I have mastered three spells already I need to master this link between me and paarthurnax that way I can get another blink spell token" as I was thinking to myself another thought popped into my head "the goblin tribe right I do need to take care of them they did attack the village that champion could be very useful" as I was thinking about the goblin champion a page opened up in my face and it was a kind of a character sheet of the goblin champion it read" goblin champion class fighter HP 150 out of 70 stamina 100 out of 100 magica 15 out of 25  status suffering from three minor wounds and one major wound" this surprise me considering this never happened before play part a smile to my face and then I began to think about why this happened "maybe it's because they're not part of my group it's just a quest pretty much or is it because everyone else is just afraid of me and trying to survive and they are actually the true allies I have well besides the caravan master who I brainwashedso there's pretty much no chance of him betraying me or at least surviving the betrayal anyway" that's what I thought about this I figured I should probably go to the goblin champion as I looked at the care sheet once again I know there's a few things I didn't read "understands basic language has advanced training in one-handed weapons equipped  greatsword" this was confusing if you had advanced training in one-handed weapons why is he using a two handed weapon I quickly begin to make my way in the bear but then once again I noticed something but it was closer to the name on this sheet "anointed by no one" I spoke out "system I have a question" the happy sound of system was made and she appeared in my vision "what is your question my friend?" I spoke, and clearly I was really curious on what this anointed thing was "what does anointed mean?" This content system off guard I guess she wasn't expecting me to ask that question "well my friend anointed is when the monster has formed a spiritual bond with a human Master of the dwarf elf and other races typically cobalts or anointed by a dragon since they serve dragons faithfully they are really the only creatures that become anointed this concept of anointed is not a magic it is a spiritual contract one that cannot be broken until it has been fulfilled for anointing creature their Master's orders are absolute they will never disobey or betray their master for the anointing serving their Master is their only purpose in life" this caught me by surprise then I looked up to system "what can be gained from anointing a monster?" system made a few sounds and seemingly answered like she wasn't even there which was unusual "there are very few things that you can gain from anointing a monster because of the disadvantages if post is on the master for naughty creature they gained all the magic that their master has at their disposal and it weakens the magic of the master anointed creatures also gain 200 more HP get an increase in strength and defense by 25% and increases their stamina by 50% well the master gets a decrease in all stats by 5% your maximum HP is decreased by 25 points finally the anointed creature can go through something called monster rebirth which is similar to evolution except for the fact that you need multiple monsters and fuse them all together to create a reborn monster their stats get a 10% boost depending on the strongest staff that each monster used as ingredients in the referral such as a minotaurs best stat would be strength" this caught my interest I could create monsters beyond all imagination but the issue is I would need more monsters to do so "system does all monsters during that time need to be anointed or just one?" system made a series of noises as they spoke again in they're cold and dead tone "no only one monster needs to be anointed" this brought a smile to my face meaning I could just capture other monsters and use them as fuel to increase any monster I choose to anoint this could be very useful in the future "thank you system you may go back to sleep" system disappeared I was making my way to the barracks where the goblin champion was being kept and tended to let's see what can we plan...