
Dungeons, Gods and Immortals

Pizza_overlord · Juegos
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: The Immortal's Revenge

Chapter 1: The Immortal's Revenge

It was another boring day in the small village of Pinea, the sun was still high in the sky illuminating the world with its brilliance, and villagers were out and about engaging in their daily duties and small talks, little kids could be seen running around playing in the sand.

Then Suddenly a proud yet majestic voice reverberated in the air,

"Pinea today you've been judged guilty of harboring a fugitive of the three big sects!"

"And your punishment is... Death!"

Then it happened as the villagers were exchanging puzzled looks over the outrageous declaration when a violent gust of wind abruptly blew above the village, then a ginormous shadow cast over the entire village and blotted out the sun, several specks of shimmering dots that got bigger and bigger as they grew closer appeared above.

Those respledent lights transformed into powerful towering immortal beings that descended from the sky like comets, and with them came flesh-eating flames that laid waste to the villagers below.

The entire village plunged into chaos as many villagers scattered in different directions trying to escape and protect their loved ones amidst chaos, all to no avail as the survivors were sharply cut down by the blades of the emotionless immortals.

The flames that seemed to be from the deepest parts of purgatory raged everywhere and continued to spread, heart-wrenching screams soon resounded in the air and filled the area with pure terror and anarchy

several small huts couldn't stand the tumultuous wind that was blowing and were uprooted from the ground, some directly crumbling into countless bits under the pressure of mighty attacks.

The once so peaceful village of 'Pinea' was covered with smoke that created a cloud that covered the village.

The hellish scene that unfolded transformed the tiny remote village into what seem to be like another branch of hell on the surface as the temperature around the land rose to an unbearable degree.

In no time most of the buildings and people in Pinea had perished under the sheer power of men of unknown origins, What was left behind was a small hit at the extreme corner of Pinea.

Li Fei slowly walked out of her hut on this eerie unfaithful morning with a face wrapped with sorrow, she was faced with the sight that sent chills down her spine and made her soul quiver.

It was a scene that gave her a sense of Deja Vu of the moment everything was taken from her, decades ago when she was a kinder, pure girl with a very loving family.

The treasured relic of her clan simply called the treasures Orb, it had been passed down from generation to generation and used as a tool for testing the talent of the younger generation in the clan caught the eye of a spiteful man with immense power.

The patriarch of the divine flame sect!

At the time her parent had naively refused to hand over the relic thinking everyone was upright as them and could be bargained with, what they failed to understand was that in this world only strength matters.

It was a mistake that ended up costing them everything including their lives as the patriarch, who was not used to being rejected in his outrage rained down the flames of hell wiping out the entire village in a single night!

The scorching heat of those flames was one she could still feel crawling on her skin every passing night, The screams and cries of agony of her parents as they burned into ashes while ensuring her safe escape remain engraved in her mind and tormented her till this day.

It was an experience that changed her and made her embrace Wickedness and all its evil ways as she sought to devour the divine flame sect that took her family with the flames of her wrath, by a mere stroke of luck she discovered the brilliance of treasure orb during her lonely travels.

She discovered it wasn't just limited to testing a person's cultivation talent, but also capable of capturing the talent of others and transferring it to her making her cultivation journey one filled with continuous breakthroughs and endless killing in search of talents.

With the help of the great might of the treasure orb, she had managed to grow into a freakishly talented and powerful cultivator and was able to lay waste to the entire divine sect that destroyed her home since then she had steadily grown after engaging in several battles robbing countless geniuses of their talent.

Unfortunately, she committed a very grave sin which lead of to all her troubles.

The Sin of letting an enemy slip out.

Even though she had taken precautions to form a barrier around the entire sect with a powerful formation, her desire for revenge had consumed her and in a moment of distraction massacring the sect members madly, the terrified patriarch of the divine flame sect sacrificed the lives of several elders to break out of her formation, managing to escape with his life...

As the saying went, the riches of the innocent make them guilty.

As it turned out the patriarch remembered her from ten years ago when his lustful eyes were set on her, he remembered how unremarkable she was as a child who had now grown to the level of being a huge threat to his life in a matter of ten years, it didn't take him long for him to connect the dots and concluded the treasure Orb was one even more amazing than he had been led to believe, it was capable of raising talents, unfortunately, there was no hope for him to acquire it now that he had lost his entire sect.

So he chose to borrow the hands of more powerful sects to deal with her, he wasn't stingy with the information and leaked out the exaggerated truths of her rise. and about the great origins of the treasure orb.

From what she heard, he labeled the relic of her clan a divine treasure forged by the 'Absolute of Taking' himself, a supreme being at the very peak of power itself among the myriad realms, and that the treasure orb was capable of raising talents with no side effect.

Sure enough, the Three big sects caught the bait! which powerful sect didn't seek out ways to relentlessly improve their younger generation and their peak level combatant's talent regardless of how inhumane the method was, no one. It was a surefire way to improve their strength exponentially, how could anyone say no to that?

Therefore as soon as they found out millions of disciples were dispatched to hunt her down a month ago, and since then her days had been droughted with endless struggles trying to survive the onslaught of greedy men.

Until they finally caught up with her days ago, heavily injured her, and chased her down to this remote village.

She felt incredibly guilty seeing the corpse littering the street of a village of kindhearted people that welcomed her with open arms, most of all she was filled with anger she never imagined that these hateful bastards who go so low as to wipe out an entire village to prove a point.

The second thing she caught sight of was the over hundred disciples of the three sects all exuding terrifying auras not much weaker than hers, the men in front especially the three Old men leading them were visibly more powerful than her, with this set up in front of her there was no hope for escape and the only question was was she going to stop resisting and die quietly, heck no!

Her mind was made up she was going to take down as many of these green men as she could.

Especially that bastard, standing by the corner who had been torn in her flesh for years and had visited her in her dreams every night since her parent died, the only survivor and former patriarch of the Divine flame sect.

As if sensing her hateful gaze filled with bloodlust, the Old thin Man in the crowd felt a sense of panic arose in his heart, cold bead sized sweat covered his face however he didn't shrink back in fear, he was surrounded by thousands of people as stronger and even stronger than her, was there a need to fear her - of course not.

Thinking Up to this point the Old thin Man Lips curled into a sinister smile, he raised his nose and met her gaze with an arrogant look as if he was saying - you are strong, so what? didn't a weakling like me still take away your family and orchestrate your downfall today?

He looked very arrogant and untouchable with his nose raised in the air.

Unfortunately, he underestimated the deep hatred she had for him.

Li Fei wasn't going to let him leave her alive, That bastard started everything since it was a foregone conclusion that she would die here, it was only right that on the day of her death he would accompany her to the afterlife.