
Dungeons & Dragons: Strixhaven A Curriculum Of Chaos

Jeong Yung loves Dungeons & Dragons. But when he dies on his way to a D&D tournament he finds himself waking up as the character he made for the game! His first campaign? Strixhaven, a school for magic and knowledge. But deep beneath the beautiful exterior is a threat waiting to shroud the school in darkness. Can our poor Jeong stop it? I am the Dungeon Master and I say he can't. Oh well.

CaramelCam26 · Otras
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9 Chs


The Bilioplex was a large domed building and it was the grand library of the campus. Me and Miri entered and the first thing I noticed were the majestic archways and tomes seemingly stacked for miles. There was an infectious energy within the library as students piled in mingling laughing and talking.

But I was so confused. Where were we supposed to go?

"You coming?" Miri asked stopping to look back at me. I nodded. "Just don't know where we are going." I said.

"Wait. Did you not read the acceptance letter? It said we had to go to the Hall of Oracles." Miri said.

Ah. Choal you did not tell me about this!

[I forgot.]

Oh how dare you!

I followed MIri into a giant room. The walls were covered in ancient symbols and students were already gathering inside filling the place. In the middle stood a huge glowing ball of light. Something like liquid energy fell from it into a small pool below. "What the hell is that?" I asked.

"A snarl. A mass of magic energy." Miri answered grinning. We kept going squeezing through the crowd. "This is so exciting!" Miri squealed once we reached the front. I nodded smiling. But something was bugging me. 

'Choal is Miri a Player?' I asked the System.

[Please stand by.]

There was a ding a few seconds later.


I was internally screaming in joy. Finally, another Player! But I could ask her about that later. The more pressing issue was the crowd which was abruptly moving. They seemed to be parting , trying to avoid something. Or someone. "What's going on?" Miri asked as the hall was filled with murmurs and whispers. 

I pushed my way to the gradually growing circle in the middle of the crowd and saw what exactly they were avoiding. It was a tall boy with light brown skin. He had dark blue dreads pulled into a ponytail. He was wearing leather pants and a brown leather tunic. 

"Why are they avoiding him?" I whispered. Miri shrugged. "Does it matter? We don't discriminate!" She said before taking my arm and pulling me to the boy. The boy tilted his head as if he was listening and then turned to us. "What do you want?" He asked. I noticed that his eyes were closed. What was that for? As we got closer I could see numerous scars on his arms and neck. his voice was gravelly and had a deep cadence to it. It was kinda hot.

"Hi there! I'm Miri and this is Peren. We noticed the crowd avoiding you and decided to come say hi." Miri said grinning. The boy frowned. "I-I'm Lart." The boy, Lart, said. I smiled and flashed a peace sign while Miri nodded. "So why is everyone here parting before you like the Red Sea?" i asked. Both Lart and Miri looked at me like I was crazy. "What the hell is the Red Sea?" Lart asked and I sighed remembering that the bible and Moses don't exist in this world.

"Why does everyone seem scared of you?" I asked, annoyed. The crowd was watching us in rapt silence. "Well, it's because of what I am." Lart said, his tone laced with bitterness. "And what exactly are you?" Miri asked rocking back and forth. I had noticed that she couldn't seem to stand still.

Lart sighed and suddenly his hair moved. I stepped back and Miri looked on in surprised silence. Those weren't dreads at all. Dreads don't hiss at you. Those were snakes.

"I'm a Gorgon." Lart said. He sounded miserable. "So that's why your eyes are closed. You're trying not to turn someone to stone by accident." Miri said sadly. i had been thinking the same thing. But why couldn't Lart just get sunglasses? Oh right. No sunglasses in this world yet.

Goddamn it. 

"People just look at me and know. And it hurts...but I'm used to it." Lart said, giving us a small smile as the crowd's attention was drawn to the snarl. 

"Attention, students." A voice was emanating from the snarl of glowing energy. So it functioned like a loudspeaker at a normal school...

"As you are now Strixhaven University students, this storied Biblioplex will be your second home for research, studies, and even leisure. There is just one task to accomplish before you officially embark on your academic journey-a scavenger hunt!"

There were murmurs and gasps of surprise throughout the entire hall. Suddenly a piece of parchment appeared in front of me. On it were a list of riddles.

"The rules are simple gather all the items that the clues indicate and bring them back before the end of the day. You may work alone or in teams. Now off you go!" Instantly students began running around finding. teams and heading to the locations that seemed like the right place for the items.

Ok, now I just need to find a team...

"Alright! We got this!" Miri grinned before grabbing my arm and pulling me towards her. Despite his noise of protest she did the same to Lart. "I-I won't be a good addition to the team. You guys can do this al-" He didn't finish due to Miri covering his mouth. "No. You are a great addition. I was actually wondering how the hell you have been navigating with your eyes closed."

I frowned. That was a good question.

"I'm sending vibrations through the ground and when those vibrations reach something or someone they bounce off." Lart explained.

"Ooooh...." Miri whispered. 

I shook my head. I was playing with children. Pure children.

[Important message! There is an individual who has targeted you!]

[Intent: Unknown.]

What the hell was this? Individual targeting me. And their intent was unknown. 'Choal please explain.' I thought.

[There is no info that I can give at this time.]

I cursed and glanced around. I happened to turn towards one dark corner of the hall and noticed something. There was a tall boy leaning against the wall half hidden by shadow. And he was staring in my direction intensely.

Was that the individual? Not knowing what else to do I waved.

The boy didn't react. Hmm. Maybe I'd get to know him later.

"Peren, can you pay attention?" Miri said, startling me. I smiled sheepishly. "Sorry." I said. "What did ya'll figure out?" 

Miri stared at me for a few seconds before shaking her head. "The first clue was 'You'll forget all about any trouble or plight when you step forward and are ensnarled by the light.' Considering the only source of light in here is the snarl and the clue says ensnarled we think thats where we'll find our item."

"Well lead the way." I said and the three of us approached the giant ball of enery in the middle of the hall.

Lart needs more friends. He's a lonely gorgon...

CaramelCam26creators' thoughts